Wednesday, 6 October, 2010 

There’s hardly a subject that has created greater contention
than the idea of truth. For ages, scholars, philosophers and pundits
have stated their cases over whether or not a creator exists, whether
there is life on other planets and whether there is an afterlife, among
other questions.

In our recent history, the pursuit of truth has
been largely an intellectual one. Scientists and researchers work at
the forefront in exploring the nature of existence by means of
hypothesis, experiment, analysis and logic. The human race is
accustomed to ascertaining its version of truth through empirical means
and the use of the intellect, rather than stepping into the transcendent
state. It is in this higher consciousness that we experience an
entirely different view of truth.

 In perceiving ourselves as
light, we in turn perceive truth. This truth is who and what we are.
It is standing in the midst of that which is the essence of the cosmos
and seeing the entirety of our existence with clarity and purity. It is
a “knowingness” that is beyond the short reaches of the intellect. It
is a realization through resonance rather than logic and deduction. At
this level of awareness, there are no beliefs, judgments or opinions;
there is no longer the need for proof. The truth is, plain and simple.

we are unaware of our nature as light, our awareness is limited to this
body/mind sensory experience. Anything outside of that experience is
seen as the “unknown” and, sometimes, “unknowable.” It is in that state
we tend to create theories, creeds and beliefs to satisfy our
intellects about the “beyond,” rather than traveling the inward journey
to a direct realization of truth.

From our awareness as light, we
see the human experience from a higher perspective. When the light
being (soul) wishes to incarnate on the planet, it incorporates a
physical being into its consciousness. This physical being consists, in
part, of a sensory system that allows the soul being to function on the
earthly plane in a third-dimensional reality. Among the capabilities
of this sensory system are the five commonly-known senses of sight,
hearing, smell, taste and touch. These five senses are basically
vibration receivers and transmitters that allow us to perceive our
immediate environment.

While our sensory system entertains
vibrations through our five senses, the ability to create thought is
also inherent within the human mind system. Thought is simply energy
that is translated by the mind system to be of use by such system.
Thought itself is simply a function or byproduct of our sensory system,
though it is manifest from the light.

In transcendent
consciousness, we realize that this sophisticated body/mind system is
but a “spacesuit” we wear while on the planet, much as an astronaut
would wear a spacesuit on the moon to allow for physical existence in
that unique environment. While we are aware that the spacesuit is not
the astronaut himself, on earth we are often inclined to see the
body/mind “spacesuit” as the identity of the human being. We identify
with our human sensory system and thinking mind as who we are, while
unaware of our infinitely expansive “identity” as a light being.

the body/mind “spacesuit” we wear for our earthly existence is of the
light, as is all existence. It is not altogether accurate to pronounce
that the body/mind system is not real or is an illusion; it is simply a
frequency of light that is compatible with the third-dimensional
experience. Light has numerous frequencies, including those perceived
as thought and matter.

In light (truth), we see that all is
energy, even the densest of matter. All of our senses are energy. Our
bodies and our brains are energy. Thought itself is an energy of a
higher and faster vibration than that of matter. Each thought has its
own vibratory rate.

Everything that we see, hear, smell, taste and
touch is a representation of the light. Our bodies are light
constructs that exist within our consciousness. We do not see them as
light because we perceive them through the sensory system that serves
the third dimensional experience. It is only when we can transcend the
sensory system that we see all as light and energy.

The manner in
which we experience all as light is by significantly deactivating the
sensory system. What is meditation other than quieting the senses? The
typical practices of meditation often include closing the eyes (sight)
in a place of quiet (hearing) in a still position (feel) while also
keeping the taste and smell stimuli to a minimum. In meditation, we are
able to perceive higher-frequency energies that go virtually unnoticed
when our sensory system is highly activated.

Consider a typical
experience in which we are bombarded by five-sense stimuli. Merely
walking down a busy city street will trigger our senses to an enormous
degree. We view the tall buildings and passersby. We hear the honking
of the cars and casual conversations. We smell the foods being cooked
in nearby restaurants and vendor stands. We feel the ground at our feet
and fiddle with the storekeeper’s wares. And perhaps we munch on a
pretzel, thereby engaging all the five senses in a single moment.

is a world of adventure, and it is ours to experience and enjoy it.
However, we are capable of putting aside the sensory “spacesuit” and
thinking mind to experience the stimuli of the higher realms as well.
We are so, so much more that just what we experience through our sensory
system and thinking mind. The perceptions of the five-sense system are
infinitesimally microscopic compared to the perceptions beyond this
system. The wisdom of the light is far, far greater than the knowledge
of the mind.

The experience of watching a movie is comparable to
our own five-sense perceptions as a human being. When viewing digital
media on a movie screen, we, of course, do not see an actual actor.
What we perceive is simply dots on a screen. These dots are energy, as
is all existence at its core, and such energy is perceived by our visual
sense and projected to appear as the actor.

When we view a human
being “in person,” the same holds true. Their nature is energy, yet we
perceive them as humans. What we experience is simply a projection of
that energy that our minds read as a solid, identifiable human being.
Without the human sensory system, we would experience them as the light.
Instead, we read them as a body, clothes, words spoken, a distinct
smell and so on.

Interestingly then, when we watch a movie, we are
viewing a projection (movie) of a projection (person). It’s a double
projection, yet it can seem so real that we react to it with laughter or
tears; we are involved in the story. This is the purpose of the
sensory system and thinking mind – to translate and interpret the energy
for use on the third-dimensional plane.

The transcendent view is
one that allows us to experience a third-dimensional reality while being
aware of existence as light. We can enjoy the sight of a beautiful
sunset, the scent of a rose, the sound of our favorite song, the taste
of ice cream and the feel of a warm hug. And yet, paradoxically, we are
aware that we are light and that all of existence is this same light,
and everything we experience is another aspect of who and what we are.

experience in and of the light is truth itself. We do not encounter
truth only by reading books, researching the atom or following a
religion. As we discover our deeper nature, we fall into truth. It is
there, waiting for us. When we experience it, we know it. It cannot be
explained or proved, for explanation and proof are of the intellect.
In higher consciousness, we realize we are the truth and the truth is