Dr Michael Wolf – Case Validation by Philippe de la Messuziere COMETA associate 2011

Neil Gould, founder of Exopolitics Hong Kong, Director of the Exopolitics Institute interviews French aristocrat Philippe de la Messuziere; friend and confidant of the late Dr Michael Wolf [Kruvant]; a scientist associated with the secret government. First hand witness testimony from Philippe brings forth amazing disclosures about ETs working with Humans in underground bases, Dr Wolf cloning a human from his own biological material and a picture of an ET called Kolta photographed with his ET boss in reflection; at Dr Wolf's apartment. Philippe met Kolta and describes his ET biological makeup including his neurological advantages. This film is the definitive back breaker of the debunking campaign [Cointelpro] against the revelations of Dr Michael Wolf [Kruvant]. Debunking of this story continues today – Filmed with an Iphone