“There is no force stronger than the strength of a woman determined to rise”,  Anahata Katkin.

Happy Winter Solstice!  Let us discuss the goddess Kali for a
moment.  As I have stated in my previous post, she is the hostess of
this current portal (12/12-12/21) which will glide us into the winter
season of 2009-2010 and beyond to 2012.  In the Hindu religion, we are
in the “Age of Kali”. ”The Age of Kali is the natural ending of the
world in the fourth age.  It is one of a series of changes, each of
which marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another creation
(Dee Finney) cycle. The Hindu’s believe that this current cycle of moral
deprivation will close during the reign of  their 10th avatar.  Thus
far we have seen 9 avatars, all incarnations of the Great Hindu God and
Preserver named Vishnu.  The 7th avatar was Rama, the 8th was Krishnu
and the 9th was Buddha.  When the 1oth avatar appears, he will come as
one who will lead humanity to a Golden Age.  At that time, Kali’s work
will be complete and she will return to her origins.

In the Hindu mythology, Kali, the Great Destroyer, originated from
the third eye of Durga, the Great Hindu Mother/Warrior.  Durga had been
called to battle by the lesser gods as they were losing a war to the
titans. ”Durga arrived in all her splendor riding a white lion.  She had
ten arms, each bearing a magical weapon in which to wage war. She had
ten faces, each displaying a serene calm. She became the center of a
cyclonic force of destruction in this battle .  She wounded the Asurga
King, who was her main opponent.  As his blood spilt onto the earth,
each drop became a clone of himself.  The more fierce Durga attacked,
the quicker the reproduction of the asurga.  In her frenzy, Durga then
opened her brow and released her greatest and most gruesome weapon-
Kali.With the fierce passion of a mad mother protecting Her children,
Kali began to eat and consume the asurga army.  The remaining, surviving
army dispersed; defeated and demoralized; thus, peace was restored to
the Heavens.  Once again, Vishnu ruled harmoniously.

The asurgas are the manifestation of malevolent masculine energies
run amok. They are the brutish, coercive aspects of the Cosmos.  In this
story, Kali is a Saviouress despite Her frightening appearance. She
enters as “Queen of the Battle” in order to quench the demon-fires that
ravages the heavens (and by fallout, our world). Her  main strength is
her ability to consume. This is an important point. Kali is the
powerful, hungry feminine. The consumption of the masculine is therefore
necessary and transformative.” (adapted from a compilation by Dee


In our modern world, Kali is here to consume the patriarchal systems
that have wrecked havoc on our biosphere. The powerful, hungry feminine,
weakened and tired from centuries of abuse, has risen to reclaim her
Throne.   Our patriarchal era, which has ruled the planet for the last
5125 years, was officially over as of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. 
It is important to understand though, as one age blends into another,
we slowly evolve out of the constructs and laws that have governed that
particular age.  It is not as if one era is suddenly done on a magic
date.  No, it takes a moment to grow out of one era and into another. 
As of the Harmonic Convergence, the energies of the Aquarian New Age
have been stronger than the previous Piscean Age energies (the scales of
justice have finally tipped towards a more harmonious world).   
Currently, the last and most powerful vestiges of the patriarch have
hung on strongly, fighting for life.  Unfortunately (or rather,
fortunately) these systems are about to encounter their death dance. 
Imagine, like anything fighting for its existence- this last battle will
be intense.   We are in the concluding act of all patriarchal
systems. Let us then welcome the final curtain call on all corrupt
governmental systems, monetary manipulation, unethical profit-driven
businesses, erroneous calendars & false time, stagnant & dead
beauracracies, outmoded social paradigms, obsolete marriage contracts,
constricting & confining rules, and anything which chooses to
control, posses or enslave another.  Let us bear witness to Kali’s wild
performance as she sends the old patriarchal energies into its death

