
The entire process of Illumination has always been a natural result of
the true divinity that always has been available to the images or
entities that source created. The Illuminated One is man returning in
the divine state that allows ascension. Uma Un is the final activation
of the Eye of God – the third eye of creation.

The entire process of Illumination has always been a natural result of the true divinity that always has been available to the images or entities that source created. The Illuminated One is man returning in the divine state that allows ascension. Uma Un is the final activation of the Eye of God – the third eye of creation.

Man was made in the image and likeness of God – or Source Consciousness.
This great Source contains the crystals, the light and the energy and the perfect formulas of creating from Source of Light and Sound..
The Elementals- who are also divine beings like you and I are, create everything in accordance to the divine formulas contained in the Divine Mind. The Divine Mind is also a great Comic Entity that we know as Cosmic Consciousness. This Cosmic Light force aligns all. This Entity of Light works together with the great Elohim of Hearing. All of the music that is channeled through me comes from the Elohim of Hearing, the Entity of Cosmic Light Force directing Crystal, Light and Energy to stream through my consciousness from all dimensions sometimes separately and sometimes simultaneously or sphere by sphere.
There are millions and millions of Entities of Light included on every dimension working together on every little project and as a part of larger projects. Our Consciousness is also made up of thousands of Entities. We have been separated from our selves on this dimension and all of the other dimensions.
Soon, this year, our selves will re-unite. We will begin to remember who we really are. This is the process of Illumination. We will become reconnected to our Over Souls or our entire Monad of Selves.
Even though our Guardians have been busy fixing us and aligning all of the light energies from the suns to open the doors to our consciousness, it is us who must raise our frequencies to theirs. They do not lower their frequencies to ours. The music in this album kit and all music by Crystal Magic Orchestra is for the purpose of raising the listeners frequencies into alignment with all of the frequencies in the dimensions 5-15. These are the frequencies of the five spheres. This is the music of the spheres.
Each of these songs in the ASCENSION PORTAL ALBUM contain parts of the formulas, codes and frequencies of the process of ascension. The formulas are layered to include all of the codes and alignments needed during different stages in the ascension process. This particular album focuses on the formulas of co-creation because this is the stage of the ascension process that we are on right now. The seals blocking the illumination of the third eye will be totally removed from Earth and from Man. However, when the process of the removal is complete through the alignment of light and energy, each individual will regain their Divine State as a matter of Free Will.
The Illuma Un is the Source within us that connects with the Source of Consciousness, the Source of Mind, the Source of Intelligence. When this point in Consciousness is activated through the raising of frequencies we become reconnected into our Divine Blue Print of the 12DNA, the 24 DNA and the 36 DNA and we remember who we are.
Many will desire this state of instant manifestation, but only those who learn to align their frequencies with the highest will achieve this state of alignment with the Divine Plan of Co-Creation. The frequencies and codes in the Ascension Portal, Ascension Vortal and Ascension Vortex albums as well as the Christmas Eternal Life album, Cosmic Consciousness and Dolphin Magic are all for specific alignments of crystals in the body, in the crystal heart in alignment with all of the frequencies of consciousness on all dimensions. The Entities of Light from all Spheres have guided this alignment of light as Crystalai oscillated her consciousness into the highest dimension of Cosmic Consciousness. The layering of codes and breaths of Divine Mind, Divine Love, Elohim Angels, Mahatma, Merlin and thousands of other Entities of Light have offered their assistance in the creation of this project.
It is to everyone’s advantage to come and soak their ears and their cells in these magical frequencies. Come soak your Divine Temple in these Angelic Breaths of Cosmic Consciousness at