Stepping fully into this now moment, I see the vibrational reality all around me… I close my eys… I open them… I close them I open them… when I look very quietly at the edges of the leaves I see a faint shimmer and if i look closer i can see the, aura… that is the word it is given. Life Energy. I see it on people and animals and places and situations, even. There is a signature intention behind it. I have hypothesized now for some time about these experiences I have been having, yet find i don’t need proof. I have Faith… the determined belief in something even though there may not be tangible evidence of it. It is the knowing…

In relating this I merely convey past experience, with no attachment to any future outcome, nor intention for it to continue in my life. It is important to see, however, a lesson hard won on peaceful terms from countless hours of meditation and journey. Those times I awoke to the day and got into the daily unconscious “grind” without bringing myself into Alignment with my Authentic Self and the Loving Timeline, I found disharmony all around. I would look into my surroundings and see grey and lifeless and that would be my experience. Thoughts would often descend from there and as I was learning, I sometimes spent some time in those darker places. But therein lies a Truth… each time I experienced those darker times, I realized that I was the one who got me there… Nothing else… Just me.

Another insight… That place can be very self-perpetuating if I believe in it. If I participate in that discussion, either externally with words or internally with thoughts and imagination…. Well then, I am just creating more of it. And I have come to see that I don’t like that place… Go figure, huh… I didn’t have much fun there, and creativity was non-existent, things wouldn’t work…Does any of this ring a bell? Well, getting out of it is a steady determination to consistently reclaim your power and Authentic Energy lost while misaligned. Give Total Personal Responsibility to all your thoughts, words and actions…. Forgive and let go. Drop the resistance and begin to feel everything coming into alignment. Focus not on linear time, but rather stay present and feel each breath washing freshness and vitality into the core of your being building the column of light that is your central channel.

I have come to know that it is all Love… Everything is made of Love, Source Energy manifest in interpretive cognition. When I drop every pre-judicial or biased thought, release every notion of reality I have ever had and come completely and unequivocally into the present moment, it is right there in front of all of us to see. Love is Creation…

So, I ask… Why would I want to spend any time at all in a state of being that is other than Love?

How full is your tank? If you had a gauge that registered the level of Love your were carrying, what would it read?

Be Honest… Go inside for a moment and look. You know how much Love you have stored up inside you right now… When I looked, those times that descent occurred, my Love meter was blinking E… I was empty and it showed in my world around me… And as I continued to participate in the world around me in that state, I received a mirrored reflection of my internal state.

Enough said…

know what it takes to fill up… and I do it. I make sure to always top off every chance I get. I must take care of myself, first… No, that is not selfish… That is Love. Because I have learned that participating on the Loving Timeline brings about “goodness” in my life, abundance and joy, I choose to do so.. I know what works and it is up to me to do it.

Do you know how to fill your cup? If so, are you doing it? If not, then find out… and begin. Your reality will change. Your experience will be of your dreams, rather than a nightmare. You will experience Universal Love and you will begin to carry a peaceful and compassionate vibration within you that the whole of the Universe will embrace…

Much Love to you on your Journey!


the Buffalo Diaries