blessed…blessed hearts
you have entered a period of what i shall
refer to as the turning….
a grand time of exciting discoveries
and a grand time of change…
yes….you have all from the depths of your being
asked for change………and what the "son"
decrees IS…

over these last few years many of you
have returned to the remembrance of what
it truly is to live within the heart..
you have grown in your knowingness of my words
~only love is real~
you have been made "ready" for this turning
this shift………this bringing in of the golden age
i want to address the topic of chaos this day
so as to lift your eyes …………..open your heart
into that place of the heart that knows
all is well within all arisings…
dear precious hearts…
chaos is as much a part of god as peace..
you have arrived within a new frequency
and within this "reality" all is One Thing…
all is one thing……….energy in motion…
god in motion…………love in motion…
and so as these times will bring forth much
change…………..i come to you to speak softly
within your soul and allow you to feel the love
that is there waiting for you…
come within and visit me often…recline in this
space of love and "feel" the peace
that surrounds us……that bathes us in its grace
and light…
out of the chaos precious ..precious friends
new creation is rising forth…
love is the only power……..love heals all things..
i come forth this day to remind you of this truth
i come forth this day to remind you to
~bring your love~ to all chaos
….simply seeing all events thru the eye of love
will keep you in that place of peace…that knowingness
that          love is in charge and that all is well…
all souls ………….all of the One
are participating in this grand turning
and each have chosen a certain path for themselves
that will allow them to gain the highest levels
of soul growth…
see all within this eye of the heart..
for they are all ……each and every one are
carried and embraced within this heart..
love each other………..share your joy…
the grandest service you can give to this turning
of the "whole of creation"
is to bless it all with the power of love
that abides within you…
 consciously bathe all arising events
in ~love~…
feel the power that is within you now
that can transform and heal all things…
practice being with this power that abides
within you…………..dissolve all "gaps"
between where you think you are and
the truth of your very existence right
here where i am…
take some time each day to bathe in the sunlight..
to listen to the birds singing of the love of god..
know that you create your experience and it is
your choice as to how you will experience
this turning………..
to allow………embrace…………extend love
from within
will bring you the peace you seek…
dear hearts……….remember these words
i have spoken often with many channels
and thru many venues…
~there is no-thing that exists that is
outside of love~
therefore…..if you exist…you must be
what god is…
to love as god is to see all things
within this heart of love
precious…precious hearts
oh………let nothing be outside
of your love… the moment you judge
what is arising you take yourself
out of the heart of love…. yet as you love
all arisings you bring all within the heart…
that is the power that is within you NOW…
this practice will bring to you
that which you seek…
for from this practice
~love reveals itself to you~
now wouldn't that be a wonderful desire…
~that love reveal itself to me~
as i choose for love within all things…
ahhhhhhhhhhhh….live from that heart felt space
dear ones……….carry that flame of love
and bring all within it………
i love you……….i am with you always..
if you would desire to be added to this emai l list
simply send me a message and i will add you
in love……..be the love you already are…!!