Skill without imagination is craftsmanship and gives us many useful objects such as wickerwork picnic baskets. Imagination without skill gives us modern art.

~ Tom Stoppard


Hi Everybody,

This event is a powerful opportunity to add to the Light of the World. If it resonates in your heart please join us for an enlightening and fun-filled experience. This will be an amazing spiritual voyage, surfing the waves of the depths and heights of the upcoming planetary changes:


Surfing the 9th Wave ~ Seminar-at-Sea

7-Day Cruise to Mexican Riviera on Norwegian Star – March 5 to 12, 2011

If you are learning about this spiritual voyage from me, when you register please indicate that Patricia Cota-Robles referred you.
Join some of the world’s greatest spiritual teachers, authors, visionaries, psychics, healers, and experts in the fields of the Mayan Calendar, Great Pyramid, NDEs, RemoteViewing, Spirituality, Ascension, Meditation, Healing, and Prophecy, in an amazingly rare spiritual cruise to the Mexican Riviera, where we will celebrate March 9, 2011 – the date on the Mayan calender where we enter the “9th Wave.” This vital cusp begins the “Universal Wave Movement – The Wind of Unity Consciousness,” which leads to the last culmination point of the Mayan Calendar.
Transform Yourself and the Planet Now! Add your positive energy to this cosmic event as we move into the 9th Wave.
REGISTER NOW during our Early Bird Event BEFORE it disappears:

Our list of esteemed speakers, readers and healers includes:
– Patricia Cota Robles
– Carl Johan Calleman
– Dannion and Kathryn Brinkley
– Sean David Morton
– Michelle Whitedove
– Dr. Susan Shumsky
– Michael J. Kouri
– Serena Wright Taylor
– Douglas Taylor
– Cruise on NCL

The Mexican Riviera is synonymous with colorful cities, charming coastal towns, pristine beaches, and endless water sports. Couple this with the outstanding personal service, enchanting experiences, and unmatched entertainment distinctive to Norwegian Cruise Line, and you have a getaway with memories that last a lifetime.
The wonderment begins as you board the ship, where all your needs have been anticipated and carefully attended to—and your high seas escape from port to port gets underway. Once docked in Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta, and Mazatlan, all the pleasures of the Mexican Riviera—from sunbathing and snorkeling to browsing, bartering, and historic sight seeing—lay at your feet to enjoy.
Our “Cruise into 2012” Seminar-at-Sea takes place right on our luxurious cruise ship during our 7-day cruise, in a dedicated meeting space, during our three days at sea–March 6, 10, and 11.
Celebrating March 9, 2011 – The 9th Wave of the Mayan Calendar
“This is when, for the first time, standing on the balance that the Galactic Underworld has brought, we will begin to sense the supramental consciousness that the Universal Underworld will bring. For all those seeking to become part of the new species of human beings endowed with an unlimited consciousness, this is a time to absorb the new energies of universality.”
—Carl Johan Calleman, author: The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness

REGISTER NOW during our Early Bird Event  BEFORE it disappears:

Why Your Participation is Vital

“Cruise into 2012—Surfing the 9th Wave” is for all those who are ready to authentically say: “I intend to manifest Unity Consciousness on this planet.” Without such intention, it is doubtful whether there will ever be such a shift on this planet either individually or collectively.
That is why your presence on this cruise is so vital, for, as the Hopis say, “We are the ones that we have been waiting for.”
Hope for the future lies exactly in learning to surf on this 9th wave and so transcending, rather than getting caught up in all the dualities and conflicts of lower Underworlds.
This is the last option that human beings will have to truly align themselves with the cosmic plan. It is now or never. The last descent of Bolon Yookte, the 9 Waves (9 Lords of Time or 9 Underworlds) is upon us and it is not without reason that the number 9 is sacred in so many spiritual traditions. 9 is the destiny number of humanity and so it will be your own choice whether you want to be part of co-creating this destiny.
The Ascended Masters and Divine Beings have told us that this unprecedented event is essential to attend–not only for your own personal spiritual enlightenment and ascension, but more importantly, for lifting the vibration of this planet as we co-create the shift into the 9th Wave.
You can be a part of this vital process, as you contribute your spiritual energy to this keystone event. This gathering is going to transform the planet at a time when transformation is critical.
In short, the Beings of Light need you to be a part of this planetary ascension of consciousness, at this time, in this place!
REGISTER NOW during our Early Bird Event BEFORE it disappears:

Blessings to you,

Divine Travels
818 SW 3rd Ave. #1505
Portland, OR 97204





p align=”left”>Remember, Be Here Now