Channeler: Mike Quinsey

You are moving so far ahead of the dark Ones, that they have no hope
of altering the outcome. They have no answers to the growing Light
levels, and can only persist with their attempts to stop you reaching
Ascension. Their nature is to follow what worked previously, but you
have become much wiser and are no longer easily fooled. You now have the
power and it cannot be taken from you, providing you continue to keep
your focus on the Light. You will be helping create the conditions that
will lead to the changes destined to give you to victory over the dark
Ones. Already there is confusion in their ranks as it becomes obvious
that they are losing their way. There is also a global revolution
against them, as the truth about them is becoming known.

We would ask you not to relax your efforts to bring more Light to
Earth, as the more successful you are the sooner our Allies can come to
the fore. Although the main focus is upon activities in the U.S., the
fact remains that there are other countries that will play an important
role at this time. They have had to work in unison to face the might and
power of the Illuminati, and have made a stand against them.
Fortunately for all concerned, we monitor such events and are able to
give assistance when needed. In reality we always have the edge, because
of our resources and advanced technologies. We have had to smile at
times because of the audacity of the Dark Ones, believing that we would
allow them to develop a Space Wars System. Off Earth we have the last
word in matters such as this, and we have prevented weapons of mass
destruction being positioned in Space.

We are able to keep one step ahead of the dark Ones because we know
of their plans. They have no real answer to the predicament they have
landed themselves in. All they can think of is how to escape the
inevitable time when they will be ousted. Be assured that there is no
escape, even although they have the benefit of advanced technologies
that you have little knowledge of. One day they will answer for all of
their actions, and it is no different for them to anyone else. That is
why we urge you to allow matters to evolve naturally, as your prime
concern should be upon your Ascension. You are going to join the company
of Beings similar to your ascended selves, and will leave the old
dimension behind for good. However, some of you may choose to drop into
the lower level again in the interest of serving others, and service is
the criterion for all who move into higher dimensions.

Meanwhile, you try to make sense of what is happening on Earth as you
see the old ways still in place, yet you hear of changes that are
starting to manifest. It is what is to be expected as the new energies
create the opportunity to bring the changes about. As you see so much
breaking up that was considered a permanent part of your life, it is
simply creating the space for the new era to begin. For those of you who
seek change it does not come as a surprise, but for others less well
informed it would seem chaotic and out of control. No individual can see
or grasp the whole picture, but part of our role will be to gradually
pass onto you as much information as possible. There is truly so much
that you need to learn before Ascension, and we shall acquaint you with
quick learning methods to speed up your education.

Our main means of communion will be your television services, until
we can equip you with a personal unit that you can take with you. Even
now some of you meet with us in out of the body meetings, and you return
to Earth to carry out your mission. Some remember such meetings, and by
its very nature seems dreamlike. In time there will be a more open
contact and we will be happy to invite you on board our ships, as a
pleasurable visit. Our Motherships are immense by your way of thinking,
and they can accommodate hundreds of you at a time. Some of them around
you Earth at present are a hundred miles in diameter and stationed in
the outer ring. In our much smaller craft that are for use in your
atmosphere, we visit you on Earth and we are seen often by you. However,
a lot of our activity is carried out with the craft invisible to your
eyes, but seen on your radar detection units. We prefer to keep out of
sight, as the least your dark Ones know about our work, the better it

The disclosure announcement is hardly necessary when it comes to
proving we are real. So much evidence about us has been amassed, that it
is no longer a matter of the proof of our being. It is however the
outcome that will ensure that we are accepted by you, and have
permission to land openly on Earth. The sooner the better as we have so
much to get started, and we know how much you desire our presence
amongst you. We come in peace as your family with the authority to help
you and Mother Earth prepare for Ascension. It is a privilege to serve
in this way, and we offer you our experience gained from seeing other
civilizations through a similar period. We can say no more than that we
would like to see matters get underway by the end of this year. That
would be a great boost for you as you enter 2011, with such a relatively
short time to the end of the cycle. Indeed can you believe that it is
so close, as time accelerates even faster than before?

Some people are very skeptical when we talk of having prevented you
from destroying your Earth. However you have come close to doing so on
more than one occasion. Yet you are beginning to understand how
dangerous nuclear weapons are, and their potential for massive
destruction. Then there is the lasting damage to your ecosystem that can
remain for many, many years. The Earth is your beautiful home for your
physical journey through life. It grieves many that such lack of care
can occur, but that is the whole point – because the Illuminati planned
your demise. You can now consider such things as history, because Mother
Earth will not be subjected to such uncaring again. She is to be
restored and cleansed through both of our efforts, and that will be
ongoing until Ascension.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish you could already be with us, but
that time will soon come and you will get to know much about the
Galactic Federation. There are a number of Federations that serve the
Light, and beyond them many Councils of Light that directly serve God.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey – All languages stated above -ENGLISH
• – POLSKA/Polish
* –日本語/Japanese – ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/
Greeck – LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese – БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian – POLISH – NEW – RUSSIAN – NEW

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on