Five Natural Scar and Stretch Mark Remedies Bring Healing

by Elizabeth Walling, citizen journalist
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(NaturalNews) In today`s world of expensive chemical peels and laser
treatments, natural scar and stretch mark remedies are more relevant
than ever. Treating our skin as nature intended is the best way to
prevent and heal tissue damage like scars and stretch marks. Using
natural remedies to treat scars can restore your skin`s natural ability
to heal, without exposing your skin to chemicals or investing in costly
treatment. Here are five effective remedies for scars and stretch marks:

Coconut Oil

commercial skin care products that only mask the symptoms of damaged
skin, coconut oil works with your body to protect and heal your skin.
The medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil actually perform like
antioxidants, preventing and reversing free radical damage. Free
radicals attack the skin`s connective tissues and reduce their ability
to regenerate. Coconut oil can be used daily (both internally and
externally) to combat this free radical damage and to soften the skin.

Vitamin E

E is one of the best known natural scar treatment remedies. It`s said
to stimulate the formation of collagen, which can improve skin texture
and strength. A concentrated vitamin E oil formula (or simply the
contents of a vitamin E capsule) can be used directly on scars. (Vitamin
E should only be used on scars that have fully healed, as it can
interfere with wound healing.)

Aloe Vera

Aloe is
known for its ability to regenerate skin tissue. Aloe vera fights
inflammation and provides soothing moisture to the skin that maximizes
your skin`s restorative properties.

Gotu Kola

herb has been used for many years in Eastern medicine. Gotu kola is
prized for its ability to combat inflammation, speed healing and improve
circulation. All of these properties make it an excellent natural scar
and stretch mark treatment. Clinical research has demonstrated gotu
kola`s ability to improve the appearance of scars. It can be applied
topically or taken as a supplement in pill or tincture form.

Tea Tree Oil

essential oil is known for its uses as an antibacterial, antifungal and
antiviral agent. But tea tree oil is also lesser known for its skin
healing properties. Many users have reported that applying tea tree oil
to scars and stretch marks on a daily basis works to reduce the
appearance noticeably. It can be diluted if it causes skin irritation.
The only downside is tea tree oil`s strong medicinal odor. And keep in
mind that tea tree oil should never be used internally.

For More Information:…………

About the author

Walling is a freelance writer specializing in health and family
nutrition. She is a strong believer in natural living as a way to
improve health and prevent modern disease. To learn more about getting
healthy and fit through a nourishing diet and healthy living, visit
Elizabeth’s blog:


  1. Gotu kola is used to treat wound healing in patients with chronic lesions such as cutaneous
    ulcers, leprosy sores, fistulas.

  2. Coconut oil and the Aloe Vera are the best natural remedies to cure the scars as well as the stretch marks too…Doctors also recommend these one to apply on the scars…

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