True harmonic healing originates within each subatomic cell of the body
and connects the spark of Source that is deep within each cell into the
full spectrum of light and sound of the original Universal Template.
This Template contains the alignment, the perfect harmony, the eternal
perfect temple that is free from any type of illness, infection, disease
and even death.Crystalai ©2010

Some say that Reiki Healing originated in Japan in this century. In reality, the master minds of healing through the harmonic alignment of the Super Frequencies of Universal Consciousness,
taught this to their students 250,000 years ago. This harmonic alignment was brought to Earth by
our starry family from Sirius B brough the first Crystal Stream alignment of
the perfected Universal Consciousness.Some of those original teachings were passed through mystery schools and individuals who were taught by Jeshua 12. The teachings of using this Cosmic StarDust Energy known as prana, was returned to me through the Elohim of Hearing.  The original MasterMinds of this teaching included Sirians, Aquarians, an Elohim Team, Melchizedeks, Arcturians and our Blue Crystal elemental families of the Aquafarian Realm.

A team of Elohim Angels including Zadkiel, St. Germain, the Marys, governing Melchizedeks, and a
trio of Templars appeared before me to guide me in the magical Reiki that was originally performed
with three spheres of crystal energy. The Elohim Team arranged the Elohim of Hearing to connect
a golden portal in our ears to align the Cosmic Frequencies into our Consciousness as we exhaled into the magical crystal spheres to create the most powerful healing energy through the highest frequencies brought to earth through the breath of angels. These breaths were executed as musical symphonies to align our consciousness into the light streams that connect into the eternal harmony of heavenly realms.

The practitioner of true Reiki healing would never need to visit a doctor or a hospital for healing or diagnosis of any kind. I lived in Japan for several years and I taught English at a hospital where Reiki healing was used in conjunction with regular medical procedures. The Reiki healers usually belonged to a Buddhist group and they were obligated to pay large sums of money to the Buddhist Monks to hold a place in heaven for them. I have never known a Reiki healer who didn’t consider it a normal part of their life to visit doctors and hospitals for healing.

The healing that I do is completed through frequencies of consciousness and alignment into the highest frequency, which is the frequency of Source. In order to reach alignment with that frequency I was given a gift from the Elohim Angels who created the path of Onenss into Source. This is the true harmonic healing that was transformed into Reiki healing. I did not achieve it through studying with Reiki Masters. I knew many Reiki Masters and they needed my healing a lot more than I needed theirs. I have never visited a doctor’s office for any type of disease, illness or any problem my entire life. I have never had the need to ask a doctor for diagnosis, analysis or perscriptions in my entire life. I haven’t met any other reiki healers who actually do not believe they
need a doctor as well as the reiki healing. This means that type of reiki healing is not the real thing.

True healing through the Universal Consciousness Frequencies of Harmonic Alignment do not
need a doctor’s assistance. As a matter of fact, the two types of healing are as far apart as heaven and hell. The medical industry has helped to block the true harmonic alignment of healing more
than anything else on earth. The frequencies in hospitals are the lowest in the Galaxy.

Our frequency music at  was used in an experiment by one Doctor Roberts in 2008. After the music played for one day and one night, his patients were ready to leave the hospital. This music could easily be used in all hospitals to  advance healing far beyond anything presently used. Why isn’t it? Those healers are fakirs.

They only work to promote the conspiracies to keep us down. Our true energy source always has been and always will be Source. Those who are not in tune with Source use others energies to run on. This is what has been happening on this planet for eons. We must raise our frequencies higher than those who would lock us in a hospital. We must continuously stream our consciousness into these magical crystal liquid light streams pouring down as star dust to reseed our consciousness with divine vitality.

True harmonic healing originates within each subatomic cell of the body and connects the spark of Source that is deep within each cell into the full spectrum of light and sound of the original Universal Template. This Template contains the alignment, the perfect harmony, the eternal perfect temple that is free from any type of illness, infection, disease and even death.

This is the new Super Frequency that is available to Reiki Healers. Use of this music in regular
Reiki Healing and Yoga sessions will result in a new level of healing that no longer needs the assistance of the medical industry. The Super Frequency Kit is highly recommended for all Reiki Healers and Yoga Therapists to become the Master Minds once again.


