Greetings and glad tidings ~

In this Go Gratitude Experiment update you will find:

  • an invitation to participate in our 9th, and final, wave of World Gratitude.
    You can sign on here: , or read below for
    more info.
  • Personal message from Stacey Robyn – ‘Growing through the Fall’


Join with us for our 9th, and final, wave of World Gratitude that begins
on September 8th.   We invite you to gather with us for 42 days as we
immerse ourselves in the wisdom, energy and experience of Gratitude.
If this is your first time joining us – Welcome!
If you have joined us in the past,  consider adding your experience and

energy to the gathering again.
This, our 9th wave, carries the energy of completion.  Look at our symbol
of Gratitude – it is also a perfectly encircled nine!  We’re so inspired by
the reflections, ah-ha’s and life-changing shifts that have been shared from
our previous waves, we know this will be our most fulfilling journey yet.

During this wave, we are revealing the next stage of our evolution together,
and invite everyone to prepare with us for what is about to bloom!

(It’s big, Big, BIG and we are here to assist everyone in being up to speed
and ready to grow!)

Now, for a moment …

Imagine that we’ve all been on a grande journey, the destination
is in sight, and this is the final wave that will bring us hOMe.  Thankfully,
the vessel is large enough for one and all — so come aboard, and let’s
arrive as One Heart – together!

To sign on for this wave of World Gratitude, go here:


New Article and Personal Message by Stacey Robyn:
‘Growing through the Fall
Greetings Beloveds ~
May this message find you well and thriving!
Summer here in the Northern Hemisphere is flowing toward autumn.  Our
garden has bloomed and come to fruit – sweet heirloom tomatoes, luscious
melons, cool cucumbers and other healthy treats have excited our pallets and
nourished our bodies.  Yummmmm!
Family vacations to Utah and Oregon have gifted us the opportunity to
reconnect with family, friends, and Mother Earth — deepening our
appreciation for the beauty of diversity that breathes in these, our
kindred spirits.
In the process, we found not everything we planned, or planted, came to fruit, nor
did every intention manifest as imagined.  Life has a mysterious way of teaching
non-attachment, and not taking ourselves too seriously. Many times, we had
to take a step back, to reassess what is worth keeping, what’s ready to be
released, and what actions will serve to create peace, harmony and joy.
We also found that in releasing attachment to the imagined outcome,
we were ushered into an experience that far exceeded our expectations,
delivering even more to be grateful for.

Again, and again, we were called to center ourselves in the moment,
clarify our intent, then re-vision what actions will move us toward this.
We found choosing Love, over being “right”, was paramount and
‘Being Peace’ is the peace we seek.

It has been a summer of radical change, opening our hearts to the beauty
of the mystery, exciting an appreciation for what IS, and strengthening our
ability to grow with the flow.

Grow is the operative word here.

Awakening, by Nellla
In Utah’s Provo canyon, at Bridal Veil falls, one particular experience
really pounded this home.  Literally and figuratively.

To give a bit of background, I was born in Utah — a curious child budding
in the deep canyons, blue skies and chilly lakes.  Lilac bushes were my
guardians, and shape-shifting clouds my first teachers in meditation.
Barn cats and farm dogs my companions as  new adventures called
me beyond my doorstep into the beauty of creation.
At the age of 9 I chose to be baptised in Bear Lake, knowing nature was
my first, truest and deepest connector to Source, to Love, to Joy. It was also
an early sign that my spirited nature sought experiences beyond traditional
constructs and accepted practices. This immersion in sacred waters gently
carved the landscape of my heart, and brings us forward to now.
Back to Bridal Veil Falls …
In the past, my interaction with it had been riding a gondola, rising above
the falls to witness it’s powerful flow. No direct connection, just an
appreciation from afar.
A few years back, a landslide destroyed the tram system.

So when our family went to the falls this year, we played in her waters
intimately — splashing in the pools at her base, and then climbing the
mountain to bathe in her rainbow mists.

As I sat next to the falls, feeling the sprays of change bless my body, a
sudden urge to enter the flow overtook me and I followed the call.
Making my way along the rocky ledge, the rushing sound was deafening.
The world beyond the moment faded away, as each step heightened my
senses to the coming moment of oneness.

As I stepped into the falls, everything went white.  An intense crush of
flowing watery Love coursed through my crown, and the shock of cold
waters straightened the spine in a lightening flash.  The white soon turned
to stars — a cosmogenesis birthing inside my heart and mind and then …
I felt the tinge of fear begin to rise.

