Channeler: Mike Quinsey

As you must imagine many events are lining up that will bring you
freedom, they will follow in a sequence that will make good sense and
quickly open up the path to Ascension. Looking back you will find that
our projections of when to expect developments, have been quite
accurate. At the time you often do not know what to look for, and it is
only later that you can see how certain events are linked together. You
are well aware that when you look for results events appear to have
moved slowly, yet it takes many pieces to complete the jigsaw. Right
now, we approach the well deserved victory that will see the first of
many major changes. We are well ready as ever, having rehearsed for this
time with meticulous planning. We know about the personal hardships
many of you are suffering, but please realize that it will not be for
much longer. We can assure you that we have the answers to your
worldwide problems. Not only that, we also have the technologies and
personnel to carry them out.

We wish to quickly transform your society’s ability to cater for your
needs, so that in a relatively short time no one need go short food or
water. There are priorities that we will address immediately, so as to
lift up the deprived people of the poorer countries. The major ones have
a great responsibility to others, and by the time their help is needed
they will be under new leadership. The old brigade can hardly be trusted
with the future of you all, and they will be kept out of positions of
power. Law and order will also be reviewed to ensure it operates in a
fair and just manner. We know by name all of those people who have been
falsely imprisoned, and they shall be promptly released. Those guilty of
crimes will be treated more humanely, and with advanced techniques that
will remove such tendencies. From this you will realize that we have
given much thought and planning to the upliftment of Man. All shall
share in the new wealth which is to be created, and at a stroke it will
remove many of the problems that beset you.

We want you to understand how much will done for you as part of the
general upliftment. When the changes are well advanced, your reliance
upon the old forms of energy will have been removed. No more shall you
be restricted and live only on what you can afford, and free energy will
supply all of your needs to give you comfort and warmth when required.
We are talking about creating a new civilization that will be ready to
take a quantum leap into the future. You are indeed privileged to be on
Earth at this time, and to be part of such experiences. Many souls would
gladly exchange positions with you, to see the end of duality and
experience the joys that are yet to come.

There is a great of deal of knowledge to pass on to you, and we shall
enhance your ability to absorb it much more quickly. Eventually you
will have a perfect memory, but that will come with your upliftment into
the higher dimensions. The possibilities of increasing your memory now,
are relative to the degree to which you lift up your levels of
consciousness. You will find that you grow in awareness, and psychic
abilities will become quite commonplace. Telepathy will eventually be
adopted, and there will be no need for the spoken word. That is in fact
our position now, and with it also comes the ability to read minds. It
is not however used as a means to be intrusive, and every soul is
allowed to decide who they allow to access to their thoughts.

There will be opposition to our coming, but more than anything that
will be rooted in the fear of the unknown. However, we will be doing all
we can to allay those fears, and feel quite sure that we can satisfy
people that we come in peace and for your benefit. We will also overcome
any suspicion that we have some ulterior motive in mind, and our intent
and actions will be quite open. Much of our work on Earth will be
coordinated with your new government representatives, and as we have
mentioned previously, the media will be used to follow our activities.
It will not take long before it becomes clearly apparent that we come to
restore your Earth, and return you to the status of sovereign citizens.

As quick as we move ahead we must ask for patience where your
individual problems are concerned, as we are initially working to a plan
to relieve the conditions that are more widespread. We have not
promised you more than we can deliver, and the size of the task does not
in the slightest way daunt us. While attention is being given to your
requirements on Earth, a massive operation will be taking place out in
space. It will involve the cleansing of your atmosphere from pollution,
and the removal of what you would call space junk remaining from various
experiments that have been carried out. Also from above we can closely
monitor changes in and on the Earth, and we will advise you when any
form of danger is a threat to you.

One most noticeable change will be the freedom accorded to your
journalists and television news stations, and when you are given
information it will be truthful. Hitherto your media has been so
controlled that you have been fed exactly what the Illuminati wish you
to believe, and the news has been deliberately fabricated for their own
purposes. Truth has been a rare commodity over many years, and your
politicians have only themselves to blame for your lack of trust in
them. With the new governments that will all change, and it will not
take long to convince you that a new and trusted breed of politician has
arrived. They will serve the people first and last, and honesty will
replace the corrupt practices that have become rampant. Generally
speaking the fall of your civilization has come about, because of the
low vibrations on Earth that have attracted such souls of a similar
vibration. Conversely, when the vibrations lift up it will open the way
for higher beings to come to you.

Man may make his own laws, but the Universal Laws are supreme and are
immutable. They are based on love, justice and sharing so that each
civilization respects the sovereignty of others. The Galactic Federation
is one such example of what we mean, and each civilization that is a
member works in harmony with each other. In the near future your
civilization will reach such levels, and Ascension is an important step
along the way. We are leading you in to the Love and Light that will
forever change your life.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey – All languages stated above -ENGLISH

• – POLSKA/Polish
* –日本語/Japanese – ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/

Greeck – LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese – БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian – POLISH – NEW – RUSSIAN – NEW

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on