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Lightworker Alex Grey Artwork

In 2009, William Dean, CEO of M.C. Dean, commissioned artist, Alex Grey to produce a painting honoring the workforce of the company. The “Lightworker” portrays a man holding a wave of lightning in the shape of a sine wave, the universal symbol of energy and the logo for M.C. Dean. Every pulse of energy or information flowing through a wire or through space is powered by human intelligence. The saw blade halo around his head represents the incisive brilliance that cuts through obstacles with sharp vision. Over his head spirals a funnel of golden flame signifying the higher source that ultimately guides all good works.  The transparent anatomical figure characterizes a universal human defined by science. This x-ray view into a imaginal world reveals a subtle energetic matrix enveloping the “Lightworker.”  The intention of the “Lightworker” image is to inspire an uplifting vision commemorating the heroic efforts made by the engineers and the entire team that make M.C. Dean one of the greatest electrical contractors in the world.

Tremendous gratitude and appreciation to Bill Dean and Board member, Eric Dean, for their generous support of CoSM and for the extraordinary gathering of over a thousand friends in Miami in tribute to the unveiling of the “LightWorker” painting.

A very limited edition of etchings were created in preparation for the “Lightworker” painting.  These rare and precious prints, hand drawn by the artist and created in the classic method, will be gifted to those who donate $5,000 or greater to the Chapel project. Celebrate the return of the light, by making a significant contribution to CoSM.
This season, let your gift to CoSM of any size represent a commitment to build a temple that honors creativity as a spiritual path.
Alex and Allyson




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