Channeler: Mike Quinsey

There is a sudden opening up of your consciousness levels, as people
are becoming more open minded. It is partly the result of the changing
conditions that cause them to seek the answers as to where everything is
going. There is a feeling not of impending doom, although some groups
believe it is inevitable. Instead it is one of responding to the higher
vibrations, and having an instinctive knowing that there is a divine
purpose in what is taking place. That is a most wonderful development,
and is bringing a degree of stability to the Earth. It is setting the
scene for our coming, and very soon the long awaited announcement
admitting to our presence will be made. Once that happens matters will
go speeding ahead, and you will find that you are living in the most
exciting times.

The fact is our presence is not at all unusual, as we have visited
Earth for thousands of years. When cycles have ended in the past we have
played a key role, and we participated at that time in both Lemuria and
Atlantis. At different times we have also taken groups of people off
the Earth. So as you will understand, we are not in fact strangers to
you at all. We could claim quite correctly to know you better than you
know yourselves. That is because you have little waking knowledge of
your past. Many of you came from the last great civilization of Atlantis
that peaked at very high spiritual levels. It then became pulled down
into the lower vibrations, which brought about their demise.
Subconsciously you know this to be so and for some that shows as fear,
because of what happened then and the possibility of it occurring again.
Now the end times are exactly what they mean as duality has all but run
its course. The dark Ones may not yet accept the situation, and their
efforts to keep going are failing miserably. Their time is just about up
and we shall delight in removing them so that they can no longer get in
your way.

Regrettably for various reasons of self-empowerment your history has
been falsified, and that is an area that we shall put right. You are
entitled to know your true history although it will bring back painful
memories. You have been continuously misled, and it has divided people
so that they have been against each other. Chaos has ensued, and peace
has only been a momentary blessing. However, to live peacefully together
is your right, and as you have learnt of late the people of other
countries are just like you in this respect. Most big cities are already
cosmopolitan, so it will be relatively easy to bring you together once
the threats of war and terrorism are removed. New energies permeate the
Earth, that come from outside your solar system. These are behind the
personal changes you are experiencing, and are becoming more powerful
each day. Those of you who are particularly sensitive will know what we
mean, and as time passes more of you will develop acute senses of
awareness. If you did not, you may well question whether the vibration
levels are rising.

Demonstrations and riots are becoming more frequent, as people reject
a return to the past. They are awakening to the potential that exists
to make a clean start, and have no desire to accept any form of
compromise. Before matters can get out of hand, certain events that are
near to happening will help calm matters. The future is assured, and we
will gradually have a greater role to play in your lives. We ask you all
to be part of the movement for peace, and not engage in violence no
matter how much you are incited. Live to your highest ideals and you
will no go wrong, and in so doing will show the way for other people.

The Galactic Federation is meanwhile keeping a firm watch on the
military bases, so as to ensure that they do not interfere with the
process of change. They too like all of the armed forces will become
converted to serve peaceful purposes. War has absolutely no place in the
future, and for that reason there will be no need for defensive
employment. Keep these things in mind when you are thrown into the midst
of turmoil, as it will help you through such periods. Think peace, love
and beauty as so much on Earth is ugly and has been despoiled by Man.
Respect for the Mother Earth must return, as there is much work to do to
make good the damage caused to her. In this we will play a major role,
as our technology will make short work of most problems. It will be the
speed of recovery that will both please and astonish you.

We are in control of Earth but not in the sense of having taken it
over, but being aware of everything that is happening. We do keep the
balance at all times, but have to allow a certain degree of freewill to
operate. Even so it will not effect our position or your future, but
simply allow matters to flow, as they should. Your individual freewill
allows for you to choose whether or not you go on to Ascension, but
remember that most of you made that decision before you came to Earth.
Events can be foreseen way ahead, so it easy enough to place you where
it is of the most benefit. Life seems complicated but in reality it is
quite simple, as you will always find yourself to be in the right place.
It is much the same with the people that enter your life, as that is
also by arrangement and agreement.

We too have life plans, but we are constantly aware of them in our
conscious state. Bear in mind we live for hundreds of years and can
achieve much in that time. We are also allowed more say in what we do,
having reached a high level of understanding. In your case decisions
often have to made for you by your mentors. It depends on how
spiritually advanced you have become. After all the purpose of living
many lives is to follow an overall plan that leads to your spiritual
evolution. It is the only way to advance and leave the cycle of re-birth

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that after all of this time
we will at last be able to invite many of you to join us. It will be
part of your Ascension process and you will be ready to work side by
side with us. We do in any event come to meet our own, who have lost
contact with us. Our presence will speed up their remembrance of earlier
lives when we were One in Love and Light.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

All Original and translations of the Galactic Messages available on