6-25-10 to 8-25-10

~Special Edition~
"The Relativity of Past Lives, Karma and Completions"

NOTE: Blue Star wishes to include a special message for all people.
This message is to remain on the website for the entire year of 2010.

*People of all nations, please listen to what I have to say: this year
of 2010 is a year that will never be forgotten. Those who are
progressing on their own path of Spiritual evolution at their own
pace, will be facing many trials and tribulations FOR A WHILE this
year. You are each here on the Earth Star planet for more than 1
reason; all you really need to know about that is that this is the
year you all trained for. 2010 is a year to live courageously! All
that you know and all that you think you know is being put to the

How you each handle these tests will be your own measure of
greatness, your own meter of your strengths and weaknesses. We will
all continue watching over you as will those of the Spirit world. We
will aid all those we can. Those who refuse to change, well, their
future is now written in stone. The answer to “11-11” is IN “2011.”

Now, there does exist among humanity much speculation concerning the
reality of past lives. This issue is in actuality, a double-edged
sword. No past life has been predestined in every aspect. Nor has any
present life. Some issues required to be dealt with in each previous
life HAVE been predestined. Each cycle of life consists of certain
pertinent lessons which have either remained unlearned, or as in some
cases, have been experienced but slightly. Predestination DOES VERY
MUCH EXIST HOWEVER! This subject is considered to be quite
controversial on your plane; however that does NOT alter its validity.
Each Soul must for Its own wellbeing determine how much of the aspect
of COMPLETION It is ready to acknowledge. When the Creator chose to
project an extension of Himself derived from segments of HIS own
energy, He did so with total awareness that each Soul must remain a
part of ALL THAT IS, yet attain his/her own individuality as BE-I-NGS.
This Creativity Process was designed with the FULL conscious knowledge
that while each Soul must seek his own path, it would still
necessitate the majority of Souls experiencing Spiritual death in
order to rebirth themselves into eternal Oneness. This type of death
can be experienced by a person on this planet for example, when They
are thrust in among those who are not Spiritual. It is an intense
void. The Great Configuration then formulated a plan which would
assist each Soul in further enhancing HIS energy.

Knowing full well that there does exist a fragile balance between
remembering too little and remembering too much, the God of this
Universe with the complete assistance of the Creator, engendered a
miniscule particle to exist within the Soul and bestowed the name
“KOSMONIC" upon this portion. Kosmonic is a Sacred place within the
Soul entity which holds ALL knowledge of SELF and self. It is an
oracle which each one possesses. The Kosmonic is quite small yet in
one aspect it as large and as endless as spatial time itself. This
Kosmonic segment is pyramid shaped. Each part of the triangle houses
different FORMS of knowledge. During a reincarnation period, one space
ONLY can be entered into in the early stages of "redevelopment. " The
area that can be entered is located at the top point of the pyramid.
The point to the right is the future; the point to the left is the
past. The triangle is an important KEY to one’s immortality. God
Himself had in this long ago period, projected several different
routes available for any, or each Soul to navigate. The purpose here
was to determine how the quality and quantity of wisdom, or non-
wisdom, would or could affect a Being.

What the Creator discerned reaffirmed what God already knew; the ego
part of the descendents of God could and would run amok with the
knowledge of the totality of power. This could NOT be condoned as part
of The Divine Plan. Thus the validity of the Creation of the Kosmonic
was established. The name itself is derived from the ethereal "SOUND
OF THE COSMOS." This oracle is also part of one’s personal vibration.
Vibrations may either change throughout lives through the process of
ascending, or they may change by sinking into a lower force. Then
there are those who remain the same for many lifetimes; these ones
have become stagnant. Now, none of the routes on the highway to heaven
God viewed were without certain pitfalls. It was essential that SOME
"knowing" of the past would at times surface for the purpose of
"reconfirmation" relative to each individual personality. It was a
means of utilizing each one’s innate ability to touch base with their
Soul. Every time a Being was observed conferring with this small
aspect of SELF, it was noted that the individual did become more firm
in his/her belief structure. A negative in this design was the
indisputable fact that there would always exist some who were obsessed
with the attempt to locate and assimilate more than they had NEED TO
KNOW. Also to be considered were the "neutrals." They were and are,
the ones who wanted to KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! They would be content
living in humdrum manner, having no desire to ascend.

