by Nancy Lazaryan

Indian Creek, Eastpoint Florida
January 19, 2011
John Hutchison and Nancy Lazaryan have been treating the BP oil polluted waters of the Gulf of Mexico using audio and radio frequencies. In January 2011 they were invited to "set up shop" at Sportsman's Lodge, East Point, Florida.
The property is a pennisula bordered by East Bay (Gulf of Mexico) and Indian Creek. Indian Creek has been highly polluted for years from the dumping of raw sewage into it by Eastpoint Water Treatment. Indian Creek acts as a resonance chamber (wave guide). The audio and radio frequencies bounce back and forth within the creek, building strength, and are then sent out with the tide into the Gulf of Mexico. This video includes close up and slow motion shots of the actual frequencies breaking apart a "slime goo" that entered the creek with the tide.

Scientific evaluation and review by BP, the EPA and local and federal agencies has been repeated requested by Hutchison, yet there has been no response. Chemical analysis of before and after samples of the water prove this method removes the oil BP suspended in the water column by use of Corexit (dispersants).

More video available at:​cleanthegulf

Hutchison Frequencies Gulf of Mexico Jan 19, 2011 from Nancy Lazaryan on Vimeo.