Channeler: Luxonia

You are part of a holy process of human ascension. For the pave maker
team of Light Workers the work has been tough. To be able to ascend
means to leave all that you have and are behind. Many of them needed to
die at some level while living.

This was necessary to make them what they are now becoming, a new
species that looks like human but is value-based with great awareness
and personal power, a creator of Earth.

In geometrical terms the old experience was like a flat square with
extremes of polarity at the edges. Ascension means that you rise from
that square to a new level, making the square a pyramid. When you make
the shift to the fifth dimension you lose contact with polarity and
start creating a circle around you, ever expanding, through creating
with your values.

Each pave maker chose, consciously or subconsciously, a set of values
to transfer from the old Earth to the New Earth. These values were
integrated as Light into their spine during meditation and sleep.

When the pave makers all together rise their kundalini and make the
human shift occur, the values are released for their personal and
collective use in creation.

Every pave maker has chosen Love as their highest value, but there
are many more: Joy, Abundance, Sharing, Health, Wisdom, Trust, Faith and
many more.

The new era of creating is beginning. Now it is only a matter of synchronizing it. You are Blessed. We are the Elohim of Earth.

Indeed, all through last winter Elohim was working on my spine, first
making space for the Light of Values and then integrating them in the
spine. At times it felt like someone is trying to stuff tennis balls in
the spine…