Date: December 31, 2010

2010 Download Integration = 2011 Consciousness Shift. DOMINI DOMINI DOMINI-you’re all Shamans now!

I believe the theme for the coming month is integration of the major downloads we experienced in December 2010. To assist you with that I have presented a picture of a tool, above, that can help you to install and actualize the codes in the downloaded programs. The vibratory frequencies in the picture are a key and a catalyst to the alchemical(transforming) process of accessing the information (frequencies) in the downloaded codes which will entrain (raise)your bodies frequencies, resulting in the actualization of this information (consciousness shift) in your reality.

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Happy New Year 2011

I was the kid next door’s imaginary friend. – Emo Phillips

This is the last piece of artwork for 2010. “SVENJK” here is how I am feeling going out this year.  With fullness, gratitude and luck.  I think this spirit mantra is my new years resolution it has the essence and encoding of what and who I am choosing to be written all over it, literally all over it.

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How’d we get so LUCKY to know you?



I just wanted to send another love note to you with some more tips for generating and creating a fabulous reality.  There’s several ways to use repetitive talk in our world.  Mantras are one way as in AQUAMANTRA water, like I AM LUCKY.  Did you know though, that you can also say I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN LUCKY?  Pick up your bottle of AQUAMANTRA and look to the right of your bottle. On the bottom corner it says just that. We tell the water it has always been lucky, sort of an infinity of the reality you want.  Some people say "I want to be lucky" but that is really outside of themselves right? It’s like reaching into the future, which is really a trap because the future doesn’t exist and you’ll never reach it. You’re always in the present.  This is why we promote using the mantra I AM LUCKY.  Even though the past has already come and gone, you can trick your mind into what the past could have been too.  

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