Glowing Gratitude by Robert Donaghey

What had I imagined, and what it actually was, were speeding toward
opposite ends of the spectrum.  The joy that brought me to this place
was fading in a rush of unknowns, and I realized I was in the flow, but could
not control it.
When I realized I had not taken a breath, and the stars began to fade to
black, I awakened to a choice point – to go and grow beyond the intensity,
or lose myself in the weight of the experience.

Thankfully, just beyond the falls were a group of young teenagers — having
just stepped out of the falls, they were beyond its rushing body, standing and
bathing in the light.

With every once of strength, releasing the grip of fear, I reached out to grab
a shoulder and made my way into the light of day.
Taking a deep breath, filling my lungs to fan the fires of life, I felt a wave of
intense Gratitude … and then laughter overtook me.  Rolling, deep, tear-jerking laughter.  

Ahhhh … sweet release.

Then, in a flash, I saw this experience as a micro of the macro — Humanity’s
journey through the rushing flow of the Great Shift of the Ages.  The joy of
adventure, piercing moments of fear, and the choice to go and grow beyond
the experience we have ourselves chosen.

Gaia –

I saw the youth as a vital support system in making our way through the
intensity of change.  Their vitality, purity, and openness to new ways of
being will assist our transition.  Living outside the confines of programmed
fear and out-dated ways of being, our youth are free to guide us, teach us,
and stabilize our journey into the Light.
Later that night, as I lay in bed, I felt the flow of the falls coursing through
me again.  Feeling the cleansing, purifying waters clearing my body, mind,
emotions and soul, I wept.  Tears of Gratitude fell in rushing waves, a
re-awakening to the truth and beauty of this age of great change.
By our choice, our own volition, we have come to this point in the great cycle
of life.  We have taken the journey into the fall, and experienced the illusion
of separation and control.  We have gathered our strength to shed our fears,
and found the courage to shift our positions toward peace and illumination. 

At times, each one of us will find ourselves in the rush of change, or will be
the shoulder that assists our Beloveds in finding their way with grace.
Together we are better, and are born for this time. May our hearts grow with
Gratitude and let our Light shine!
Beloveds, as we flow into the coming season of autumn, here in the Northern
Hemisphere, and the blooming spring in the Southern, let us give thanks for
the bounty of wisdom, nourishment, and beauty that are our birthrite.
This arriving season also brings with it the experience of balance — a harmonic
gathering of dark and light, the male and female, the young and the old.  May
our prayers be one of great thanks for this journey called Life, and with deep
faith in our collective strength trust we will, and are, birthing a world that
works for everyone!

Let us offer thanks to our Mother Earth who provides space for our experience, 

abundance,  and the gift of Life. Let us harvest the fruits of our good works
with ease and great praise.  Let us plant dream seeds of a new world in our
heart, tenderly nourishing these with our wisdom, resources and a renewed
commitment to Love.
Thank you, to all, who have joined us on this amazing journey into the heart of
Gratitude.  By sharing your stories, good works, abundance and loving support
you have been a shoulder to keep us steady through many waves of change.
We are blessed beyond measure.

Remember, together we are better and each person makes a difference.
Beloveds … that person is YOU!
Thank you for being our Heart.
in Love and Gratitude,
Stacey Robyn
and the ground crew of Go Gratitude!
P.S. As you feel inspired, please join us for our 9th Wave of World Gratitude,
beginning on September 8th. As we flow through the landscape of change
together — sharing our gifts, planting dream seeds, and ushering a new world
into being — we leverage the power of collective energetic intent, supporting
one another’s visions and dreams, as One Heart, together!
Here we grow again!

As always, we’re offering this program on the basis of Appreciation. We believe
so deeply in the benefits of this gathering, we want everyone to be able to
participate, regardless of current financial circumstances.
So, what does that mean?
You choose Your Own Price. $0, $5, $10 $42, $42 Billion. . . a miracle or two,
inspired ideas, connections, win-win posssibilities, world peace . . . just to name
a few. 😉
That’s right, it’s up to YOU!
We trust in providence, and whole-heartedly believe in the Law of Gratitude –
that what you put out returns to you . . . and even greater. As so, World Gratitude
is a community-supported endeavor, catalyzing a collective shift from an
obligation economy to an Appreciation Economy.
What we appreciate, APPRECIATES.

As you feel inspired, please pass this on.  Copyrite Stacey Robyn 2010. In the 

Spirit of Love and Gratitude, please include source name, and websites, as this is
part of a growing body of work.  Thank you!




p align=”left”>Choosing Gratitude: Your Journey to Joy