Saturday, 25 September, 2010 

I was re-reading When Everything Changes, Change Everything
the other day and I was deeply impressed again (as I was the first time
around) with its statement that there are two sentences that can change
your entire life. These are two sentences that you will want to
remember verbatim. I mean, really remember. As in, never forget. As in,
tattooed on your left wrist, written in soap on your bathroom mirror, or
magnetized to your refrigerator door.

These two utterances are paradigm-shifting and life changing. I call them…

1. The Life-Altering Question

2. The Answer to Everything

The Life-Altering Question is:

Is It Possible That The Reality I Am Experiencing Is Not Real?

It is the soul that encourages this question.

then there is The Answer to Everything. What I am about to tell you can
make it possible for you to never have a negative experience of change
again. This is the final piece of the puzzle. This is the lost key, the
unknown combination, the secret of secrets.

Here it is…

All Change Is For The Better.
There Is No Such Thing As Change For The Worse.

I have just told you changes everything. No other piece of information
is needed, no other data is required. The mind is now empowered to come
to a whole new set of conclusions about Life.

All that we need to do to deal with unexpected, unwanted change in our life is…

Change our idea about Change Itself

have been seeing change as a disruption, as a break in the flow, as a
shift in direction, as an alteration in the condition or circumstance of
our lives. Especially with regard to what we view as unwelcome change,
this has been our truth. From this truth has emerged our thought, which
has created our emotion, which has produced our experience, which has
eventuated our reality.

I want you to think about what I just
said. An event is what brings about our reality. Our reality is, in the
literal sense, eventuated.

This is true until we are out of our
mind. When we leave the mind and enter the realm of the soul, then it is
no longer events that bring about our reality, but pure awareness.

awareness emerges Actual Truth, while from events emerges, at best,
Apparent Truth and, more usually, Imagined Truth. Thus, from events we
travel into a Distorted Reality, while from awareness we move at last
into the Ultimate Reality.

And what is it of which we become
aware, that produces such a quantum shift in our overall experience? We
become aware of the Actual Truth about Change Itself. We see that change
is not a DISruption, but an Eruption. It is life erupting into fuller
bloom. We see that change is not a break in the flow, it IS the flow. We
see that change is not a shift in direction, it is the direction itself
in which all life moves. We see that change is not an alteration in the
condition and circumstance of our lives, it IS the condition and
circumstance of our lives.

In our expanded awareness we observe
that without change, life itself would not be, for life is movement, and
movement is change, by definition.

The question is not, therefore, whether life will contain change, but what kind of change life will contain?

And the answer to that question depends upon how (and whether) you utilize your Mind and your Soul, in collaboration.

soul is energy. It is the energy of life itself, animating life itself.
Life energizes and animates life itself through the process of Life
Itself. It is a self-feeding, self-sustaining system.

Those last
few words are vitally important to remember. Life is a self-sustaining
system. It never ends, but sustains itself eternally. How? By adapting.
Why? So that it can remain forever functional. When it can no longer
function in a particular way, it adapts. By its adaptation does it
render itself sustainable.

Life is making its adaptations in every
moment. It is always changing. The question is not whether life is
always changing, but why? Life is always changing in order to remain
always sustainable. Thus, every change that ever occurs is change for
the better.

This new idea about change that I’m inviting you to
embrace, when put on a more personal level, reads like this: All change
is for your own good.

Most of us experience this-after the fact.

of us have experienced events which we have called, when they were
happening, the worst moments of our lives, only to find, as time went
by, that what occurred was one of the best things that ever happened to

The fact is that this is true of everything that has ever
happened to us, but we do not know this, we cannot accept this, because
some things have turned out for the worst-according to our definition.
Yet our definition is warped, constrained as it is by the Mechanics of
the Mind, and their inherent limitations.

The mind may very well
know all about what has gone before, but it does not know why. The mind
may very well hold all of life’s Past Data, but it does not hold all of
life’s information (which is another thing altogether). The mind may
very well contain knowledge, but it does not contain wisdom.

Wisdom lies outside the mind. Wisdom resides within the soul.

That is why we need to hold both handles of this magnificent tool of creation that I shall now call by its proper name: YOU.

me make something very clear. "Facts" and "awareness" are not the same
thing. We can know all the facts about gravity, but if we do not have an
awareness of why gravity works, we know nothing. We can know all the
facts about electricity, and we can even use electricity, but if we have
no awareness of what electricity is and of why it works, we know
nothing. We can know all the facts about light, and we can even use
light, but if we have no awareness of what light is and of why it works,
we know nothing.

Likewise, we can know all the facts about
change, but if we have no awareness of what change is and of why it
occurs, we know nothing.

For instance, we may not know that…

Nothing changes for the worse. Everything only changes for the better.

a pretty big statement, and I understand if it’s hard for you to
believe. Yet it is true. And next week, we’ll explore that here, as I am
wanting to make you more aware of the wonderful wisdom in When Everything Changes, Change Everything-a book than can truly change your life.

See you then!

Love and Hugs,


© 2010 ReCreation Foundation – – Neale Donald
Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch
the world in profound ways. His With God series of books has been translated into 27 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives.