I was the kid next door’s imaginary friend. – Emo Phillips




This is the last piece of artwork for 2010. “SVENJK” here is how I am feeling going out this year.  With fullness, gratitude and luck.  I think this spirit mantra is my new years resolution it has the essence and encoding of what and who I am choosing to be written all over it, literally all over it.

I am excited to be here now living in the newer and ever expanding consciousness of light.  The old paradigms are quickly becoming incompatible with who I am and I can see the change flowing out from me and in others around me.  A new way of being is birthing itself, I am grateful to be a witness and experience this great change.

To everyone who enjoys my art, perceptions and spreading of seeds of awareness I know now the moment in time is to fill my heart with love and gratitude for all things in all ways the make all the parts of that which are me and you.

Loving our Light!

Seth Dennon



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