Beloved one, you are in a place now in the 3D world where there
is much of change that is going on. And because the times are changing,
there is much of openness that is going to be needed in the next few
years, of knowing that your belief system really does alter that which
you find yourself experiencing.

Allow yourself to live in 5th
dimensional innocence often: the place of taking the deep breath, and
the place of peace that knows that always you are taken care of. There
is nothing and no one who can challenge you or make you have an
experience that you cannot call good.

Now, I know that there are
many in the world who will challenge that statement, because there is
much that is going on in the world that does not look to be good. You
recently had the most wonderful oil spill in your Gulf of Mexico, and
it was called a disaster. It made for great copy in the news media, and
it was a wake-up call for ones to be aware of the bottom line of what
ones were seeing as important in life; in other words, the economics of
the golden coins, and yet it was not the golden coins, truly, that
ones wanted, but it was the power of the golden coins and the so-called
security of the golden coins.

It was called the Gulf oil
disaster—and the word “disaster” is really indicative; truly, it means
“that which comes from the stars”; dis-aster; something that you long,
long time ago, as you would see yourself to be the ancestors, thought
that if any so-called tragedy happened, it was from the gods in the
heavens; the stars sent this down here for you to have an experience
called a dis-aster—from the stars.

But truly, you manifest
everything that you experience, and if you call it disaster, stop for a
moment and realize that you are from the stars, as well. Truly, many
of you have said that Mother Earth is not your home; it is not your
home planet, but you did help and are helping as co-creators to sustain
Gaia, Mother Earth, for the time being to fulfill a purpose of many
incarnations and many evolutionary changes. But you are from the stars
yourself, and so in truth, you are a dis-aster—in the best way. (Smile)

of you as small children had the feeling and said to your parents at
one time or another, “Where’s Home?” And your mother or father said,
“Well, it’s right here.” And you said, “No, this is not Home.” And
because they did not want to deal with the feelings that that would
bring up, they said, “Oh, that’s rubbish. You are home; forget that.”
They also knew the feeling of being displaced, but they did not know how
to deal with it, so therefore they would deny it.

All of you
have felt different, not at Home, but you have volunteered to be here
to help with bringing in the consciousness of 5th dimension, bringing
in the consciousness of peace and innocence. And when you live in that
consciousness of peace and innocence, it leads to a most wonderful gift
known as joy: Joy that the world does not know.

You, at the soul
level, have already chosen what you term your future. Now, some of the
details of it have been left to your choosing, but at the soul level
you have set certain parameters and goals that you want to do and will
do in this lifetime. The details are up to you. But the overall plan,
your soul’s plan, you set for yourself before the incarnation, nd you
will accomplish it, so you might as well sit back and relax and enjoy

Separated ego says, “Oh, but I have to plan, I have to know
where I’m supposed to go, what I’m supposed to do. I have to know all
the details, because something might be lurking in my future that I
don’t want to be there, and I have to be prepared to deal with it.”

have spoken to you in previous times of being the beholder, taking the
deep breath and standing back from whatever is going on and just
watching the interplay of all of the circumstances, all of the options,
and the people involved.

Fifth dimensional perspective goes one
degree further than that. Fifth dimensional perspective calls it all
good and says, “I don’t have to do it.” You have a saying in your holy
Scriptures attributed to me, that “I of myself do nothing,” and that is
true. You of the small self, the separated ego, you can do a whole lot
of running around, scurrying here and there, reading all the books,
quoting all of the “masters”, and worrying. But the true Self of you
already knows 5th dimensional perspective where you are already in
synch with your soul’s plan, and that is the plan that you are going to

I have seen you wrestling with decisions and wondering
what you should do and trying out various options; “how does this feel,
how does that feel, should I do this, should I do that?” And you spend
a lot of energy worrying. But I have also seen you take a deep breath
and say, “Oh, what the heck. I’m living the now moment, and right now
nobody is threatening me, and right now I’m okay. I think I’ll stay
here right now for another Now moment.”

If you keep on doing
that, guess what happens. You keep living in the Now moment of being
okay and being taken care of, being guided to make the decisions that
fit the soul’s plan. Do not turn yourself upside down trying to figure
out what is the best solution.

Before any incarnation, you put
together a plan that is going to bring about the best for you and for
the brothers and sisters with whom you are going to be interacting. You
set up appointments with other ones that you will meet with them at a
certain time in the lifetime and that you will work together with them
on certain projects. 

Before the incarnation you set up a general
plan of how you are going to heal yourself; in other words, remember
your wholeness, and how you are going to heal others by your
interaction with them. It may be sometimes with a bit of challenge and
tough love, which does not always feel the easiest way, but it is what
you have agreed that you will do, and you need never be in turmoil with

When the world is too much with you—and I know how the
world will clamor, how the disasters are reported to you and you feel
that everything out there and everything in your own immediate vicinity
is looking like it could be really bad and you feel the world is
screaming at you—take yourself, if it is possible, physically out into
nature and be One with the process of Life itself, with the trees, the
bushes, the grass, the flowers, and see how they do not worry, “Am I
going to have enough rain? Enough sunlight?” They only know life

A tree does not know death. A tree does not worry about
death. A tree knows only to live. If someone comes along and cuts down
the tree, the tree does not agonize over what has happened. The life
force is still in that wood, as my father Joseph has reminded you. The
life force is still in the wood, no matter how it is fashioned or how
it is used. Even if it is used as kindling for the fireplace and it is
burned, it turns into the energy that truly Life force is. Nothing is
ever lost. And so the tree does not worry about being lost, because
that possibility is never in its computer program.

humankind loves to make complexity, because you are creative. So you
create, and you ask, “What can I create that is unlike the Truth of my
being?” And you are very good at creating all kinds of experiences.
Separated ego then says, “See, here is evidence. The world is not a safe
place to be. The world is a place where you have to struggle.” But
that is separated ego.

