Channeler: Mike Quinsey

We know that these messages are received mainly by the converted,
which have stirred within and sensed the importance of these times.
Others take a passing look but if it does not fit in with their present
mindset, it will remain outside of their thinking. However, nothing that
you read or hear is without its value, and a new idea can lay dormant
for a while and then come to life. This is where you all come in, as
without being seen to try and impose your views upon others, both your
word and actions are subconsciously noted. With the nearness of the end
times, such contacts are so necessary to awaken those who still live in
the lower vibrations. There is of course the greater awakening that is
affecting the Human Race as a whole, but the energies being beamed to
Earth take time to lift people up. Before long we will be amongst you,
and before our arrival you will have been given much information by way
of an introduction to us.

This will be yet another means of reaching out
to you, and it is difficult to see very many people not responding to
the idea that we are All One. Having said that, it will be time to
embrace the fact that there is only the one Omnipotent God within which
every soul exists. Whatever name you use to call God is unimportant, but
there must be a coming together of the different religions. You have
much in common, and it will help immensely if God is seen as All Loving
where every single life form is concerned. It is only Man who separates
and divides, and those differences must be healed.

If souls still have the desire to remain as separate entities, then
that choice will be theirs and accepted. However, it will hold back
their evolution, but since life is infinite they will still advance on
the path of their choosing. Help will be given to them as all other
souls until they have ascended. You are in fact never alone even within
the depths of the lower vibrations, although it may seem otherwise. You
are never without God at your side, and you often walk in God’s
footsteps, and if you deny God it makes no difference. When matters get
out of hand, God is still there with you trying to lift your spirits
with the Love that knows no limit. In the present times you need your
faith more than ever to carry you through them. It will be rough for
some people, but whatever your experiences they will not remain for much

We are God’s emissaries and messengers here for your awakening, and
bound to see that you safely step upon the path to Ascension. Nothing
else is really as important to you, and it will fulfill your expressed
desire to leave the cycle of duality. It is to be a journey of much
excitement and discovery, when at long last you come to the true
realization of who you are. Happiness will return so that eventually all
of those sad and painful memories may be put behind you. Knowing this
should give you the strength to come through this remaining period
unscathed. Believe it to be so as you have overcome such tests many
times before, We tell you often that you are powerful Beings, and we
mean it. You have power beyond your imagination, and the potential to
achieve anything that you want.

We know what is happening on Earth and whilst it seems to be quiet in
some ways, out of sight there is plenty happening. We are always
working to give strength of purpose to our allies, and they are
responding well. All that you have been promised is coming your way, and
with it so many problems will be swept away. You will feel more than
compensated for all of the hardships and troubles experienced. Can we
say again that you are not the victims of the circumstances, as you all
knew that this lifetime would test you to the limit. You came into it
because you wanted to be one of those who had the opportunity to
experience the end times.

When you are prepared in advance for what is coming up, it enables
you to set your mind to taking it all in your stride. You do not have to
worry about your future as given the choices you have now, you can set
your sights upon the one you have chosen. If that is Ascension, then you
will try to live the vision of what you see ahead. That way you help
bring it into being and there is no more that can be asked of you. We
make it sound simple because it is, and it is normally Man who
unnecessarily makes things complicated. Be Love in all you do and think,
and let that energy accompany every act that you are involved in. Of
course it is hard, but that is the challenge you came to Earth to face.
You can do it because you have been there before, and you will achieve

When we arrive on Earth we do not want to be treated as superior to
you, even so that our spirit levels are much higher. We see you as
equals and will treat you as the sovereign Beings that you are. Status
bears no relation to your spiritual level as any soul can make rapid
progress on Earth, particularly at this time. You are seeing the whole
world in upheaval, and millions of people have varying needs as a
result. That is also one of your main challenges to see if compassion
and love rise up, and whether the wellbeing of others can bring it out.
So far the response of the people has been overwhelming, and that is a
most positive indication of how much the new vibrations have brought a
change of heart. It shows that you are beginning to accept the Oneness
of all life, and that is what we would expect from those souls who have
become enlightened.

We feel within our hearts a great yearning to make your acquaintance,
as we want you to know just how much we care for you. What you are and
what you may have done is of no concern to us, because we see your Light
and know what you have been through in the cycle of duality. You are
brave souls, and ones with the confidence to overcome all adversity, and
indeed you have done that in many lifetimes. Your strength lies in your
self-knowledge that you can take on any problem that comes your way,
and that approach has seen you become leaders. Man needs such souls, and
your history shows that when needs arise so does the hero of the day.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and the Galactic Federation will greatly
benefit from having Hu-Man as its new member. You have honed your skills
in the fires of Earth, and you are now the warriors that carry the
Light and fear none whatsoever. Yet you are Love incarnate and therein
is your great strength. You will harm no one and take them to your heart
in their times of need.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey – All languages stated above -ENGLISH
• – POLSKA/Polish
* –日本語/Japanese – ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/
Greeck – LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese – БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian – POLISH – NEW – RUSSIAN – NEW

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on