Channeler: Mike Quinsey

It is not just the U.S, that has paid its respects to those who died
in the tragedy that was 9/11, but the whole world remembers the human
loss involved. There is in a manner of speaking another tragedy,
inasmuch that the media still generally refers to it as a terrorist
attack yet the facts tell otherwise. For people who are sufficiently
experienced to voice a professional point of view as to what took place,
there is frustration that there has been no official acknowledgement of
their findings. This situation will remain until greater freedom of
speech is allowed, and an independent enquiry takes place. At present
there are still too many people with power, who have collaborated in the
false terrorist attack who can exert pressure upon those anxious to
release the truth. There is also anger that the Government still holds
to the official version, even although it is quiet clear that it cannot
possibly answer all of the questions. We want to tell you that all of
those involved in the conspiracy will be exposed, and they will answer
for their crimes against Humanity. In the greater scheme of things,
every soul will face every action that has led to the injury or death of
another soul.

We do not wish to dwell on 9/11 as the truth of what happened on that
fatal day is becoming public knowledge. It has not achieved the results
that the dark Ones desired, but as a result it has brought about a new
set of tough security laws. All of these contrived situations are simply
to exercise stricter controls over your freedom of movement. In the
long term your freedom will be restored, as once a new Government is
established it will be based upon your inherent sovereign rights. Such
changes will spread across the world like a breath of fresh air, and the
past will be gradually fade away like a very bad dream. The dark Ones
have played out their hand, and have been defeated. It is now a matter
of sweeping up after them, and bringing in the long awaited changes that
will enrich people’s lives.

Matters change day to day but one thing is for sure, and that is your
victory and subsequent elevation into the higher dimensions. It has
been planned for eons of time, and in spite of what may appear to be
setbacks it advances in a most acceptable way. The chaos that you are
experiencing now is unavoidable as the old system breaks down, but that
is necessary to make the room for a totally new civilization that is now
emerging. So many of you came into this period of time, because you
have the skills and understanding that will be needed to surge ahead.
You might reflect on the fact that you have created your reality, but it
was at a higher level that the divine plan was conceived and it will
not change except for divine intervention.

The energies that are directed to Earth continue to lift up your
vibrations, and are affecting your physical bodies in a beneficial way.
It is too early for many of you to register the changes, but there will
eventually be a regeneration of your body cells. You are beginning to
move into your Ascension bodies, and these will not carry forward any
existing imperfections. The nearer you get to Ascension a quickening
will take place, until you are finally ready for the great upliftment.
By then of course, we will have been with you for quite a time guiding
you along. So you can see that we are essential to your progress, and we
are excitedly waiting for the first opportunity to present ourselves to

We cannot promise you that things will improve yet, as the financial
conditions being experienced at present have not yet bottomed out. Your
civilization is collapsing, and it cannot be saved from the implosion
that is taking place. Yet at the same time the new one is being born,
and rising like the phoenix from its ashes. Civilizations come and go
quite often but whereas of late there has been a downward trend, your
time has come for yours to take that great leap forward. The cycle of
duality is finally at an end, and you will soon enter a peaceful and
happy period.

The future beckons and you are beginning to envisage its attraction
after the darkness you have experienced. There were times when you knew
no different and life seemed to be utterly bleak without any real chance
of it changing. What few of you understood was that Heaven was lovingly
watching over you, and planning your release into the Light. At any
given time greater souls have always incarnated upon Earth, to keep you
aware of your true selves. The truth was not always shared around, for
reasons that its survival depended upon it being preserved by those who
were already at a higher level of understanding. However, the Light
cannot be extinguished as everything that already is depends upon it for
its existence. In effect all that the dark does is highlight the lack
of Light, and it is through such experiences that you grow spiritually.

Your individual journeys are almost at an end, so enjoy the prospect
of it all changing for the better because you need not return to duality
again. Let the upsets and worries of everyday life; be measured against
the bright and happy future that is just around the corner. Set your
sights upon all that is good and wholesome, and ignore those who would
have it otherwise. The dark Ones will still be around and they too will
learn something from you. One day they will find the Light that still
shines within, even if it is now veiled by the darkness they have

Our presence is to help all souls, and we do not choose one soul over
another where our help is concerned. It is up to each individual to
decide in which direction their future is going, and regardless of their
choice they will be treated with kindness and love. That is the only
way to penetrate the darkness, and help those souls who are trapped. Let
no one believe that they are superior to another soul, and know that it
is not the way of those who have become spiritually enlightened. Love
is the powerful energy of the Creator and holds all of creation

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank all of you for seeking out the
truth, and I hope that in your search you find the answers you seek.
Follow your intuition, and be prepared to change direction when the need

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey – All languages stated above -ENGLISH
• – POLSKA/Polish
* –日本語/Japanese – ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/
Greeck – LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese – БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian – POLISH – NEW – RUSSIAN – NEW

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on