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HEAVEN #3683 Bells Are Ringing, December 25, 2010

God said:

Bells are ringing. Peals of love are ringing. At this celebration of love,
bells are ringing in hearts. Christmas Day is a celebration of love. It is a
Christ day. It is a Buddha day. It is a Moses day. It is a Mohammed day. It is
all the days of celebration by whatever name they are given. One holiday is for
all. Whatever the holiday’s name, it is for all.

What did all the Great Ones teach? They taught the peace of love as it stirs
in every heart. Christmas Day is a deeper more brilliant Valentine’s Day. Call
it what you will.

Let every day in every country round the world be a celebration of love. Love
is true victory. The heralding of love is true victory. Hail to the King of Love
whoever and wherever he may be. Love is the kingdom for all. Love has no
borders, beloveds. Nor should you. Release all those borders braced in your
mind. They do not honor you. Borders do not. Boundaries do not. Limitation does

The Great Ones lifted shackles from the world. In a nutshell, this is what
they did. They unbounded the bound. They released the world from its heretofore
bonds. Man was to be free to love, as you are free to love. No more are in the
name of protection are borders that limit and delimit citizens of the world to
be instituted. This is My world, and it is your world. No one is to fence it in.
The world is not property to be corralled. The world is to be an open state of
love. No one is to be tethered. No one is to be told: “Here, but not there.”

This is My land, and I proclaimed it for all. Be a citizen of love, and open
the doors of your heart and of the world.

You are here in the world to love. You are not to imprison anyone, certainly
not your own heart. Do not be trained to be callous of human rights, not your
own, not others’. You were born the same as any man, and you have the same
rights as any man.

Today, proclaim your right to love. Regardless of what others do, you have
the inalienable right to love. Even if you are in a dungeon, you have the right
to love. You have the right to be who you are, and that means the right to love.
No one can take that right away from you. You are the only one who can take that
right away from you. It is natural for you to love, and, under all
circumstances, your call is to love.

The Holy Christ did that his lifelong. Where he saw children, he loved. Where
he saw animals, he loved. Where he saw unkindness, he loved. When he saw the
lack of mercy, he loved. Wherever he walked, he loved. He was a man of love, and
so shall you be.

Christ and all the other Great Ones were not fools to love. Not to love would
have been foolish. Not to love would have been to deny their Godhood. They
upheld their Godhood. They were men who loved as I do love. They did not disdain
those whose vision was less than theirs. Nor must you disdain those less
fortunate in love than you. Keep your heart free to love. Because another
imprisons his heart does not mean that you are to do the same. Free your heart,
and other hearts will be so freed.

The Great Ones’ love continues. It never stopped. Their love is entering your
heart now. Let it in. Let it stay. Be ever grateful that you are one who can
love, for that is what you are called on to do. Every man is called on to love.
I call on you to love whatever day it is. Be love.

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