Channeler: Luxonia

I thought that I’d have a day off from channeling (I’m integrating in
new energies, or expanding, however you wish to think about it), but
this came out from angels. It felt like a clear crystal breeze that
still prevails. I hope the message is able to carry some of that
beautiful energy to you.

*Love and Light* <3

Wisdom is experience formed of learning, often repeatedly, until it
crystallizes into a diamond. Wisdom is created to share because it
raises awareness and thus, vibration. Wisdom is Light. It is why worlds
are created, to learn everything there is to learn in that world.

Have you ever wondered the mystery of diamonds, rubies, sapphires,
emeralds and other precious stones? They evolved in Earth, they are
Earth’s wisdom. They carry the wisdom of Earth within themselves. They
are precious information in the form of a stone. Miracles made by Mother
Earth on her journey, for you to appreciate. She made them for you.

Every planet and every star you see at the sky is wisdom. Ancient,
tested, there to shine the wisdom upon anyone who pauses to take it in.
Every tree and plant you see offers you its wisdom freely. All you need
to do is to pause and let the wisdom become part of you. See how the
birch tree awakens in spring. See it open all its leaves in synchrony.
See the leaves take in the sunlight, basking in divine Light. Be aware
of the tree carrying the Light into its roots, into Earth. Every tree
you see, every plant you see, is a Lightworker for Earth. Amazing.

You are very special. So special that the truth about you is hidden
from yourself. If you knew the whole truth, you would think you’ve
become mad. It is so huge. *We are smiling now in Joy*

You… where even to begin. There were universes before this one. Eons
of them. Before them there were other existences. Eons of them. Before
them there was awareness. This awareness is you. You created everything.
Everything. You are the One, in this lifetime, in this Earth
experience, experiencing a limited awareness. But you have all the
possibilities to become aware and enlightened in this lifetime. All you
need is… to be who you are in the essence of your Heart.

Awakening is a unique journey to each soul. It is literally like
peeling layers of illusions hiding the truth. When you reach the essence
of who you are, when you experience the LIGHT that you are, when you
expand to the ONE that you are, you are in awe of yourself. At that
moment, everything clicks into its place. You know.

We hope this message echoes in your Heart and continues to do that
all your life as a seed of Faith, ever growing. We love you beyond
words. We are you, you are us. We are one. We are the angels that
surround you every moment of your life. Every moment of your life. You
are creating diamonds of wisdom for One. You are loved beyond words…