
12/19/2010 by John Smallman

Humanity is waiting with a strong sense that something of immense
importance is about to occur. It is a very unsettling feeling because
you have been locked into the experience of an unchanging environment in
which disagreement, fighting, and war are endemic. And yet you sense,
and deep within yourselves you know, that this is all about to change.

For eons, in your quiet and private moments, you have been longing
for, hoping for, and praying for peace, harmony, acceptance, and love.
But it has all seemed way beyond your reach, impossible to achieve, and
it appears to the majority of you that you are unworthy and do not
deserve a prize or a reward as wonderful as that. But it is your
destiny. You were created in that state by God, and it is where you
belong. The fact that you are not experiencing it and cannot conceive
of achieving it is all part of the illusion — that strange state of
anxiety and suffering in which it appears that you have your existence.

However far back you look in the history of mankind, the driving
forces that have guided and inspired you seem to be deceit, betrayal,
and war, and because in your seemingly separated state it appears that
you are alone and surrounded by enemies, no other way of living makes
any sense at all. You are permanently threatened and likely to be
attacked at any moment without warning. It is indeed a very fearful and
unsatisfactory form of existence – expecting non-existence to overwhelm
you and remove your life at any moment.

Nevertheless, you continue to hope. That sense of hope has been with
you since the moment of separation, because your Father placed within
you the inextinguishable Light of His Love to assure you that you were
not lost, could never be lost, and to light your way Home to His loving
embrace when you chose to stop playing the ridiculous games that filled
you with anxiety and hid the Light of His Love from you.

Over the last few decades – a very short time compared to the
apparent eons of separation from Him that you have spent in the illusion
– very many of you have become aware of that divine Light shining
within. You have not understood what it is or what it means, but you
can see that it is accepting and welcoming. And you have started to
accept the Love it offers you, thus realizing that indeed you are not
alone but one with each other, so that what you share becomes abundant,
and what you withhold shuts you down again into the loneliness of

The result of this growing awareness of the oneness of all can be
seen in the increasing compassion and generosity shown to those who are
suffering locally — close to you as family or neighbors — or on the
other side of the world. The effect that this is having is enormous and
unstoppable. Yes, the media is still focusing on war and catastrophe –
it is what they look for and is their reason for being (and it does
need to be brought to your attention) – but all over the world
generosity, kindness, healing, and love are being shared as never

This wondrous energy, divinely and exponentially expanded, is flowing
freely and easily for the benefit of all. More and more of you are
becoming aware of this, and adding to it in every moment, as it sweeps
you up in its loving embrace and carries you away from the grasping,
heavy, and sticky center of the illusion towards the free-flowing
freshness and clarity that mark the outer limits of that illusory
environment. From there you will be able to see your heavenly Home
shining brilliantly as it beckons you onwards. Your arrival there is
guaranteed, as is your joy when it occurs. The journey is almost
completed. Relax and accept the divine embrace that envelops you,
confident that your Father’s Love for you will carry you Home.

With so very much love, Saul.

[Saul and John wish you all a wonderful and peace-filled Christmas. The next Saul post will be on Sunday January 2 2011.]