greetings dear hearts…


it has been a few days since i have communicated

with you……….in this way…

however…my communication with you

is on-going……all you need do is think

of me and i am with you….


you see precious…precious hearts….

love waits on ~your~ welcome…



i am but love

and i wait for you to open the palms…

to open the windows of your heart

and allow me to enter…


yes…it has always been your choice…

it is the universal way dear one's…

perfect love awaits your call….!!!!!!!


last night…denisa prepared a space for me to enter…

i came to her and "filled" her essence with

liquid light……..i filled her with joy

as she felt me enter….

she came and met me at the rivers bank…

together…………….we walked into the river and

stood directly in the middle……..allowing the free

flowing waters movement thru our shared heart of love…


if you could but think of each arising

no matter how it appears

as being one with this free flowing river of love

all apart of the grand tapestry

that is ………….IS….bringing a heaven…

that is bringing your golden age into view


if you could know how each arising

is "love" waiting for ~your~ welcome…


ahhhhhhhhhh….we may have "appeared" to be

two bodies…

yet i say unto you "we were one"

out of our intention to be and extend perfect love..

that is what ~joins us~ as one….!!!!!!!!


even though we appeared to be in a body…there was

nothing within us to constrict this free flowing movement

of love thru us into the consciousness of the waters of love..


as we dropped pebbles of unconditional love

into all of creation

denisa because aware that unconditional love

of what is arising from within and without

allows for her to be the vertical axis..

it is the essence of true and conscious co-creation …


it is the way home…precious ones…


you see dear ones…

you are beginning to remember

who you are…

you are gods heart..

and you are all that god is…

yes…………..that very power of light and love

abides alive and ablaze within your heart center



i would ask of you to see yourself

as loves vortex…

open both at the bottom and at the top

of your perception of your energy field…


what this means is that by grace… as love…

you allow all that arises within you

to be loved by your godself…

you allow all that you see outside of you

to be in an absolute state of neutrality..

yet………within that choice there is another choice

to be made…….

it is to claim for yourself loves presence…


dear one's…

this is the way of the mystic…this is the "pathway"

to experiencing loves presence

for it is always here…

i may repeat again…… waits on ~your welcome~


it is your free choice to choose for love

within all moments

and to know that it ~will be your experience~

because you as that spark of light

have chosen for it…


this is your mastery….this is your life…

this is the way……….


for how can you discover for yourself

that there is only love

if you first don't discover how you

"veil its presence"….?????


re read these words from our last pathway..

it is for you to practice  being perfect love

that "swings open the doors" that will lead

you within the many mansions of our fathers love…


what is it then to be perfect love???

it is to see all ……….all as you…

to bring your love to all of you

by "seeing only that christed light

within each arising……….


this is the true understanding of one-ness…

you are one with god………containing all that god is..

and all of your brothers and sisters

are that very same essence of love…


no matter what the body may be showing you

look for what is real….


you …each and everyone of  you

are growing…expanding the soul

of Christ…


~when i say that the veil is blocking

the presence of love

that presence is you ~


when you let go of all the false beliefs

about you

that have held you in bondage

you will "know yourself to be whole and complete"…


the perfect extension of the love that god is

and that love desires to move thru you

as the free flowing waters of grace

that touch the furthest of shores…


love is asking you to be its

"hands and its feet"

by "being it" and making it your greatest desire

to have no resistance to its presence…


for who could you be resisting

but Y ourself…..


be at peace

and know from the depths of your being

that you are so deeply and totally loved

simply because you ~are~…


with that…precious…precious hearts..i bid you adieu…


i am the voice of love…..



(i feel  his presence today so deeply…

it is such an honor to share these words with

all of you this day….there is much here

if we choose to practice retraining our mind

to think ~with~ love…)


if you would like to join this email list simply send me

an email………….feel free to share these wherever

you feel the desire……….