by Melanie Grimes, citizen journalist
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(NaturalNews) Many herbal remedies are used to treat symptoms of
diabetes and have shown results in naturally lowering blood sugar
levels. Scientific research is now shedding new light on the mechanisms
used since ancient times to treat diabetes with herbs and nutrition.

was noted as far back as Ancient Greece. The name comes from two Greek
words meaning the siphon and to run through, which describes the
diabetic symptom of excess urine. Diabetes is one of the leading causes
of death in the United States, where over twenty three million, almost
eight percent of the population, have been diagnosed with the disorder.
The number of cases of diabetes doubled from 1990 to 2005 and is
expected to double again by 2050. Side effects of diabetes include
kidney disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, blindness and hearing

The cause of diabetes is not known but 90% of those with
Type 2 diabetes are obese. Most consider that diabetes is triggered by
numerous factors, including inheritance, nutrition, obesity, infection,
hormonal imbalances, and stress.

One of the commonly
used herbs to treat diabetes is Bilberry, or European Blueberry
(Vaccinium myrtillus). The leaves of this plant have been shown to lower
blood sugar. Traditional usage was a few handfuls of leaves in three to
four cups of water simmered for a half hour. A few cups of Bilberry tea
lower blood sugar. Extracts of Bilberry are now available and a dosage
is between 80 to 160 mg three times a day to treat diabetes.

Gymnema sylvestre
Indian plant, Gymnema is part of the milkweed family. It is known as
Gurmar in Hindi, meaning "Sugar Destroyer," and has been used in
Ayurvedic, or Indian, Medicine for centuries. Research has shown that
400 mg a day of Gymnema will help glucose to be reabsorbed into the
blood, thereby lowering blood sugar.

Salt Bush
research on the Salt Bush plant, or Atriplex halim, has demonstrated its
ability to improve blood sugar regulation. The study used 3 grams a day
of the herb to treat diabetes.

Ginkgo biloba
Ginkgo biloba is
used by herbalists to treat the side effects of diabetes, particularly
by increasing blood flow to the limbs and the eyes. Because of Ginkgo’s
effect on blood vessels, it is used to prevent diabetic retinopathy.
Research has also confirmed Ginkgo’s effect on depression in diabetes
and non-diabetes sufferers. The active ingredient is called ginkgo
flavoglycoside, and the daily dosage is 0 to 80 mg three times a day to
treat diabetes symptoms.

Diabetes symptoms can be treated with
herbs, as has been shown since ancient times and by modern research.
Using plants as integrative medicine, diabetics can enjoy the
symptom-reducing effects of botanical medicine.………

About the author

Grimes is a writer, award-winning screenwriter, medical journal editor,
and adjunct faculty member at Bastyr University. She also teaches
homeopathy at the Seattle School of Homeopathy and the American
Homeopathic Medical College.
A trained homeopath, she is the editor
of the homeopathic journal, Simillimum, and has edited alternative and
integrative medical journals for 15 years. She has taught creative
writing, founded the first Birkenstock store in the USA and authored
medical textbooks.
Her ebook on Natural Remedies for the Flu is available at:…
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