There is no question that something big is happening at this time…  My experiences have been guiding me to huge releases of old patterns, emotions and behaviors revealing a much different world to live in…  The Loving Timeline is the root experience and as my mind releases its grip, I can see that much of what I thought was real is not.  What challenged my old beliefs is now what is proving time and again to be the realest I have ever experienced.  Much is aligning and that which other than serves a purpose is falling away.  The vast expansiveness that is giving way is feeling good and I continue to release any density that comes into my awareness.  It feels as though a breakthrough is imminent…  Large scale and affecting many.  We, Lightworkers will be charged with holding the space for those who are coming in the next wave.  We have been the leaders who have forged ahead looking for the pathways of least resistance and when the time comes, we will be ready as wayshowers to the next wave of seekers.  We are blessed and Source energy runs strong in us.  I am grateful…

Little Hawk

the Buffalo Diaries