Now, all these issues were mulled over as ALL THAT IS performed His
holographic thought projections. It is now, as it was then, elemental
that ALL children of God be provided with the required elements
necessary in order to sustain and to nourish, his/her Higher Self.
Above all else, KNOWLEDGE is the most important factor to releasing
SOUL value. With the proper use of wisdom, one gives to Self a KEY,
with the lack of wisdom, one discards the KEY. So, we deal now with
the issue of "breaking down doors." Is it not simpler to use a KEY to
open a door rather than harm oneself physically by battering away at a
locked door? Nothing learned is nothing gained. Each thought is a
door, yet all thoughts are energy. It is not enough to recognize a KEY
if you cannot see the door. Some Souls still rant and rave against
others; blaming all with whom they have life connections for the voids
they experience within their own lives. Yet, they are the very ones
who have Created them, you see? Some among you ones scurry about
maintaining pious demeanors, yet you do constantly tear yourselves to
shreds within your mind and your heart. You who do this are on a lower-
based level of evolution; this is one step which you have deemed
necessary to experience self-inflicted pain. The KEY here is knowing
when to cease and desist.

Some Souls have always chosen pain as a method of hiding from the
truth and reality of the Soul SELF. YET, ALL SOULS ARE CREATED EQUAL
IN THE EYES OF GOD. What they -choose- to do at the point of physical
birth, they have already chosen. If you wish to truly define the
relativity of past lives and karma, then all you really need to know
is that one does not exist without the other. There has never been any
life form’s present life which has not in one manner or another, been
enriched by its past lives. As each Being is its own parent and its
own child, so does each exist within a multitude of realities
SIMULTANEOUSLY. While there are many Souls here on Earth, They are
also experiencing a type of life on other planets, in other galaxies.
Each existence is a part of their karma, as each place is indeed a
realm of learning … a door. This also includes those "neutral"
Souls. Each Soul has other dimensional selves; each seeking and
locating multidimensional existences with many other types of
planetary and interplanetary life forms. Each possesses as many other
multidimensional facets of Self as they choose. Most Beings are not
consciously aware of their "alter egos." This type of "buffer" is
placed around them to prevent any and all undue influences, in the
forms of prior knowledge, being exerted upon them. This is in reality
a form of protection.

So as not to confuse you … these present lives are exactly that; the
past can only become the past when it no longer exists. Yet the past
and the present CAN be intermingled. You see? Many of you count past
lives through the use of astrology or other similar studies in your
quest to determine the number of previous lives you have led. This is
not a waste of time in MOST INSTANCES. Fear has for many of you kept
you apart from your RECENT pasts. Fear of having failed. The reality
is: you can ONLY fail yourself. What is important here is simply that
you learn from your errors. Now it was always intended that each Soul
live in the multidimensional sphere of reality. This is but one small
segment of a Soul’s journey to completion. The Kosmonic part of the
Soul houses this Sacred knowledge as well. The depth of the desire is
the KEY. There is a certain pattern in past lives which consistently
emerges. A Soul who needs to relearn the same lesson repeatedly, until
such time It finds peace in the lesson, chooses the exact same life
pattern which It has had many times before. During the in-between
phases of "future" lives, each one carefully studies only the PREVIOUS
life span. Some possess the capabilities to confront their areas of
weakness and inflexibleness in studious manner. Others are not yet
ready to deal with the pain of facing themselves in the MIRROR. We
shall deal with some of the "in-between phases of lives," later.

