Saturday, 25 September, 2010  (posted 26 September, 2010)

Recognizing what is to come, the New Human looks forward with
delight and awe at both what has been accomplished and what is emerging,
and in being thus focused, creates.

The Future Unfolds in the Present: The Future Speaks.

reaches new heights as the unfolding that is taking place now is beyond
all measure; it can only be felt within. The lightness of the energy
is an indicator of the ethereal qualities of the new, higher frequency
space in which more and more of you are predominantly residing, and
within this sphere the level of delight is palpable and sustained!

this, you may anticipate a new human culture beginning to take shape
and form. You have experienced flashes of this in your virtual
communities together, and what is to follow is the coming together of
couples, communities and shared efforts in the space where you live and
are—whereas many of the communal experiences you have had prior to this
have been online or energetic.

The new human exists simultaneously
in all these relationships. You relate to one another energetically.
Across georgraphy and dimensions. You relate to one another sitting
side by side—and with a local orientation as well as a sense of essence
and the expansive game in which you are participating—all at the same
time. This is the crafty skill of flowing your focus! Learning to
perceive and accommodate multiple inputs and extensions of you—multiple
points of view—into your now experience with ease and effortlessly.
Here is the new mode of being which you might begin to play with and
explore. How might you “stretch or alter time” as a construct such that
you can accommodate all of this naturally in the flow of experience
with yourself and others? You are masters at this! You have done this
before. Take a “moment” to remember. {smile}

The New Earth is
becoming increasingly populated. More and more find their way here;
although some do not even yet realize what is taking place as they have
moments of total presence, and thus expansive freedom and joy.

remaining beings who have not yet experienced this newly minted
frequency of Earth, are suffering. You can tell them easily for their
physical bodies are not even yet going through, consciously, the
awakenings you have all felt—no, what is noticeably is the acceleration
of emotional drama, financial issues. Fear and self-loathing are being
pulled forth into their experience in such fierce and persistent ways!
Their experience is intensifying so much so, that you are hardly able
anymore to create a bridge for these folks to cross and follow. Which
is perfect and fine—for as you remember that’s not your role anyway!

you cannot assist, influence or support them. The inner urgings must
preside over the terror of the mind. The shift must come from noticing
and beginning to attune to the heart. A sincere desire to find their
way must be accompanied by listening to themselves with love and
interest. As they begin to listen to their deepest cries from within,
as they run out of all other alternatives for possibly escaping this
enormous intensification of pain, as they begin to let go and with
compassion to listen to their most treasured desires for experience,
they will find their way.

The path has been paved well and you may rest easy knowing your work has been done.

we recently reminded you of! And so? It’s onto the art of creating,
and embracing your own I AM presence, your own eternal divinity as a
specific and unique focal point of All-That-Is, Source diversified, and
in a human vessel! A human vessel now being remade–for a permanent
metamorphosis is taking place—and the prior version of humanity will no
longer exist at some point when the momentum is so great that all will
either tip over into spontaneous expression of this newness or dissipate
energetically into the void, returning to source to be spun off again,
and chose once more—identity, focus and orientation for experience.

remaining energies of the new earth coming forth are living within YOU.
It is up to you to cultivate your imagining. How long has it been
since you spent long hours lying on your back, looking at the sky, or
with your eyes closed, simply dreaming?

Conjuring up all kinds of
possibilities, exploring them—honing them until they felt shimmery in
their alignment and perfection, and YOU were filled with unbridled
enthusiasm and excitement! This is what we long to witness—YOU from
your new platform of expanded identity imagining what suits and
resonates entirely with your perspective.

Oh let the music begin!
For this is how it will be—the vibration of your song will create the
forms of experience that inspire and harmonize with others. The new
earth exists as seeds within each of you—which are to be hybridized and
cross pollinated, planted as is—in whatever way you see fit, ALL
heirlooms of the lush dominion of each experience in which you saw an
opportunity to enhance, expand and express through your focus.

the space around you—natural or built—how would you like it to feel?
What surfaces delight you? What smells and sounds would they make in
contact with your vessel? What colors do you see, in the sky, in your
food, in your interaction with other’s energies? Aha! What energy
would you like to see, feel, know and experience!

What about fun?
What kind of experiences have you wished to repeat? What have you
imagined would give you great joy and a soaring sense of freedom? What
“impossible” things have you dreamed about? What about adventure—what
frontiers would you most like to explore—fully confident of your
experience being resourced, sustained and full of awesome surprises?

turn your attention to relationships—with all things, how do you wish
to meet? Be seen? Greeted? In what ways would you thrive? How might
your enjoy the company of life in all forms? How might you celebrate
this? What ways would relationships change to reflect the sovereign
nature of each of you? How with confidence would you approach creating a
new culture together? What structure would you desire? What
comings-together would make you count the moments and pull out all the
stops to make them mouth-dropping, awe-inspiring experiences? What
would support you and make life flow with ease? What is your role
within all this?

What resources are you capable of using and
enjoying? Can you give yourself permission to have all of these and
know that there is more than enough for anyone else to follow and do the
same? Can you allow yourself to use money? Can you realize that any
symbol, such as money, is only given the meaning you carry forth? Can
you free yourself of all fears about the financial and now use money for
fun and enjoy creating ways to receive and flow so much of it you
cannot believe you ever held back this avalanche of abundance from your
own experience?

What about health? You live and breathe in
astonishing harmony with everything. Can you deepen this experience of
the miraculous medium by which you connect with everything physical and
see, hear, taste, touch, smell and feel the Earth? What is wellness?
How does it feel? Can you find the ways in which you are well? Can you
imagine how expansive wellness might be? Instead of thinking of only
not-sick, not-fat, not-tired, can you see what cultivation might include
in the limitless potential of wellbeing? Are you ready to learn and
listen to your body as to what form and particulars will best serve your
desired experience? In particular, what might your body be capable of
now that it’s limiting template has been dissolved and it is seeking new
“boundaries” energetically and within form?

And what might your
relationship to “time” and space be? Many of you are discovering that
it has already changed so much. Knowing now your eternal I AM-ness, how
might you approach each moment punctuated by this knowing? Permeated
with self-love? Infinitely resourced. Clearly receiving instantaneous
perspective on all potentials in play as reflected by your inner
impulses and felt sense of wholeness.

Your mind is working as one.
Your focal point is conscious of the unified field in which it is an
intimate, vital aspect. You give your authority to no one, and
recognize the intelligence of All-That-Is which miraculously organizes
all the harmoniously impulses which guide you from within. You are
comfortable with change and with rest and gathering. You are attuned to
and oriented to energy and sensations. You live in and through a form,
as well as formlessly. Your choices and focus jump across time and
space, located as you direct, your evolution rippling backward and
forward and radiating out in conversation with All-That-Is thus
informing everything. Each aspect of source is in a profound
relationship of dance and choreography with you. There are no limits
and no end.

So lighten up!

Take a nap. Feel some pleasure.
Heal yourself. Love yourself. Prosper. Turn toward the great central
sun and know the source of information and light which flows through
many other sources to you. There are inputs within and without.
Discern the source. Set your standards for merging and participation.
Clarify your intentions. Take the helm of your moment and see what
speaks to you.

All is lifting up in an effort to align and dance with the cosmic oneness which is.

is true. It is necessary. The nature of personal reality has been
transformed. You speak the codes which have done this. You are the

Life in the higher realms as the New Human is.

I AM Naeshira, and I speak from the Records of Creation.

© 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications
– You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under
the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use
this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build
upon this work.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to
others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be
waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder.  Any other
purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.