Planet Earth and Enlightenment

Are there parts of the Earth that hold more light because of the people or spirits that reside there? 

are areas of the Earth that embrace more light and that have agreed to
be gateways for light, while other places have agreed to block the
light and hold shadow.  Be careful to avoid judgments about this. 
There are good reasons to continue to block out divine light.  For
instance, when more light is allowed, it becomes possible for people to
shift to a fifth dimensional perspective.  Once one has shifted into a
higher dimension, many earthly experiences lose their intensity or
become impossible.  You cannot enjoy food, have sex, cry, or leap and
run with the same intensity.  You cannot cut your skin and experience
the amazing, slow process of waiting for the skin to regrow
physically.  There are miracles in the third dimension that are
valuable and can only be experienced when you are fully in the third
dimensional experience.  Limitation brings intensity, for both pain and

There are many beings who are very interested and
still continue to do important work in the third dimension.  In order
to do this work, they are creating different levels at which to block
the light.  Every being is free to choose the level of light they work
with, regardless of the light surrounding them in any given place. 
Some choose to continue to work in third dimension, even though there
is suffering here.  This is work is courageous and exciting — it is
the reason you chose to be incarnated in a physical body!

On the
other hand, many are learning to straddle the third and fifth
dimensions, holding both the physical experience and a higher
perspective of it at the same time.  Still others yearn to shift fully
into the fifth dimension and struggle to live within the limitations of
physical reality.  You all have your place in working with light and
shadow, so there are different locations on the planet to hold light and
shadow for you.

You might notice you feel connected to certain
places on Earth in order to collect and learn from the energies there,
and the energies have much to do with the amount of light embraced by
people in that location.  Remember, anyone can incorporate and work
with as much light as they choose, regardless of their location.

Is the amount of light related to sacred places or power centers on Earth?

amount of light is related to physical power centers, but this does
not determine their power.  Power exists as both light and darkness. 
Often, intense power arises in the boundary between the two.  So a power
center is not always a place of light.

One way light can be
held is in the form of a vortex — an area on the planet where the
energy lines that create your realities cross or have a certain
relationship to each other that can manifest in many different ways
according to the energies of those particular lines.  There are also
portals, which are gateways through which fifth dimensional beings may
enter your realities.  There are also caverns or incubators, which are
areas where the space and the beings in that space have chosen to block
out light in various ways in order to incubate a certain kind of

A power center can be built consciously when people
call in the light through prayer and other practices.  A power center
can occur in a moment as people hold it, regardless of what physical
location exists around you.  For instance, you might be standing in a
hospital where there is no particular vortex or power center, but you
can create one with prayer by holding a space for Love.  Any spot on
Earth can become a cathedral through your practice and the way you
choose to hold Love in that place.

It can be powerful and
healing to locate and travel to the power centers on Earth but do
forget that you are a power center.  You hold the Light and your
capacity for Love is greater than any location on Earth.  This is where
your power lies — use it to build centers of light everywhere you
go!  (Dec 2010)

Copyright © Akashic Transformations 2005 – 2008 All rights reserved.

The Monthly Message Preview was channeled from the Akashic Records by
Jen Eramith, M.A. Permission is given to copy and redistribute the
Messages Previews provided that the contents remain complete, all
credit is given to the author, and it is freely distributed.


  1. Awesome where can one find these places?

  2. Awesome where can one find these places?

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