What is going on in the Gulf of Aden?

I have followed this Gulf of Aden mystery for some time. Warships from almost every maritime nation on earth is gathering there for something… But for what? And why is it kept so secret? Now here is an interesting article about this mystery.


Source: http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1425.htm

"Vortex" Warned Is Creating Global
Weather Catastrophe

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A bizarre report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by Admiral Maksimov of
Russia’s Northern
states that a ‘mysterious
magnetic vortex’
currently centered in the Gulf of Aden has “defied” all the combined efforts of
Russia, The United States and China to shut it down, or even to ascertain its
exact origin or “cause for being”.

The Gulf of Aden is one of the most
vital waterways in the world located in the Arabian Sea between Yemen, on the south coast of the Arabian
Peninsula, and Somalia
in the Horn of Africa that sees over 21,000 ships sailing through its waters
each year.

According to this report, US scientists began noticing the “formation” of this vortex in late 2000,
after which the Americans established a base of operations on the Horn of
Africa in Djibouti,
the capital and largest city of the Republic
of Djibouti.  After the 9/11 attacks on America, Djibouti then became the home of
the Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA)
which is a joint task force of United States
Africa Command

After remaining ‘relatively stable’
since its discovery in November, 2000, this report continues, the Gulf of Aden
vortex began to “expand” in late 2008
prompting the United States to issue an “extraordinary”
warning to the entire world about this mysterious occurrence and which in
response the following Nations rushed their Naval Forces to this area: 

Australian Navy, Belgian Navy, Bulgarian Navy, Canadian Navy, Peoples
Liberation Navy (China), Royal Danish Navy, French Navy, German Navy, Greek
Navy, Indian Navy, Islamic Republic of Iran Navy, Italian Navy, Japan Maritime
Self-Defense Force, Republic of Korea (South Korea) Navy, Royal Malaysian Navy,
Royal Netherlands Navy, Pakistan Navy, Portuguese Navy, Royal Saudi Navy,
Russian Navy, Republic of Singapore Navy, Spanish Navy, Swedish Navy, Royal
Thai Navy, Turkish Navy, British Royal Navy and the United States Navy.

Using the pretext that these Naval Forces were needed to protect the Gulf of
Aden from Somalia
[who are actually nothing more than
lightly armed youngsters looking for food since this mysterious vortex has
destroyed their fishing waters],
Admiral Maksimov states in this report
that this buildup is the largest of its kind in human history and that Russia
is “prepared” to join with the
Americans to “defeat” what many world
officials believe is an attack upon our planet by “forces” previously unknown, but described as possibly being “inter-dimensional” or “extraterrestrial”.

Beginning earlier last month, this report continues, the Gulf
of Aden vortex began an “extraordinary”
series of “expansions” that for the
first time since its discovery were preceded by earthquake activity.  Important to note are that the estimated 40-60
occurring in the Gulf of Aden this past month are, also, the
first to have occurred in this region in all of modern recorded history.  

This report further states that all of these earthquakes have ranged between
4.5 and 5.4 on the Richter scale and almost all are on or around 10 km depth
and are “strangely” linked in timing
to the mysterious “reappearance” of the planet
Jupiter’s South Equatorial Belt stripe that “disappeared”
this past May.

Though the information contained in this report is being blacklisted among
all of the world’s mainstream media, the same cannot be said of alternative
news sites, some of which have speculated that the Gulf of Aden vortex may very
well be a “Stargate” opening up into
our world from a dimension and/or world we known nothing about.

One such site, The
Truth Behind The Scenes
, further notes: “Another
remarkable coincidence, or rather ‘synchronicity’ is that this series of
earthquakes (in the stargate) fell on the very day on
which the webbots and Time Wave Zero both[showed] a ‘tipping point’ indicated.”

