Tuesday, 28 September, 2010 

Beloved Ones,

Begin now, in this Now Moment to expand
your consciousness. The dawn of the new era is here, it has been here
for quite some time as the light has been building upon your planet
since the 1800’s. Now is the time that you are being asked to intensify
your efforts to lift yourselves up, to lift up humanity and all life
with you.

Now is the time for your final effort and your final
push to bring your beloved earth into balance and harmony, to bring
yourselves into balance and harmony, and to assist your brothers and
sisters to return to balance and harmony. As you move into 2011 and
beyond, the light being showered upon your planet will intensity.
Astrological events are supportive of this process and we ask each and
every one of you to intensify your efforts.

Now is not the time
for the faint of heart. We ask you once again, to remember that it is
in the Now Moment, that you have the ability to create all that you
desire. It is in the Now Moment that all your dreams, your desires, are
being brought to fruition, but you must stay focused in the Now Moment.
The Now Moment is the power of the All That Is, the power of all

You, Dear Ones, hold the power of all Creation within
yourselves. You are not limited to your physical vessels. You are not
limited to the “you”, which you perceive. It is an illusion, Dear Ones,
an illusion which does not serve you well.

We ask you to expand
your consciousness, to see yourselves as we see you. Your field, in
truth, extends beyond the physical, beyond your home, your city, your
country, your planet. Your field extends into your solar system, your
galaxy, your universe, and to all the universes. Your field extends to
all Creation. You are the light of God. You are God and God
encompasses all Creation. Feel the light of God flow to and through
you, as you expand your awareness of your field. Expand your
consciousness and incorporate this knowing that you are not limited.
You are limitless. You are all Creation. Feel the power of all
Creation flow through you. Feel the Cosmic heartbeat within you.

heartbeat is the heartbeat of God. The heartbeat of God pulses through
you. You would not be in human form, if the heartbeat of God were not
pulsing through you, revitalizing you in every Now Moment. The
heartbeat of God is the heartbeat of all Creation. It is the Cosmic
heartbeat. This Cosmic heartbeat pulses through all Creation and
through each and every soul upon your planet. Expand into this
awareness, Dear Ones.

Expand into the knowing that you have the
Cosmic kitchen available to you for your creations. You may choose all
that you desire. It is a smorgasbord of delight, unlimited and
available to you for the asking, but you must create for your highest
good and the highest good of all Creation. You must state “Thy will be
done”, and you activate the power of all Creation within you. You must
activate the Adamantine Particles through your love and your intense
desire to create only that which is in harmony with your God Self and
for all Creation.

Expand your awareness, to the knowing that you
are all Creation. How can you be limited, when you are the light of
God? God is limitless, ever expanding, all encompassing, and you are
this light of God. Know that it is so. Develop and be this knowing,
Dear Ones, for this coming year is one of great growth and expansion.
Allow yourselves to flow in the River of Life, in the love of your
Sacred Heart. Allow yourselves to expand and relax in each and every
Now Moment and know that the Cosmic heartbeat and the light of all
Creation are flowing through you, in well being. It cannot be
otherwise, Dear Ones. It is only you that allows limitation. It is
only you who makes the choice in the Now Moment to stay in the pain and
suffering. Decide now Dear Ones, that you have had enough. Decide now
Dear Ones, to claim your Divine Birthright. Your Divine Birthright is
the perfection of God. It is the perfection of all Creation.

have had a grand and glorious time, experimenting with the duality of
the third dimension, experimenting with creating in the density. We say
to you, the time is finished. We say to you it is time to return to
your place among the higher realms. There is only love, joy, balance,
harmony, peace, good will, and the abundance that you so desire. The
All That Is knows only abundance. We ask you to remember that abundance
includes good health, satisfying relationships, and all that completes a
joyous experience for each of you. Seek and be love and joy, Dear
Ones. Stay centered in the love of your Sacred Hearts.

So many
of you have climbed the spiritual mountain, and the Now Moment is the
time to bring your hard work and your dedication to fruition. You are
the heartbeat of God, the heartbeat of the Cosmos. Allow yourselves to
be this, Dear Ones. Allow yourselves to shine your light, to be your
glorious God Selves of the higher realms.

We are here, to assist
you in your Divine endeavor, as you stay focused in the Now Moment and
allow the Cosmic heartbeat to pulse within you.

I am Archangel Michael, and I bring you this truth.

You may copy freely and share. Please copy the message in its
entirety, giving credit to Archangel Michael through Rev. Michelle
Coutant, and provide a link to: www.transformingradiance.com