What a lot of activity has taken place over the last
few days, and it has certainly been a time of introspection. Humans generally
act first and think about it afterwards, and a little controversy is good at
bringing the best or worst out of people. I do not intend to preach at you, as
my role as the energy of a group of Beings from the Galactic Federation is to
set the truth before you. I am also part of a massive Brotherhood of Light that
is approaching the subject of your Ascension. We are to do our utmost to ensure
that you have every opportunity to ascend. In the course of our program, we try
to lift you higher in your understanding of how the spiritual side of your life
is so important to the final outcome. Of course it is also necessary that you
are acquainted with the process of Ascension, and understand how you can
incorporate into your life, whatever you need to succeed.

Along the way you have been presented with many
challenges, and some have required a great deal of faith on your part. The path
was never going to be smooth, as for eons of time through many lives you have
fallen into the pattern of the lower vibrations. There is no judgement connected
with it, as in truth you could not avoid such an outcome. The vibrations
attracted many lower entities and they proceeded to use you for their own ends.
However, everything is of a cyclic nature and you know fully well that your
present one is about to end. You are also aware that it is a chaotic time as the
old ways try to cling on, and the dark Ones go to extremes to prevent the
changes but to no avail. What has been decreed will pass even if it is
uncomfortable, and you will in the future marvel at what took place and feel
privileged to have been part of it. Be sure to understand that many, many souls
would have gladly taken your place, but you have all been chosen because of your
potential to bring to each other the experiences you need. The end times are a
perfect end to your time in duality, and again when you look back you will see
how it has lifted you into a higher state of understanding and advanced your
levels of spiritual understanding.

In the full nature of everything you have
experienced, you have tried all manner of incarnations and you have been through
all the different religions and spiritual groups. To extend your understanding
you have also spent time with the dark Ones, so that you could understand the
different energies that motivated their ways of expression. That has been a
feature of your many lives, and it is why we warn against being judgmental,
because there are few situations that you have not experienced yourself. What
you see around you today is in part your creation, and as a civilization
approaching the changes you are required to play your part in bringing back the
Light that has been lacking.

Now I come to the part that you are particularly
interested in relating to the last message and the consternation and controversy
it caused. It was intended to highlight the fact that we are continually acting
against the dark Ones, and their attempts to cause a major upset as you go into
the final stages of Ascension. If they had their way it would be prevented and
they would proceed with their agenda for your total enslavement. We have as you
might say, clipped their wings and apart from having to allow freewill to still
operate, have the authority to stop any action that would seriously affect your
Ascension. There was always the chance that some of you would home in on the
comments directed at Obama and be upset. However you have had to deal with the
views of others who have a different understanding of the end times, and if you
see the long term implications you will realize that they will have no affect on
the outcome at all. It is a fact that there are so many different beliefs held
regarding the manner in which the final days of this cycle are played out. We do
not interfere with them, and according to your expectations that is what you
will experience as part of your personal journey. In other words souls must be
allowed to experience what they have created for themselves, and their personal
understanding in all matters.

The result of the last message was not intentional,
but there are always liable to be a number of ways that they can be interpreted.
We certainly did not intend that you should conclude that we were suddenly
supporting the adverse comments against Obama. Our support of him has been total
at all times, and he is a most special soul that together receives our full
protection. There have already been a number of attempts on his life, and why
Dear Ones – because he is seen for what he really is as a great Being of Light.
He will when able to fully express and act on his plan, bring peace to the
world. We know that there are campaigns to undermine Obama and have him removed,
as the dark Ones were expecting to get their choice for President into the White
House. That was not to be, and your expanding consciousness and successful
attempts to bring Light and Love to the planet was in part responsible. The Law
of Attraction is perfect, and when the Light becomes the dominant force there is
no place for the lower energies. In that respect you are to be complimented for
your untiring work to bring Light to the Earth.

In conclusion let me say that you must stand strong
in your beliefs, and see further than the attempts of the dark Ones to distract
you. They are here, there and everywhere making as much mayhem as they can, and
using anyone that will fall for their negative thoughts and actions. Be sure
that once you are well into the Light you will not fall for their attempts to
distract you. Our channel Mike was not put out by the views of Colleen who has
her own strong beliefs, and the reactions of some of you were to say the least a
surprise to him. However, it has made many of you reflect on your own response,
and that can only lead to a greater understanding of

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and love you all as you are
as great souls of Light. See that in all those you meet, see the perfection that
is there and not the outer skin of duality that will soon be

Dear Friends,

On a personal note I must tell you that yesterday I
received over another 170 Emails, and virtually everyone was in support of my
work and me. I really cannot find the time to reply to them all as much as I
would have liked to, so I will once again tell you much your support means to

Mike Quinsey.