Monday, 4 October, 2010 

Greetings and Salutations My Beautiful Beings of Light. Welcome to the monthly message gathering.

Beautiful Beings of Light The Creator sends you pink waves of
unconditional love and grace. Allow this wonderful gift from The
Creator to simply wrap itself around you in an Etheric Hug. Enjoy the
Hug for as long as you like.

My Beloveds each of you made an
appointment with yourselves before you incarnated to read this message
today. (note: today is whatever moment in NOW you are reading it) That
is just a small specific fact about the minute detail that you each
wrote in your pre-incarnation contracts before descending into the
world of matter on Planet Earth once again.

Amazing isn’t it how
concise and specific those contracts are. You probably don’t realize
that you wrote a contract, but start asking yourselves the questions My
Beloveds on what specifically is contracted in your lives. You will be
surprised and soon understand and grasp that you are responsible for
what is going on from moment to moment within your lives on Planet

All you need to do, to ask yourselves the questions, is
simply jot them down on a piece of paper. Concentrate on these
questions when you go into your meditations and dreams. Invite your
Angels in to assist you in pulling these answers towards yourselves.  

asking yourselves “Why did I select My Mother”, Why did I select My
Father” and so on until you have covered all the major players in your
lives. Put the questions out there so that you can then start to fully
awaken and begin to take responsibility for selecting those that have
been your best and sometimes the worst teachers in this lifetime of
yours. These are all lessons and experiences for whatever reason you
selected to walk through during your current incarnation, My Beloveds.
You scripted each one with your Spiritual Advisors, Angels and Guides.

of these lessons have been so incredibly painful; they have been
horribly difficult for your Angelic support staff to watch as you have
experienced them. The experiences have however assisted you in pulling
forth remembrance, compassion and understanding for others.

each are here for a very specific purpose and NOW is the time to begin
asking for that remembrance of what you contracted for yourselves to be
doing. My Beloveds ask the questions now so that you can pull that
remembrance towards you. It’s time to open the door for more
information and en-lighten-ment.

All these questions are within
yourselves and you have all the most perfect answers within yourselves
as well. Your Angels and Guides can assist you in your remembrance. No
third party person is required for your to delve in and get back in
touch with your own most perfect answers. In fact you are the only one
with the key to that valuable memory treasure chest. Others may guess
but you are the only one that can remember.

Allow this Messenger to take you on a mediation journey. A journey to help you reconnect with your Abundance.

yourself in your chair or lie on a bed so that you are comfortable.
Keep your legs and arms from crossing if at all possible as this blocks
the flow of energy. Cover yourself with a light blanket if you chill
easily. We want you comfortable and undisturbed for a while as you
journey within yourself through meditation. 

Close your eyes and
take a comfortable deep breath, then comfortably exhale as hard as is
possible.  With each in breath, you are breathing in love. With each
out breath, you are breathing out fear and doubt. Take another
comfortable deep breath in and comfortably exhale just letting all the
stress go.  Take another comfortable deep breath in and then just
exhaling letting it all go with a sigh as you are breathing out all
frustrations of the day.

Feel your body relaxing from your toes
to the top of your head. Give yourself permission to feel the calm and
peace. Your muscles are feeling loose and limp, so relaxed, so
deliciously serene, so wonderfully lazy.  

Direct your ego self
to perch on your left shoulder. Instruct your ego self that it is only
to be an observer on this journey, it is not to participate. If it
helps you to visualize by identifying your ego with a symbol or as an
object please do so.

In your imagination ask through prayer for
The Creator to send you down a protective Ray of White Light by praying
mentally something like this “My Creator I AM asking for a protective
Ray of White Light to enfold me and lift me up so that I am
experiencing the very highest of vibrations during this journey into my
inner most depths of understanding and Being. I am protecting myself
My Creator from anything that is not for my highest good on this
journey. I am thanking you My Creator for assisting me by sending this
Ray. I am visualizing the ray in my imagination now coming down
through the corner of the area where I am meditating. It is entering
into my physical form, permeating all that is within my I AM presence.”

Creator has responded to your prayer and has gifted you with an
Iridescent White Ray plus soft Pink & Purple Rays for this journey.
The Rays are entering into your body through the soles of your feet
and moving up through your physical vessel; permeating throughout all
of your etheric energy fields & physical vessel and into all
corners of the actual area that you are meditating in; then the rays
are exiting through your Crown Chakra. The Rays are returning to The
Creator and cycling back down through you again and back to The
Creator in a continuous circular loop. These protective therapeutic
rays are in a continuous circular motion while you are in meditation.

are now divinely protected at this moment and nothing can even
communicate with you, that is not for your highest good, without your

My Divine Beings of Light. You are breathing very slowly and evenly now; you are feeling secure and safe. 

in deeply My Beautiful Beings of Light and feel the lighter relaxed
feelings of being protected & divinely guided into this meditation.
Breathe in deeply and know that you are breathing to the Pulse of The
Creator. Listen to The Creator’s spiritual heart beat and feel the
unconditional love that courses through you each time you think about
this moment. 