Another such site, Danwi, from China,
states about the “Stargate”
hypothesis that: “Internet
users have recently been concerned with news about a
of Aden Stargate.” Rumors claim that as early as December 9, 2009, a spiral of
blue light, like a computer-generated image, suddenly appeared in the sky over
northern Norway.

a month after the spiral disappeared, a massive magnetic field that appeared in
the Gulf of Aden opened up a wormhole or “Stargate.” The rumor said that the
multinational military escort in the Gulf of Aden, ostensibly there to fight
Somali pirates, is actually working to explore the Stargate and distant
galaxies a million light years away.

Wang Sichao of the Purple Mountain Astronomical Observatory, an authority on
UFO research in China, said of the phenomenon: “The ‘Stargate’ theory is not
credible. It has no basis in astronomy or the facts.”

To what the truth is that lies behind this mysterious Gulf of Aden vortex it
is not in our knowing, other than to point out Admiral Maksimov’s warning in
his report that since these earthquakes have begun our planets Northern
Hemisphere’s jet stream as “nearly collapsed”
plunging vast regions of the world into weather chaos, and as we can read:

In Britain
their vast transportation system has ground to halt due to
unprecedented snow and cold, likewise in
where travel chaos has ensued due to abnormal snow and cold.  Sweden is reporting the
coldest temperatures it has experienced in over 100 years as China is rushing
to rescue thousands of herdsman trapped by their worst snowfall in 30 years
and is further reporting the deaths of over
70,000 farm animals
due to snow and cold.

The United
has also reported one of the most massive storm systems in its
history that for the past few days has blanketed nearly its entire landmass
with unprecedented amounts of rain.   

To the greatest fear of the United States, and other World Nations,
regarding this mysterious Gulf of Aden vortex, Admiral Maksimov’s report
surmises, is the public having knowledge of it due to a website named WikiLeaks
having in its possession nearly all of the secret diplomatic cables which it is
threatening to release, and should it do so would “undoubtedly” sow panic throughout the Globe.

So dangerous has WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange become that Interpol has
issued a ‘red
arrest warrant for his immediate capture in order to prevent
him from release the entire US “Gulf of
Aden Vortex”
file he currently has in his possession and China has taken
the extraordinary step of launching against his website the most ‘powerful’
cyber attack ever witnessed from a government against a private website. 

To what is contained in the United States
secret “Gulf of Aden Vortex”
file WikiLeaks has in its possession and is threatening to release it is not in
our knowing.

What is in our knowing though is what the ancients had to say about the Gulf
of Aden vortex, but which they described as the Eye of Ra (aka Eye of
Horus) [photo bottom left] that was
personified in the ancient Egyptian goddess Wadjet, a fierce goddess depicted
as a lioness warrior and protector, and as the sun goddess whose eye later
became the eye of Horus, the eye of Ra, and is also known as the Lady of Flame.

According to these ancient legends, should our human race ever threaten to destroy
the Earth, Wadjet would return in “righteous
through the “vortex” of
the Eye of Ra to do battle with those who are “defying” the gods and
their plans for humankind.

Not known to most people about this most powerful, and feared, ancient Egyptian
goddess, Wadjet, is that humanities oldest recorded religious celebration was
held in her honor and called the “Going Forth of Wadjet”, celebrated
for thousands of years, under too many different names and religious
incarnations to count, on December 25th, but called in today’s World

So, as we near another Christmas time in World, yet again, gone mad with war
and the lust for death, and as humanity struggles under the tyrannical yoke of
its elite masters enslaving them more and more as each day passes, and as too
many “signs” to mention in one
sitting begin to appear around us, one can wonder about what’s next to

© December 1, 2010 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this
report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its
original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their
intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these
reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth
changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal
strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to
know the truth.  Due to our missions
conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’
against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign
designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?.]


  1. bunch of bull

  2. To the comment below stating “a bunch of bull” How come the official temperatures are no way near the true temperatures ? I live in Lincolnshire, we are told by TV that the minimum temps are minus 5 at night. All my colleges at work have stated that their cars are recording early morning temps of minus 16 over the whole of the commute to Lincoln. Or are all the cars temp gauges incorrect by exactly the same amount ?

  3. Sucha Fail

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