Spiral Galaxy

Some of you may be thinking- impossible!  How is all this
going to change in such short time?  I once again draw you back to the
Mayan Calendar evolutionary theory and the powerful alignments of
December 21, 2012 (three short years from now)!
According to Carl Calleman we are about to enter the 9th evolutionary phase of creation (February 2011).  A period where conscious development will progress at a rate unimaginable to our minds.
With this celestial speed-up, I imagine, anything is possible.  We are
living and breathing the joker energy, the true wild card. In Calleman’s
theory, the calendar ends in 2011 and I hold Calleman in an esteemed
position in my heart and mind.  Yet, scholars of the Mayan Calendar have
split into 2 schools of thought- those that purport the calendar ends
in 2011 and those that believe in the media hyped 2012.  I do not care
to discuss this argument.  As one indigenous elder so eloquently stated,
“if the light workers are arguing- what hope is there?”  I believe
Calleman is correct in stating that the calendar ends on 2011 (both the I
Ching and the Aztec calendar says the world/cycles will close in
2011).  Possibly then we shall have a moment of grace, a planetary
limbo, a natural pause until 2012.  However, come the Winter Solstice of
December 21, 2012, powerful galactic and astronomical alignments are
destined to occur, certainly marking it a time in which my body
tingles with anticipation.  In fact, a cycle of 5,125 years will close
on December 21, 2012.  This cycle is contained within a grander cycle of
25,625 years.  This cycle is also contained within an even grander
cycle of 104,000 years which is contained in the greatest galactic cycle
of 220 million years.  All four cycles will commence to close on the
same date.  Cycles in cycles in cycles.  I have heard these alignments
called, “The Crucifixion of Earth on the Galactic Cross” or “The Great
Celestial Conjunction” due to its visual configuration in the sky.

I do not pretend to understand the future, nor do I care to make any
predictions, I simply listen to the voices of the indigenous elders.
 Recently having watched a preview of the movie, “A Shift of Ages” in
which a Guatemalan highland Mayan Elder discusses the calendar’s end
times and our Earth’s prophesied three days of darkness, I find it
necessary to bring this information to the forefront of our minds. He
says that approximately every 5200 years, an astrological
natural alignment occurs which causes the sun to be hidden from the
earth casting us into an eerie darkness for three days.  He says there
is absolutely nothing to fear in this event, but that it is something
worth welcoming with joy and reverence as it truly marks our birth and
glorious arrival into the “new sun” (read new age).  He stated that his
ancestors had left stories of those shifts…as the world goes into
darkness, the most important and sacred act was to keep the fire going,
literally, as one gathers with their loved ones and awaits the return of
the new sun
.  Interestingly enough, the Roman Catholics have the
same prophecy regarding the 3 days of darkness, only their religious
messages is to stay indoors, locked up, as one ought to be lighting
candles whilst praying for salvation & mercy, as the unrepentant
(out in the world) will go through a frightening battle for life.  I am
currently visiting in Los Angeles as I write this post, I can only
imagine the Catholic’s advice would be more appropriate in a city
environment of this type as the masses’ fear and hysteria will probably
turn to violence and unpredictability. Meanwhile, in the more
“primitive, simple” earth based societies and conscious communities,
contemplatively tending a fire can be expected.

Imagine then, if every 5200 years (or 5125 years) the earth goes dark
for three days due to a galactic cycle as is being prophesied.  What do
you suppose “special” happens every 25,625 years? every 104,000 years? 
Every 220 million years?  And what do you suppose happens when all
these dates line up?  Can you now begin to understand the immensity of
our times?  Can you begin to comprehend how the hologram can indeed
radically shift?  In order for our current hologram to shift as
drastically as it must, a cataclysmic awakening must occur.  And it
shall. The alignments of 2012 will forever rearrange our consciousness. 
I believe the three days of darkness will occur on the 12/22 /12 to
12/24/12.  It seems like a necessary rite of passage in order to
integrate the earth’s renewed brilliance codes which will usher in the
much awaited Golden Age.  It is important to begin to synchronize our
body, minds and spirit for such an event so that we shall be ready for
this intense realignment.  We must begin right now this solstice to
practice for the inevitable.  Having been pre-warned of our 3 days of
darkness, it is a time to ask yourself, how will I build my fire?  Do I
need to gather a three-day supply of wood? or a three-day supply of
candles?  Am I prepared for this dark night of the soul?  Beginning this
December 21, 2009, clear intention is being sent into the ethers for
compassion, peace and ease of transition as like-minded light workers
and spiritual seekers consciously connect on approximately the last 1100
days to 2012.

Over the next three years, as the Age of Kali concludes, as our
earth’s systems dismantle, as masses of misinformed humans become
increasingly hungry and full of rage in an unrealized response to the
increased ascension energies, we will crucially need to connect and
compassionately love each.  In closing, I would like to  call on
Kali to say, we salute you, as we thank you for your talent and power
to consume what is no longer needed!
We welcome this closing age. We
also now kindly invite Vishnu, in his cloak as the 10th avatar, to make
known his presence as so many of us have pushed open the gates of
heaven and are already walking into that promised Golden Age.


Navajo Sends all her readers the gift of tranquility and a small fire in this Holiday Season!

(I suggest reading more at www.galacticculture.wordpress.com)