Sandpoint, ID Motelled up tonight; it’s raining hard and windy. Feels like winter is coming, but I am prepared. It was the muses that brought me indoors. The little voice speaking volumes today. So here I am getting a flow of consciousness onto the page and it feels good. I told my friend, “if I am other than writing, I something is amiss.” So I write.

Day 5 was a rest day in Missoula, I didn’t leave the house. And ponder I did the vision I had many months ago. It was pretty vivid I remember and started a chain of events that has brought me to this journey. It was earlier this year, when it really came on strong. I saw myself traveling with my medicine bag and drum doing healing sessions and speaking the Truth; sharing Love and Compassion along the way. I watched as the IMAX movie played me Being my Authentic Self and following Divine Guidance. Listening in the moment…

Writing and meditating the restful day wiled away and the evening came before I knew it. I am so grateful to my wonderful hosts. We had a wonderful evening sharing stories and they gave me the best idea for a stop on the way! As it comes closer I will share, but for now, a big thanks to my friends Keith and LIla! As I was drifting into sleep, I listened to my subconscious begin the prosperity mantra I have been using. And I see that what has been in my conscious thoughts is deepening my experience.

The next morning I needed to clear a little bit and was still recovering, but the energy came back around eleven. I rode into a once familiar town, having spent 7 years here back in the day, but it was completely changed. Time and growth had taken it to a whole new level. Coffee from the Butterfly Herb, which pleasantly had continued its tradition and I was walking the main street for bookstores. I went where I was shown to and when. Fact and Fiction downtown has 10 copies of the Buffalo Diaries! She shared her calendar for reading, speaking and signings saying the next opening would be in January.

As I was leaving, I met 2 people who overheard my conversation with the store manager and we went outside to talk. Fellow truth finders and way-showers; we shared and inspired each other, exchanging cards and invitations. Such a lovely and synchronistic event and the morning was complete when I received an email confirming a meeting on campus at 5:00. Joyously I met Keith for Lunch and shared the mornings events, along with Shamanic musings. The sun came out to bless the day.

To say the meeting was perfect is understated. I shared a new model with a former professor, expressing in words something that has been developing between Deva and I. We have been developing a Conscious Leadership Model and subsequently wrote an article that introduces the concepts before I departed Sedona. It all came out, articulated beyond the developers for the first time and it felt good. I was excited and truthful, sharing my experience and relating the concept. It was nice to move it into the open and it will be time to publish this article very soon.

As I ride, I see just how important Compassion, rooted in the Love for All Creation, is at this time. There is much going on in the world right now. Systems are in chaos and seem to be breaking down now giving rise to tremendous opportunity. If we meet these changes with resistance, difficulties arise within as well as in the external world we experience. This journey has shown me something about myself and I am grateful. I must be Compassionate… First to myself, then to all whom I encounter, no matter what. This is an energetic fact.

I am in the right place at the right time and experiencing the Loving Timeline. I continue my Journey now, having rested and prepared for the upcoming experiences as best I can. Now I just be. Going on, staying in the Moment, I will experience what I am supposed to and I will meet it all with Love.

Blessings to all that have been following this experience and supporting me in this with your kind words and Loving intention. There is a bigger purpose afoot, of that I am sure. So today I ride into the rain with the glorious wind in my face and I see the sun shining wherever I go. My sun, my light rooted in the Love for All Creation… I am Grateful…

Love and Kindness,

the Buffalo Diaries