Breathe in deeply allowing and seeing within your
spiritual imagination your Guardian Angels and invited Spirit Guides as
they join you.  The Angels take your etheric essence hands and guides
you out of your physical body and directs you into your Etheric
Spiritual Heart Chakra. An Angel has been stationed to stay with your
physical essence until you return from your meditation journey.

are seeing, feeling and sensing this within your imagination, Your
Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides and special invited guests are now
within your Spiritual Heart Chakra with you. Your Angels and Guides are
helping you locate the Golden Door that says “To My Highest Guidance
Within” you turn the etheric spiritual door knob and cross over the
threshold knowing that you are on a spiritual growth adventure.

find yourself in a White Marble Corridor. Your Angels whisk you down
the hall toward your Helipad. Your Angelic pilot takes off once you are
aboard. Your Angels tell you that you are on your way to your own
Crystal Palace.  

Looking down as you fly over you see the trees,
meadow, brook, mountain and coming up in front of you is your Garden
of Serenity. Standing around the Helipad you notice your beautiful
animal friends.  Each time you visit you see new animal species that
you have not seen on the Earth Plane.

Your favorite thus far are
the Unicorns. You just love stroking their silky ears and nose horn.
Your Unicorn friend, Jake, is right there ready to open the Helicopter
door for you when your Helicopter lands on the Helipad.

opens the Helicopter door enthusiastically and thanks you for visiting
again. You and Jake talk as you look around your Garden of Serenity and
then begin institutively begin walking down the path to your own
Crystal Palace.  

You thank Jake for walking with you and Jake
tells you that he will be waiting right here when you finish your
spiritual meditative work today.

In front of you is your
beautiful Crystal Palace with the solid golden door that has your name
on it right up there at the top of the door. Below your name, as you
are aware of it within your current incarnation, are the names that you
have held within all other past lives along with your original name
given to you at your birth into Creation itself. 

When you are
ready you will be able to read the names. Some may be only in symbols,
some in foreign languages, and some perhaps in only tones, light or
sounds, but all belong to the spiritual Being that you truly are. Take a
moment and see if any of the names are ready for you to remember them.
Don’t worry or strain if the information isn’t present for you yet,
you will have access to it again when you are ready for the

You turn the handle on the golden door and cross
over the threshold entering into your very own Crystal Palace. The
entrance hall is flooded with beautiful colored dots that are being
created by the refracted light filtering through the crystal facets

One of your favorite activities when you come to your
Crystal Palace is to step into each of the colored dots. You have found
that you feel differently with each color that you stand in. The dots
also enjoy providing messages for you sometimes when you come. Take
your time here and enjoy the colors today.

When you are finished
with your colored dots you look down the hall and see that there is
lots of construction going on. Your Angels remind you that you are
always under construction since this is your own Crystal Palace. This
Palace is part of you; you are an eternal Being, it is only fitting
that your structure is also constantly expanding to allow for the
evolution and growth that you experience from one moment to the next. 

walk a few more feet down the hall and take a left turn into the Grand
Room. The Grand Room is in a large circle shape and all around the
perimeter are doors with labels on each one. You also see additional
hallways off of the Grand Room as well. The Angels remind you that
these halls too have door after door after door for you to visit,
explore and remember or do work in some way or other.

The very
first door to your uppermost left is marked “The Creator”. You feel the
wonderful love waves coming from that space along with seeing glowing
lights all around the door facing. Other doors are labeled “Your
Angel”, “Your Guides”, and on and on they go.

Today your Angels
ask you to find the door that is labeled “Your Abundance”. That door is
located about three quarters of the way around the Grand Room circle
of doors. You walk towards it and turn the door handle, cross over the
threshold and look up. There you notice that this room is almost filled
from top to bottom with gold, silver, jewels, stones and riches of all
varieties. In the middle of the room is a fountain that actually has
golden coins flowing from it as if they were water. Your Angels tell
you that you are never without abundance, but your limiting thought
patterns and scarcity mentality have of late blocked your prosperity
and abundance from flowing to you.

Prosperity and abundance are
your birthright and thus this room is proof of that completely. This
room is never without its hugh store of wealth. It is constantly being
resupplied within each moment.

Within this moment in NOW you
will take a seat next to the wonderful bountiful always flowing
fountain of wealth. Your Angels hand you a copy of an ancient scroll
that they take from the table to the left of the door.

You unroll the scroll and there within its writing is a prayer that your Angels request that you use for the next thirty days.

