Channeler: Blossom Goodchild

Blossom: Hiya. I have been feeling the ‘urge’ to speak with you over
the last few days. I just needed to find a time frame when it was
suitable. And here it is! Fire away!

Federation of Light (FoL): We greet your heart with the warmth of our
Love and understanding this day. We accept the difficulties that can
arise on occasion that deter from communicating with you at our
convenience … We give to you joy for the time we are now able to

Blossom: I felt there was something you needed to say rather than the
usual ‘it’s time for another one’ if you know what I mean? Is there?

FoL: Yes indeed. Although we are tentative in bringing forth a subject that is also at the back of your mind.

Blossom: Well, I will try with all my heart to ‘listen’ and not
interrupt or make judgment or comment … although you know me … sometimes
I can’t help myself … and you do your best … as I know you will … to
send the message through in a way that you know I can best accept it.

FoL: Very well. This we are in agreement with.
Throughout your days upon planet earth, never has it been diagnosed as a
willing participant in experiences that would overshadow that which is
of a worthy cause. That which is of benefit to the whole. Your planet
and all that reside upon and within it, in fact the very core of the
earth itself … had a purpose to fulfil. A reason for its existence. It
allowed temptation to succumb to its desires for the needs of itself and
in doing so … much that was originally thought of and discussed simply
had to be discarded, for it was clear after a time that plans would not
be able to be brought into fruition.

There was much ‘storyboarding’. There was much integration of ideas.
There was commitment by groups such as ourselves and yourselves that
would be followed through regardless of anything that may try to
interfere or destruct.
If we can now prove to you a matter that seems unending … what would you do?

Blossom: Well, jumping no guns here, and not putting any thoughts of
what you are talking about into my head … anyone’s answer of proof of
anything is surely going to be … ‘be happy !’

FoL: An interesting answer. For it would depend would it not on
‘proof of what’ as to whether that proof would make ones soul happy or

Blossom:Yes. Fair point. But proof of something at least allows one
to know for sure and it can finally settle a matter once and for all.

FoL: This is correct. Therefore, that which we are about to impart is
what we would call ‘appropriate’ at this given time. This is why you
were feeling our need to communicate for we feel the time to give this
information out is indeed ‘appropriate’.

Blossom: Then by all means … although my heart is fluttering like a butterflly’s wings … please go ahead … impart away!

FoL: Dearest lady … dearest souls of earth… for so long now have you
assisted your empowerment of yourselves. You have brought yourselves to a
place within your Light that has led us to KNOW that much has been
achieved because of this. You have understood the need to raise your
BEINGS from the place to which they had fallen and once again bring
power as individuals to all that is. You have diligently faced trials
and continued on when at times it felt that there was little energy left
to do so. But your souls shone through. They are now in a position to
accept a new way. They resonate on a level that can ‘see’ far more than
they were able only a few of your years ago. Therefore we have made
decisions to bring about changes that will astound and give you new
hope. We shall be a breath of fresh air to those who know ‘is us.’ (?)

Blosom: You already are believe me.

FoL: We do! Yet, it is necessary to indulge you a little further in knowledge before we can …

Blossom: Yep … I heard you …

FoL: Start our descent.
Blossom: Indulge away!

FoL: Consider for one moment the consequences of proof … tangible
Truth of our existence. Many of you have done so … and the outcome was
that of mixed reactions … depending on where ones soul has reached
within its evolvement, acceptance and understanding. Many of you feel
that ‘WE’ could find other methods to prove we are here rather than the
vast shock of an appearance in your skies.

Blossom: Yes, I have to say I have had quite a few suggestions passed
on to me … I feel you are aware of them anyway and I don’t need to
actually ‘pass them on’. Some are very good … and would certainly get
people thinking … would that not be a good way to prepare those souls
that are still asleep?

FoL: And yet … even with phenomena that we have brought forth so far
there will always be excuses presented … those that live in fear of
themselves and us will always choose to believe that which is not True.
Those who from the deepest place of their fear desire to prevent our
visits to your vibration shall continue to dispel all thoughts of a
Loving nature and turn that which is of only Love into a farcical one.

Blossom: Sorry … what do you mean by that?

