The Journey…

Divine guidance led me to depart on the 8th of September, 2011, at 11:11. It turns out that is the day of the new moon! and the 8th day of 9th month, in 10th year of 2000, at 11:11… 8,9,10, 11… Significant to me, in a seeing between the notes kinda way… Denver, CO is the first destination, from there to Boise, ID, Missoula, MT, Bellingham/Mount Vernon, WA, Victoria, BC, Canada, Port Angeles, WA, Montesano, WA, Olympia, WA, Then down the 101 to San Francisco, CA and Hollywood, CA… Next to San Diego, CA, then across to Tucson, AZ, Tombstone, AZ, Portal, AZ, Scottsdale, AZ and then Home to Sedona some 7 weeks later. There will be opportunity for stops along the way, side destinations and of course, Divine Guidance.

Deva will be journeying with me in Spirit and our teamwork approach to navigating the Spirit Realms will be well documented in real-time along the way. Might as well bookmark this site now and share with all of your friends because this is a journey of epic proportions! And as I have said, it is a Love story like no other… The experience will be real reality, journaled here and at the Heroes of the Now website. I will be trying on a new medium with video diaries and though I won’t be carrying my photography gear, I will be using my phone (Droid X) to take the pictures and video on the journey. Perhaps a sponsorship is in the works now…

She just flew up to the window, so delicate in her nature… the hummingbirds! this one looked in, right at me as I am writing this. She blessed me with her consciousness and awareness of me, and I her… in that moment, we connected, knowing we were one. She about to embark… hearing my thoughts, I wonder if she migrates for the winter and was mulling over her travel itinerary… Or just wishing me well… Many blessings have been coming from the Spirit Realms these past several days… A dragon fly landed on my finger as I read from the Buffalo Diaries off of my phone and over the phone to Deva… At the end of a remote healing session, a feather drifted down from the heavens and landed on my finger… and I have been blessed daily by the Hummingbird wisdom… Much energy has aligned with Spirit to carry the momentum for this journey…

After I had the experience with the hummingbird, I was prompted to release even more of the past… Layer by layer, all is revealed to release and the energies of the Universe are supporting fully at this time. The frequency is lifting and humanity is going up with it… If we let it. I used to hold on, but know that is not the way. The past, dead and gone, is not the place to be living. In fact, there is very little energy there, except what is stuck there to be retrieved. I am fully in the present moment, lingering very little in those memories now… whenever, something comes into my awareness, I call my power back and stay here and NOW…

The canyon opened up to the heavens this morning and I awoke with a thunderclap overhead. Cleansing rain greeted my day and I stood outside with my tea and soaked it in. Rain drops on my head, an outdoor shower of sorts, purged the energies of the Labor Day weekend from the Canyon. There was quite an energy in Sedona this weekend, with many visitors… Very good for the local economy, however it brought a lower vibration into the field… There was much unconsciousness happening this weekend and even though people had come to Sedona, ostensibly for it’s natural beauty and energy, they also brought a denser vibration… there was much alcohol and it’s associated realms… Sunday was the worst and I actually only left my retreat to go down to Indian Gardens for a burrito… but that was enough. The roads were congested with anger about the traffic and the level of consciousness was clouded with the lower vibrations brought in from afar.

I understand, now, what is going on… I was a part of that throng that came into Sedona in my past life. Trying desperately to get a “break” from the reality I had created. A vacation or holiday, I would travel to an exotic location and “party like a ….” I haven’t had a hangover in well over 2 1/2 years, but I could feel the collective hangover Monday morning as I drove through uptown… The way our society has conditioned us to work, work, work… for what I ask? Did my life have the quality that it does now? Emphatically, I say no, it did not… And so I changed it.

Now, I sit in this peaceful place listening to the thunder and rain, feeling the cleansing powers of Spirit course through and all around me and I smile. â˜º Indeed, I am connected to All that Is. Thunder rumbling from my chest, my tears of release the rain, I cleanse… I go forward a new human being, ordained and spiritual I have made my peace with Creator… embraced that which has provided the landscape for our Consciousness and I am the essence of Creation within.

So, I move now into my Dance with the Divine… Spirit will guide me, protect me, nurture me and insure I am well cared for. I am a Divine Instrument sent forth to bring Love and Consciousness to my world at this time. My travels begin on the morrow and I am ready. In all ways, I am ready… Although I travel by myself, I am not alone, this I know… Blessings to Deva, wonderful being of Light, who is always with me and All Creation has opened to receive my divinity…

See you in non-ordinary reality!

Love and Kindness,

the Buffalo Diaires