When I left the camp the next morning, the Sun was shining brilliantly! It was a gorgeous day, a deep azure sky, cloudless and vibrant promising warmth and vitality to my day. I soaked it in as a passed from shaded road to sun through the twisties of Loup Loup pass. I was excited and happy, the bike running perfectly after the camp-stove warm up. At some point it felt like a dream, like I had been here before and its true, in my visions I had. Much of what I have seen has come to pass and the divine guidance continues to be strong. I listen intently as I roll into Twisp, WA and find a wonderful bakery for a coffee and cinnamon Twisp. Yummy!

Sitting on the main street allowing the sun to do what its best at, I was met by a number of locals who asked questions about the bike. It is a conversation piece, to be sure, with me dressed out in full riding attire I do catch attention in these small towns and places of consciousness that I am guided to. I spoke of the work and the Journey, of vision and a passion to see it through; people listened and were inspired. Many inspired me, professing happiness at living in such an artist community. It was a wonderful exchange of Love and Kindness between Souls. The coffee became empty and the delectable feast was finished, so helmet up and ride I did.

Incredibly beautiful the North Cascades are, being called the North American Alps, I think they are aptly named. Spires of rock, high alpine meadows and vast valleys between the peaks on the horizon, etched with a brilliant blue sky across the helmet screen. I spoke my mantras out loud in the helmet, calling in the divine intelligence I know surrounds me. Speaking directly to the Creator of my Soul, I have my communion and I am at peace. The riding, very natural now, has become an extension of my being. I sense the road ahead, even before my eyes land on the distant views they choose, the road gaining elevation to the passes and becoming steep and curvy.

Highway 20 is truly a motorcyclists dream and I see many of my brothers and sisters riding over the passes to eastern Washington to escape the previous weeks rain. All that I can see have smiles, huge face covering grins expressing the joy they are experiencing. I have come to understand the motorcycle now on this Long Ride. It is more than a means of travel and I have come to appreciate the connection it provides to the landscapes I pass through. I am more inclined to follow my intuition, stopping where I am guided along the way seems easier than in a car. Even though I have a destination for the day, there is no hurry to get there. Nope, there is way too much to see today and I take my time.

It is a moving meditation, a stilling of all thoughts into the moment’s experience. I have found that I am completely at peace as I ride and if there are thoughts now, they are of my highest good. As the bike climbs to the pass from east side to west, I say a prayer and cross over. It is a metaphor in the moment for coming into a new environment. I had spent a lot of time here in my past life, but it is all new now… I am new, reawakening to Spirit in every breath I sense there will be little interaction with those from the past. Highest and Best Good, I recite and allow my higher consciousness to direct the next steps. I had arranged for a host in Sedro-Woolley and placed a call to them. As I re-entered the land of time, I recognized something about my friends voice and as we aligned to meet it was refreshing that she too paid little attention to time.

I was to meet them at their recording studio, Puget Sounds, the premier professional recording studio of Skagit Valley. As I got closer, I felt some of the past cropping up, passing memories on the road and letting them ride the wind past my white helmet. The riding has been great for that, allowing for big releases as I move past these territories I once frequented. Safely, as I am riding I call out to my Power Animal to collect up my energy as I call my power back from those experiences. We are a great team and I have been able to heal much on this journey. I am grateful.

As Sedro-Woolley begins I marvel at its growth and expansion. Seeing old and new buildings and construction, a once quaint little town has been affected by much. My attention focuses now on the people and I sense an urgency I haven’t felt in a long while. Grim looks and tight fingers on steering wheels seem to be the look for those on the streets of Woolley. It was a sensation that I felt and I wondered about the town. People were getting by… some better than others it felt like and there was some awareness here, but I saw flashes of anger and hatred in some of the drivers and I shared Love with them all. I was getting closer to the studio, so I released all the energy of the passing through and connected to my friends.

Creating their dream over the past couple of years, this family is a testament to the Heroes of the Now. With Love and Kindness, their intuition the guide and their creativity expansive these two and family have built a beautiful life. I could feel it as I got closer. I started to feel gratitude and I connected with Creator, sharing a mantra, I prayed. I was called to come here on the Journey many weeks ago, a Soul communication had occurred. I needed to be clear to know what I was to do. I knew it would come to me as I pushed a turn into the handlebars into the parking lot. They were standing outside and a smile grew even bigger as I pulled off my helmet…

(to be continued)

Love and Kindness,

The Buffalo Diaries