God said:

When you have an idea, act on it. At least, don’t be so quick to dismiss your ideas. Give them a chance.

New ideas always seem far-fetched until they are accepted. Be the accepter of your own ideas.

Sometimes you have a thought of doing something nice for someone, and you dismiss it. You start to think it’s silly. The truth is that it may be the most useful thought you’ve had all day. It is always right to do a kindness.

You may begin to think that the person you would do this for might think you’re odd. You do not do a kind act based on what the receiver of your kindness will think. You do a kind act because I have asked you to. I have woken you up to the concept that you want to do something out of the ordinary for someone. Now I am waking you up to the fact that, if you think of it, it is yours to do. Come out of the vise of dailiness that you have squeezed yourself into. Do something different. Do something you have never done before. Astonish yourself with the truth of yourself. Bless yourself by blessing others. This is your birthright. It is your birthright to come off the back burner.

Now turn your light on. It is not the limelight you seek. It is not the limelight you get. You simply let the lighted being you are be seen. Turn that switch of love on. And leave it on. Switch no more. Let your light stay on. It will not seem so out of the way to you as it may seem now. Get used to making others happy and, consequently, yourself.

If you were God, and all were your children, what would you do, and how would you do it?

If you were a benefactor to all on Earth, what would you be thinking about?

If you could really accept what you are made of and what you are here for on Earth, how would you be different? Why aren’t you it now? There is no future in putting off the inevitable. The inevitable is your giving joy. The more joy you give, the more joyous you are.

You have put the cart before the horse. You have been looking to receive love when it is your place to give it. Can I say it more clearly than that?

This is not to say that you make yourself a martyr. It isn’t that everyone comes before you. It’s just that you recognize yourself in others. You are not a patsy. Others do not rule you. You rule yourself. You may think you are giving someone else a break. You may think you are giving someone else a gift. You are giving yourself a break. You are giving yourself a gift. The gift of kindness you give is the natural next step. You do not give over yourself. You give of yourself.

Maybe your kindness sometimes is not to have to let those you find unlovely know that you find them unlovely. You don’t have to be their best friend. You can shed a little light on them. That’s all.

And when your heart is full for some people, don’t repress yourself. Enlighten yourself. It is natural for you to love. You are not trying to make amends. You are not trying to get a high score. You simply are being Who you really are when you are done with the shackles that bind you.