Come and be  ~in love~  with  Me….
Enter the heart and know that its essence
is breathing you….it is You …that which you are eternally
breathing  you…

Its essence is who you truly are…
When you live from this "space" of love
you expand what the heart Is…
the Heart allows all things…
the heart embraces all things
thus bringing them to their true state of neutrality….
the Heart chooses ~with~ love and allows
love to flow thru unimpeded….
the Heart transcends all things
as it chooses for
the Heart sees all things within the singular eye
seeing only the face of Christ within all arisings
knowing that there Is Nothing Else…
knowing that all else it might think it sees
is a false projection it has placed over the
face of love that stands before it…
the Heart speaks only to that same essence
within another…acknowledging only that truth
within all things…
for the Heart knows that there is only love here…
it opens it  doors to all and brings all within
its eternal flame of love…
We come to you often in the form of pictures
and within these pictures we come with
our arms open and our palms extended upward…
our arms open is the symbol of embracement of the world…
it symbolizes the Open Heart…
Our palms up is the symbol of receiving  the love
that is available to us…to you
at all times…
to receive …to extend….that which  eternally  Is…
~love is eternally connected to itself~
You are Love…
You are eternally connected to the Self..
the truth of your being…
It longs to descend into your very beingness
and extend itself as you choose to remember
that you are….  ~eternally connected to it…~
the heart allows…knowing its innocence once again
it sees only that innocence within all…
the heart extends that which it Is eternally…
now it is for you to remember and practice
with diligence and commitment
bringing each and every thought that arises within you
into this cauldron of love…..
You are the Heart…
It is Who You Are…
so…dear precious ones
practice Being You…!!!
~The Voice of Love ~

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