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Oneness permeates Infinity…..

Today is a weird day for me, in more ways than One: a few months ago, when writing my second novel, I scripted this day as the crucial encounter between Sander and Selina, which was of course a very obvious parallel for me and Seda. Well, one thing led to another, and delays at the Publishers forced me to move the date in the novel to 11-11-11, but the shoe was already inside the door….

Without having the idea that today was special when I woke up, I went about my day, following up on the E-mail conversation me and Denisa had had last night. Having been dared to experience my female Higher Self, I wrote an article as part of the morning update. It pitched Male vs. Female, me Inside vs. Outside, and what not. As the day progressed, and unusual numbers of reactions came in, it turned out that that article may have been the stage of an encounter of an entirely different meeting of souls as opposed to physically welcoming someone on Ones doorstep, or was it?

Actually, I was the One welcomed on One’s  doorstep! I did not welcome a petite little Armenian lady into my home, but was invited into a home that I actually never left, but quite simply forgot All about. It is weird waking up like that, and realising I scripted it all in perfect symbiosis with the rest of what was both out there and in here….

Having now experienced the very surprising way in which our wishes can come true, I still am in awe about whatever 11-11-11 might bring. But 10-10-10 surely is a very happy day for me! Having said that, I no longer dare to do any prediction about my Life whatsoever. Because believe it or not, I have a writer’s imagination, but that is no match to the imagination and infinite attention to detail of the One. That will always continue to surprise me, no matter what! 

Love You, there is no One else!


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