And when you allow the deep breath and
you go to the place of 5th dimensional peace and innocence, you look
upon what has been happening and you see how it serves the bigger
picture, what I have called the at-One-ment, the realization of
Oneness, the realization of how divine and how creative you are. If,
and when, you can allow yourself to be in that space and to say, “Wow, I
am really creative; look at this mess I have made,” then you have made
it. In other words, you have graduated to the place where you can
congratulate yourself on your creativity and call that good.

is 5th dimensional perspective. It is where I would abide as often as
possible. And when the world would be too much with me, I took myself
apart to pray. I took myself physically into nature. And always, if it
is not possible to do this physically, you can do it on the emotional
level of taking the deep breath. Even if you are surrounded by all of
chaos around you, all of the quarreling co-workers, all of the world
that seems to be judging itself and finding itself to be wrong,
emotionally you can withdraw from that and take yourself apart from it.
You take the deep breath, you put the smile on the face and know that
you are always taken care of.

You need not worry about the golden
coins. Always you will have enough golden coins. You have proved that
to yourself already in this lifetime. Sometimes you have come to the
place where you have not had two golden coins to rub together, and you
have wondered, “Oh, gosh, what’s going to happen?” And then someone
comes along, and they may not give you golden coins, but they give you a
loaf of bread, so you did not even have to go through the process of
going to the store and buying the bread. Someone did all that for you
and gave you the loaf. Then you may be tempted to say, “Oh, that’s
great for now, but where’s my next meal coming from?”

That is
separated ego not living in 5th dimension when it starts to worry about
the future. Live in the Now. Look around you to see what you have in
the Now. Right now you have raiment. You have had food. You have
friends, perhaps near, perhaps far. You have work that you like to do,
or not. If you do not like your work, who says you have to stay with
it? You can change it. The wonderful part about being creative is that
you can morph; you can change; you can even change the circumstances
around you. If you are not happy with the circumstances around you,
start envisioning, “What would I like the circumstances to be? How would
it feel?”

You are going to morph; you are going to change. The
world is going to change. The world is in a place now where it has come
up against the brick wall where choices have to be made, and some of
those changes are going to be seen, at first, to be calamitous. In the
next couple of years you are going to see changes in leadership,
changes in food production and availability, changes in economics,
changes in medical availability and technology, changes in Mother
Earth’s responses to the collective consciousness.

Breathe peace. Know that truly you are always guided. You have touched
the place of 5th dimension. You know what it feels like, even if it was
a bit tenuous, even if it just came for a moment or so where you felt a
peace that you had not known before, and within a moment of
recognizing it and feeling it, then it was gone because you were not
accustomed to that peace. But if you have once felt it—and you have—you
can feel it again, and you can bring it back.

All is energy, as
we have spoken many times, and if you will live in the energy of joy
and trust, others will pick it up from you. “You mean that’s
contagious, too?” Oh, yes, it is not just the negative things that are
contagious. Joy, laughter, light-heartedness in the face of confusion
are contagious, and it feels really, really good to let all of the
worries of separated ego be forgotten and left behind for awhile.

can always go back and pick up the worries if you want to, but having
left them behind for awhile and having lived in the place of joy and
trust and knowing that you are guided, you are not going to want to go
back and pick up all the worries of separated ego, even if separated
ego says to you that you are responsible for doing such and such.

whenever you see what is called the disaster, whenever you see the
world seemingly going through trials and tribulations, count it all as
good and say, “Yes, I agreed to that.” You may be wide-eyed about it and
say, “Wow, I agreed to that?” Yes, you agreed to that because you knew
the light at the end of the tunnel.

Now, I know it is a little
more difficult to trust when you are incarnate. When you are discarnate
and you are looking at the overall plan, you can see how all the
puzzle pieces fit together and you can say yes to it, which is what you
did. When you are in the midst of it, it is a bit like being lost in
the forest and you see many trees around you and you are not quite sure
which way is out of the forest. But you do trust that there is a way
to get through the forest, and you bless every tree along your way. It
is a bit of a challenge to live in trust, but you bless every tree in
the forest and you know that you are going to come out the other side
of it and when you look back at the forest, you are going to say how
blessed that forest is, because you blessed every tree as you went
through it.

Allow yourself to practice living in 5th dimensional
perspective, the place of the heart; not the mental—that is separated
ego—but the place of the heart that trusts, that knows peace even in
the midst of chaos, that knows innocence and freedom from worry, knows
that truly everything does work together for good—as you judge good to
be—everything works for the realization of harmony and Oneness.

in that space. Allow it to be contagious. Even speak words to some who
may be doubting, and yet they invite you to speak a word to them that
may be a bit unconventional in the world’s thinking. It is okay; you
can shake them up a bit. They will either accept it or not. That is not
your responsibility. But allow yourself to be at peace, because
everything truly is working out in divine order to bring humankind back
to the realization of the power of the one holy innocent Child.

as I have said, when you see things that seem to be otherwise, call
them good, because you have agreed to them as wake-up calls, and there
are going to be a few rather big wake-up calls in the future. But that
is okay. You can roll with them, and you can be okay because you have
found your heart.

Live from the heart. Allow the head, the
mental, to serve the heart. Use 5th dimensional peace and perspective
to guide you and to keep you.

So be it.

– Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)
in expression through Judith

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