Creator, I AM thankful with all my heart, soul, mind and intent for
the divine abundance manifesting through my personal fortune and
success. I AM manifesting, receiving, accepting and allowing my divine
abundance to completely permeate all parts of my Beingness on all
levels, dimensions and throughout all of my aspects within all
directions of eternity and infinity.

I AM grateful to you My Beautiful Creator for this blessed prosperity.

I AM moving beyond fear and fulfilling my Divine Blueprint prepared for me, My Creator on Earth and beyond.

AM open and receiving my financial wealth, success, bounty, abundance,
blessings, gifts, and grace.  I AM fulfilling my service commitments.

AM accepting my divine heritage right now and I AM thanking you My
Creator for the timely answer to this prayer. I AM so very grateful for
the divine bounty. My Creator Your Will Is Done Through M

And So It Is

Amen, Amen, Amen, OM

My beloved subconscious mind, I AM hereby lovingly decreeing,
commanding and acknowledging that this prayer is heard directly by My
Creator and it is sent along with all the manna and vital force asking,
manifesting and demonstrating my intent in this prayer.

Amen. And So It Is

My Creator the Rain of Blessings Is Falling On Me and I AM soaking up
the abundance that is multiplying one thousand fold throughout all my
levels, dimensions and within all aspects of this Beingness throughout
all directions of eternity and infinity. This prosperity manifestation
is bursting forth with Divine Bounty, Blessings, Gifts, Grace, Wisdom,
Truth, Love and Light. I AM thankful and I AM sending you my gratitude.

And So It Is

in this prayer to The Creator through your Crown Chakras, Along with
the prayer demonstrate with the arm Mudra by lifting your arms in a cup
shape above your head visualize the abundance of blessings, and grace
showering down upon you, all around you, and penetrating all parts of
you Beingness on all levels dimensions and aspect that you are.  Wait
ten to fifteen seconds continuing until you have repeated the prayer 3
times and continue this process for a full 30 days.

follow the Angels instructions and pray the prayer with the deepest of
intention and feeling as if the abundance were already true for you
there within the Earth Plane. You see the riches within “you” in your
own Crystal Palace room and you know that it is true, you simply need
to reinforce the flow pattern so that the wealth will flow directly
towards you unimpeded by your conscious mind.

You have finished
your prayers for the day and it is time to return to complete your
mission within the Earth Plane. Your Angels lead you back out of the
Abundance room and back into the Grand Room. Your attention once again
is drawn to The Creator’s door where now you are hearing a faint music
melody that sounds so vaguely familiar but you can’t place the name of
it within your current awareness. Your Angels giggle and tell you that
the sound you are hearing is your very own song that was created just
for you and was played for you at the time of your birth into

Standing and listening for a while you find yourself
swaying to the music, it is so inviting and speaks to your Spiritual
Heart directly. You smile and close your eyes and allow the music to
intoxicate and permeate all your Being. You find it is hard to pull
yourself away but realize that you have work to do within the Earth
Plane. The Angels tell you that you may return at anytime as this is
your very own Crystal Palace.

The Angels guide you back into the
entrance hall where you say goodbye for now to all the wonderful
colored dots. The Angels open the golden door and you cross back over
the threshold as you look up you see your Unicorn friend, Jake waiting
on you.

Jake senses your desire not to go and tells you that you
will be missed until your next visit. The two of you chatting walk
back down the path to the Helipad. Jake stands next to the Helicopter
and opens the door for you as you climb aboard. He tells you until next

You feel tears well up in your eyes but realize that you
may return here at anytime. The Helicopter takes off. You see the
mountain beneath only for a brief second before the scenery changes to
the meadow, trees and the brook. In no time you find yourself back at
the Helipad where you took off. Your Angels help you out of the
Helicopter. You thank your pilot Angel.

Your Angels quickly have you back inside. You instantly find yourself back in the White Marble Corridor.  

catch a glimpse of your glowing Essence in the mirror. Your Angels
lead you back across the golden threshold door, back into your
Spiritual Heart Chakra and then they assist the return of your
spiritual Essence back into your physical form.  

Wiggle your
fingers and toes and when ready open your eyes. Go about your day
remembering that your Inner Higher Wisdom and Angelic support staff are
always at your service working with you to help you reach your highest
most appropriate potential.  

Beloveds you are blessed beyond words and loved beyond measure, more than any Earth Plane language can ever express.

I Am Archangel Michael, The Creator’s Messenger, of Love, Joy, Wisdom, Light, Peace and Grace.

This Message is Channeled Through & Written by Carolyn Ann O’Riley. This
is copyrighted material. © It may be shared with those that you sense
might resonate with the material provided all the appropriate credits
are given and there is no charge for the channeled message shared with
another. To e-mail The Channel, Carolyn Ann O’Riley click on this link