Since  everyone on  the Earth will have shifted by 2012, it will be much
easier to shift DNA at this time. However, individuals can shift
consciousness faster than the masses can shift. The present reality
contains the ability to shift into the immortal template that allows us
to manifest our heart’s desires instantly, heal instantly and to live

We have prepared a free listening booth for you to come and absorb these frequencies of transmutation at


Collect all of these frequencies into your cells to activate the cellular
memory of your original divine self — your immortal self that has the
ability to live for ever, create the hearts desires and heal instantly.
Next connect consciousness to ride through the star gate on the
golden star dust into the Milky Way and absorb into the crystal cells
all of the Star Dust and Solar Frequencies. Feel these frequencies
aligning into the body through the angelic frequencies.

Ride into the heart of the Milky Way and then zoom clear out into
the Aquarius Galaxy to connect consciousness with the original
family of consciousness of our Galactic Home. This alignment
will lift the consciousness into the 24 DNA and 48– the realignment
through Christic and Galactic and Source Consciousness. The
Consciousness is prepared to return through the Diamond door of
the Aquarius Galaxy.

The frequencies of angelic consciousness align the
listener’s consciousness into the realms of the 12DNA-48DNA
because that is where their consciousness resides. When we connect consciousness to another’s frequency signature, we are invited into to become all that is within that higher resonance. We can never alter or lower another’s frequencies. However, we can be raised into it.

In order for a listener’s DNA to complete a SHIFT into that DNA, the listener must spend MORE time in that Frequency Standing Wave Pattern than he or she spends in the third dimensional hologram.

There are other factors involved in the complete shift of DNA.
The shift into the fifth dimension is already possible for those
who are dedicating themselves into spending more time in these
frequencies. The individual is always shifting along with Mother
Earth and the entire Cosmos. However, an individual can only shift to the frequency that he or she is most in tune with. In order for an individual to become more in tune with the fifth dimensional frequency that the third dimensional frequency, they must allow every cell in their body to become absorbed in that higher frequency. This doesn’t just mean be nice more often or think good thoughts. It actually means shifting ones standing wave pattern
completely into a new morphogenetic field of frequencies. The field of frequencies that we are shifting into for our ascension is the field of frequencies held by the Aquarius Galaxy, Sirius Stars and Sun Alcyone. These frequencies are also held in the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth and in the atmosphere about 10,000 feet above.

We spend all of our time in those frequencies of consciousness and absorbing them into our consciousness with the direction of the Elohim of Hearing, our Ascension Team and many Light Councils. We have been given the gift and guidance that allows us to breathe in these frequencies through the alignment and oscillation of sacred geometry and the music of the spheres. We were personally trained by Elohim Angelics and Sirians to do this. We do not use any of the old formulas that were left in old Atlantis teachings. The angels stood before us and gave us a new formula.

Since  everyone on  the Earth will have shifted by 2012, it will be much easier to shift DNA at this time. However, individuals can shift consciousness faster than the masses can shift. The present reality contains the ability to shift into the immortal template that allows us to manifest our heart’s desires instantly, heal instantly and to live eternally.

This ASCENSION KIT simply lays the FOUNDATION for that Reality to Occur before or after 2012, and for that reality to occur much more harmoniously for those who are In Tune with that Reality. Most will miss that Reality Completely because they are not In Tune with the Frequencies of that Reality.

Our Ascension Team from Sirius and Aquarius are helping us in this upgrade from 12DNA into 24 DNA and 48 DNA at this time. The formulas and frequencies for these upgrades are in this music. The Elohim of Hearing stood before me and placed a golden pillar in my ear that would connect my inner hearing into his frequency alignment. Mary and Raphael assisted in bringing in three crystal spheres which are the morphogenetic fields that hold the divine atmosphere that translates our breath and crystal cells into the magical frequencies of our Star Sirius, our Sun Alcyone and our home of Aquarius.

We have prepared a free listening booth for you to come and absorb these frequencies of transmutation at

