Site icon Dimensional Bliss

Shamanic Consulting and Corporate Intuitionist

I spent the morning at the coffee shop, meeting other like people and talking consciousness… Glory days to be sure. Wonderful happenings all around as the little community came to life. It was a joy to be a part of it and I am grateful to my hosts, Mark and Frank. Frank pulled out a map of the Oregon Coast and shared his knowledge and Mark and I spoke of his planned upcoming Journey. We exchanged contact information and I finished my experience in Manzanita by mailing my promotion package to New Dimensions Radio in Ukiah, OR. They have received it now and I take a moment to meditate on my interaction with these folks. I can see myself walking into the studio and sharing Love as I pass through on the Journey.

I leave Manzanita late morning with the open road in front of me, no destination in mind, as it has been I will just follow my guidance. Traveling through the small towns and along the beach, then inland and back to the coast. Through resort towns and small places I ride through sharing Love and high vibration. I stop for resupply Lincoln City and inquire about a room at a resort, but don’t feel it ultimately and continue to ride. As it is getting dark and the fog rolls in I know there will be a campsite for me soon. I fill up in Newport and begin to ride through town when a fellow traveller turns into a hotel in front of me. He is riding a BMW F800GS and I look over at the empty motel. Hmmm… The bike literally turns around and guides me back to the motel. I walk into the lobby and am greeted by a smiling face who reassures me she will provide a deep discount rate and I decide to stay 2 nights!

A shower and unpack, then off to dinner with my new acquaintance, Tom. He has ridden up from LA, en route to Graham, WA to see family. We share experiences of the road over burritos, tostadas and enchiladas. Mmmm… Very good, I am about to go eat breakfast there when I am done writing this entry. Tom bought the BMW with the intention to ride it around the world! I am intrigued and we discuss this further. The conversation segues into my work and I speak deeply of Spirit and energy, of my books and intention for my journey. Tom is a willing audience and we take the work deeper with a mini session to build the Heavenly Catalyst. He had an experience, a profound one, by his looks and description and I retire for the evening knowing again that I am in the right place at the right time with the correct information and Truth.

Yesterday was spent relaxing and doing laundry, riding around Newport and writing. My Facebook community was online and I shared Love with many from around the world. There were those that were struggling or questioning and I assisted remotely and provided healing energy to several of my friends. As the day came to a close my attention went to organizing my gear that has sustained me for the past month and I consolidated what I could and redistributed some of the load. All is well and I marvel briefly at the simplicity of it all…

The evening brings contemplation and I reaffirm my path as a healer and Shamanic Consultant. This is what I am. My intuition and connection to Source these days is very strong. At this time I am the on-site consultant of a two person team. Deva, still in Sedona, AZ is the off-site seer who is viewing the energy from a distance and influencing the frequencies so as to maximize the experience I am having. We are a team and our work is very effective. What we are to do is assist in the transition to heart-centered business and reality for those awakening souls at this time. My path brings me to those who desire the service that we provide and I share my experience to show what is possible when aligned with Source.

The vision we share, Deva and I is coming to fruition. Very soon now, we will be meeting our breakthrough Client(s). They are ready and awake to the possibilities our work can provide in their business and personal lives. The work works, I have said many times and now we will be sharing our discoveries with many to assist an organization in becoming its Highest and Best Good. Of this I am certain…

As I prepare for departure, my vibration and energy is high. I am happy. I am whole. I amPrana and Possibility embodied in human form.

I am that, that I am…

Much Love and Kindness to you all


the Buffalo Diaries

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