When I awoke and stepped outside for morning ritual of coffee and a cigarette, it was misting and the clouds were low. Seems as though the weather predictions were coming to pass. Rain. I started my mantra of “wherever I go the sun is shining” and released it to the highest good. I knew that I did not want to start riding until well after the sun came up and the traffic going into the cities had diminished some. I had a sense of danger, the roads would be potentially difficult and that was confirmed later when we pulled into the gas station before leaving Willits, CA. A well-meaning motorist spoke up to me at the pumps and conveyed all the wrecks and accidents he had seen coming into town and explained the “first rain” phenomenon. I was well familiar with the concept of “road slime” coming to the surface after the first rain and knew what I would do, but its always good to be reminded what other drivers are doing. Here, apparently, many forget what happens after the first rain and some felt the consequences of their misaligned situational awareness.

We rode out of town to a small greeting by the sun, obscured by the mist and low clouds, but it was shining… for the moment. We had miles to ride today, still better than 550 to LA and we were of the consensus that straight and safe was better than narrow, winding and twisty with oceanside cliffs. So, we embarked with the smiles under the helmet already beginning to perma-grin and the day’s journey began. The first stop was 70 some miles down the road in Ukiah, where New Dimensions Radio was located. This was guided insight from my friends in Missoula and I resisted the inauthentic urge to ride right through and forego the opportunity due to the miles remaining to LA. Michael and I rode right to it after stopping to get directions and an address. It was in a residential area, very peaceful and serene as I walked through fall-dropped leaves on the patio to the front door. I could hear somewhere inside a talk show going on, but I knocked on the door, anyway. As I waited, I pulled out my pen and inscribed a dedication on the inside cover, infused the experience with gratitude and placed the book on the porch bench. It was done and again, I release to the Highest Good.

The sun is shining again as I mount my Trusty Steed and the open highway rolls past our four wheels. I can tell that Michael has been processing his experience, sharing pieces of his discovery at each of the rest stops we take and I am always amazed at the smile that comes from under a helmet when we stop. It’s not just him, as I have seen this since I began riding again back in 2007. What is it that makes the motorcycle such a therapeutic tool? Is it the freedom? the open road? the wind? Perhaps this will be the topic of my first video blog… As we get closer to the Bay Area, the rain comes on beyond a mist and we ride into the population density cautiously and with intent. The traffic is intense, this being the first major metropolitan area I have ridden through on this Journey of Soul and I am careful. Pouring down now, we stop in Santa Rosa for a warm up.

Looking at the two of us, now as I write this, I recognize the importance of the time we spent together. Mutually beneficial, we assisted each other on the path to enlightenment. He and I both very prosperous in many ways, yet very different in our means. As we spent time together, it became clear that we brought ourselves together in those moments to discover something about ourselves in a way that only we could share. Two men on a journey, a quest for the Truth about ourselves led to each other by our very own intentions of enlightenment. Each of us uniquely created to endow wisdom to each other in that moment in space and time. This is the Journey. This is Highest Good. This is awakening to the Higher Consciousness, that I have experienced.

Every meeting in our experience has the opportunity to be the most vast and expansive experience we can ever have. Opening to the energy of the moment and being in it brings about that which I speak of. Letting go of all the past, so as to truly embrace the present is the gift we, as human beings can share. This energy that surrounds us actively listens to our thoughts, words and actions, thus bringing about a palpable experience. When we are clear and present, the Highest Good will manifest in every moment. Of this, I am certain as my Journey has shown me time and time again that this is true. It is in the moment that consciousness resides and Heroes emerge. Awake and aware, we experience the Highest Truth in everything we do and can interact with this intelligent field and thus experience the Loving Timeline where all is aligned to the Highest Good. Trying to achieve this is not the way, rather relaxing into the flow of all Creation where we flow with it, regardless of what it brings is the way to Higher Consciousness. In the release of any judgement on the current moment, we can see that all is perfect, right now… As we approached the Golden Gate Bridge, rain heavy and hard, I pull over at a place to take a picture of Michael in front of the bridge. It’s there somewhere in the clouds, as he stands next to his bike grinning from ear to ear. For many it is obscured by the clouds, but for us…

The sun is shining everywhere we go…

Much Love and Kindness on your Journey,

the Buffalo Diaires