After we had dinner, we went back down to the studio to do some work. While there earlier, I noticed subtle energies hanging around and suggested we clear them out. Doing so would create a more harmonious environment for the artists coming to record as well as my friends who have invested much, if not all of their personal energies into this business. I understood now why I was called and with that we went back.

Clearing energy from a building, house, room, studio or any other place is something that I have come into power to do, along with other shamanic healing techniques such as journeying and soul retrieval. As I entered the front doors, I tuned my senses into the subtleties of non-ordinary reality. There was errant energy present, some all the way back to when the building was constructed. With my breath and intention I stilled my mind and began to see.

The studio is a beautiful creation of two amazing Heroes of the Now and it was easy to distinguish the different frequencies that resided in the space. Moving systematically from the front to the back, we spent time in each room. As I moved the energy out of the space, i made suggestions to keep things clean and clear in the future. Spiritual hygiene is something that most people are unaware of, yet it can affect the energy of a space quite dramatically. I worked through the studio, moving these energies across the veil and the vibration began to match that of the owners original intent. I helped to release some denser frequencies from my friend as the rooms cleared and after 2 1/2 hours we were finished. The studio was bright, sparkly and carrying a high frequency when we left that night and I gave follow-up instructions to keep it that way.

The work works; I can attest to that and this experience was just another to mark that understanding. I used my drum that night and am thankful that I brought it along as it is one of my most used tools. It tells me a story, as I communicate with Spirit, through the beats. I look for things in the rhythm as the drum beat pulses from my being. I sense things with it and it is one of many tools that guide my way in the work. That night in particular, it revealed some “dead” spots in the studio where energy was collecting. From a construction standpoint, Eli’s masterful creation of the sound booths and recording areas are a testament to a superior recording environment. So, we worked them together to get the energy flowing again and now they have the best of both worlds. I was impressed with what they had done there, the Love of the experience shining brightly in the muted colors of the environment.

With that Divine assignment completed, I moved onto the work of promoting my book, the Buffalo Diaries in the local area. First stop was Bellingham and the next day I arose, refreshed and laughed at the weather. I had forgotten what the fine mist-like rain of the area was like and was kind of surprised that what ended with such warmth and sun the previous evening began with a low-cloud ceiling and heavy mist. It felt like I was in the clouds and I Loved it! Western Washington had always provided ample opportunity to appreciate the different weather one can experience.

I spent two days in a place I used to call home, moving from bookstore to bookstore, visiting a few of my friends as the energies aligned and as the visit came to a close I reflected on it. I am grateful to Village Books in Bellingham, Earth Bound Books in Anacortes and the Next Chapter in La Conner and the Tattered Page in Mount Vernon. A spontaneous book tour is quite a fun experience and I enjoyed meeting all the wonderful people. My drum became a casualty, as I left it leaning on something in the garage. Drum to me… Rawhide chew with a handy frame for an old neighborhood dog. I laughed it off, knowing the Highest Good was playing out and upon searching for replacement lacing for repairs I found that I would be traveling right by a place that would have everything I needed. Again, I laughed as the excitement grew to visit Centralia Fur & Hide and knew that something was destined to happen there.

As I prepared to depart early the next day, I marveled at the Love that was emanating from the environment I was staying in. This beautiful couple and their family has truly “made Love” in their surroundings and it permeated the whole environment. Dwelling on this, I realized that if we want that then we truly can and do need to make it. It is work and this couple found their way. Wonderful and true Heroes of the Now. Everyone who has hosted me so far has and is cultivating that energy in their environments and it makes my heart sing. I drift off to sleep in that marvelous energy, ready for the next destination… Victoria, BC, Canada.

Love and Kindness,

the Buffalo Diaries