Greetings ~

Stacey asked me to send out a quick reminder that the

9th and FINAL wave of World Gratitude begins in just

24 hours!
This is a time of celebration together and we’d really love to

have you with us.
If you have yet to join, you may do so here:
(If you have already joined, "Welcome!" and we look forward
to our imminent journey together.)
We’ve designed this last wave to begin on the New moon

(on the 8th at around 1:11am) and end 42 days later on the

full moon of Oct 19th.
Also, something else that is exiting. If you’ve enjoyed
Go Gratitude and World Gratitude throughout the years, I’m
sure you’ll absolutely love what’s next.
I can’t say anything about it yet – even though I want to –
but we’ll be revealing the next stage of our evolution
together at some point during this last wave of World

Gratitude. As a World Gratitude participant, you’ll be the first

to know about it.
We look forward to celebrating a life of Gratitude with you!
=>  Register for this wave of the World Gratitude gathering here:
=>  Choose what donation feels right to you
=> Open your heart and prepare to receive blessings beyond
      measure, as we journey together, into the heart of Love and
Welcome, and thank you for participating in the creation
of our Community of the Heart.  Remember, you can join at
any time in the next 42 days, but to get the full benefit —
the time to join is NOW!
In Gratitude,
Ken Herbert
your fellow Go Gratitude wave surfer
Go Gratitude – a global service organization dedicated to
empowering Wisdom, One-ness and a Great-full heart!
Questions, comments, inspired ideas? Contact us here.
If you feel compelled to support Go Gratitude, our ongoing
updates, and our out-reach projects, please visit our site at: to make a donation.
Thank you, in advance.
You are welcome, and encouraged, to share these updates widely,
pay them forward and re-post, as inspired.  Thank you for helping
to spread the message of Go Gratitude by including credit and a link
to our sites.

Go Gratitude
1849 e. Guadalupe Rd.
Tempe, AZ 85283