FoL: We accept that which is from us can be mutated by many in fear
in order to ‘keep us at bay’. We do not deny that many attempts that
worked well on the drawing board have had to be postponed or aborted
completely due to the possibilities we saw arising from those that
remain in darkness.
How we long for those misguided souls to find their way home. To feel
once again the Light of who they are. The Light from whence they came.
For not one atom of existence came from anywhere other than the Light
that it is.
There has been council held of late of which subject matter has been of
the Highest importance and the highest delicacy. There have been
councils brought in from many avenues to add flavour to possibilities
presented and discussed. We … from The Federation of Light give rise to
the fact that souls of earth are in need of a ‘pep up’ is this not so?

Blossom: With words like ‘delicacy; and ‘added flavour’ … perhaps you’re going to drop a massive vol au vent out of the sky!!!
And in answer to your question …. OH YES! We know that the work needed
to rise into an Ascended vibration can only come from ourselves, but
without doubt … a little ‘out of the blue’ party piece certainly would
lift our spirits … and more importantly … keep them risen for quite some
time I would say.

FoL: Then it shall be so.

Blossom: In what form may I be so bold as to ask?

FoL: You may. But has one not accepted that it is best to be kept uninformed of these matters?
Blosom: Are you talking here about me? I.e. … Oct 14th?

FoL: Yes Blossom we are.

Blossom: That’s cool. For you know that I would struggle deeply if you were to give out another date of arrival.

FoL: We would be taking advantage of your service if we were to put
upon you in that manner again. Besides, it is not necessary to do so.
The once was enough. And even though you are aware of many things
regarding that appointed time it is not until you are in a Higher
position that you will understand fully the impact of that announcement
on many levels.

Blossom: There is much talk about 2010 and all that may happen by the
end of the year. At the moment I can feel an excitement myself … that
inner feeling of knowing something is going to happen, but no idea what …
it is not of gloom and doom by any means … hopeful anticipation perhaps
… yet as I say , about what I do not know.

FoL:This excitement that most of you are feeling … although perhaps
in different ways is due to a Higher level of energy assisting your
thoughts into the KNOWING of what is to come … very soon. Your heart
beat is also quickening with this news and remaining at a faster rate as
it is releasing extended anticipation and simply ‘rising to the
We say to all that read these words … your service to yourselves and to
all shall not and cannot go unrewarded. The time is fast upon you when
all that you have desired and longed to experience shall be presented to
you. You have so strongly marched forward when it seemed that you were
only ever taking five steps back.
People of Earth, Brothers and Sisters … our Family of ONE IN LIGHT … WE ARE COMING.

Blossom: Gotta be honest here … as I got those last three words
through … I did let out a large breath , but I Trust you and myself in
this relationship of Truth and only hesitated for a split second before I
wrote it down.
FoL: Is it not easy for those who know not of us to ridicule and maim
Truthful words? Yet their souls struggle with their destiny. They resist
their Truth for they are afraid of what may be. Teach them …. Teach
them … teach them that in Light there is only Love. In Love there is
only Truth. In Truth there is only … themself. And that which they are
can only be Love … what is there possibly to be afraid of in that?
Do you see how far some have travelled from home? Do you not yearn to
find those who are cold and alone and wrap them in your understanding
and knowledge so that they too can become strength within themselves to
then do the same?
Rescue those who call for help … but neither mock not blame those who do
not. For they are an aspect of your own True self that has simply
strayed from the pathway of Light and we say to you … that not one shall
remain in darkness for eternity. It cannot be so. Send your Love to
those who know only of hate and greed. Send your Love to those souls
dear enlightened ones. For those of you that are able to do so, you
shall find a great peace in that giving. And without question that Love
shall do its work as it reaches into the deepest sorrow of those lost
souls and plants a seed of such magnitude. Then we suggest that you
return over and over to water that seed within that sorrowful heart and
to nurture it as one would a new born … for indeed that is what it would
appear to be.
Dear friends, we feel now that are time is coming to the end of this session. There is more to come …

Blossom: What now?

FoL: Not in this session, but soon. We shall ‘nudge you’ at the appointed time.

Blossom: And I shall do my best to oblige naturally. Thank you for
today’s repartee. I have enjoyed it. I recognise how blessed I am to
have this relationship with you … and I certainly will do all I can to
be available when you want to chat. For now … a cuppa calls.

FoL: We retreat from your energy and look forward to our next
communication. Be in peace … Be of Peace. It is your natural state.

Blossom: In Love and thanks to ALL.

Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild – JAPANESE -FRANÇAIS – DEUTSCH – CHINESE – SPANISH – DUTCH – PORTUGUÊS
Original and translations of the Galactic Messages available on