There do exist quite valid reasons for any entity to be permitted to
scrutinize only the previous existence rather than ALL previous life
experiences. Many feel that they have betrayed HIM by their behavior.
Some are prone to chastise themselves entirely too harshly and too
unfairly. If each child of God were allowed to remember in totality
that they have committed the exact same folly, time after time, an
unbalance would occur. It IS entirely probable that a Soul may arrive
at a state of utter helplessness if the feeling of constantly "losing"
is indeed confirmed. Therefore it would not be prudent for these ones
to truly know of things which could jeopardize their "future" growth.
Such pain is neither necessary nor productive. Now, when a Soul has
determined that It is again ready and willing to be an active
participant in the dance of life, a metamorphosis once again begins.
The Kosmonic housing the "past" is activated and attuned to the Soul’s
frequency, be it love, hate, or fear. It is whatever this one has
decreed to be the focal point of the upcoming life experience. So it
is that each one has consciously encountered their own perspective of
strength and weakness. Upon emerging once again, the Soul does so with
Its conceptual view of the realities which need to be either discarded
or achieved. Each entity’s own karma is the sole responsibility, as
well as the privilege, of every blessed child of God. Those whose
prior recollection of life has been one of steady acceleration on the
path of evolution, carry with them subconsciously, this gift of
"knowing." This gift then transcends ALL obstacles set before them in
their present life and in ALL future existences as well.

Those whose remembrances have been fraught with errors and failures
when facing life’s challenges, also carry with them this priceless
knowledge. This latter group will now have a conscious choice to make.
Now, the choice of which we speak is to allow themselves to fully
experience ALL parts of fear for the purpose of transforming fear into
joy in order to prevent them from continuing on a fool’s journey. The
error here lies not in trying and failing, but in failing to try! It
is irrelevant how slowly they may move, for none move too slowly for
ALL THAT IS. Completions are but the tangible results of tasks
undertaken and resolved … Suffice it to say that without a beginning
there can be no end. This narrow rocky path with few footprints was
never meant to be trod without encountering many "diversions, " many
challenges along the way. In actuality though, there are NO
challenges, rather there are definitive methods of cutting away all
things which are not well suited to your higher development. Those
among you who consistently see much in your lives as obstacles to be
fought are unwittingly creating more of the same problems for
yourselves. This is another aspect of "the double edged sword." The
KEY is in the perspective ….

Now, those whose past most recent incarnation had culminated in a
successful manner Spiritually, experience wondrous present and future
lives. "Intent" which was initially the time of the UNLOCKING of the
door in the Kosmonic, then becomes manifestation Each Soul brings with
him into each and every life an ability which he or she had previously
excelled in. Here lies part of the dual nature of the Kosmonic; that
which is of the past may ALSO be part of the present. Yet to many
Souls it can be in ALL THREE dimensions and experienced in a
particular PROFESSION. Each Soul must evaluate and then initiate the
proper opening for themselves. ALL of you feel a deep affinity to
certain vocations. We are not saying that certain vocations attracting
each person is because of geographic locations or the need to locate
other people who share a Kosmonic bond with any one particular
individual. It is the vocation itself which attracts the Kosmonic
"others." Those who have been alchemists before are intrigued by the
same enterprise again. Those who feel most comfortable and contented
counseling or in teaching situations, choose to follow the vibrations
that are always energized and emitted by that particular profession
for example. Vibrations may either change throughout the lives of each
Earthbound Soul through the process of the vibratory rate increasing
or ascending, or they may change by sinking into a lower and denser
force field, as I have stated before. Then there are those people who
refuse to change, they remain the same for many lifetimes; these ones
have become stagnant and complacent, or are fools.

Now, none of the routes on the highway to heaven viewed by the God of
this Universe were without certain pitfalls, I am repeating this for I
know that some peoples do not always hear well. It was essential that
SOME "knowing" of the past would at times surface for the purpose of
"reconfirmation" relative to each individual personality. It was a
means of utilizing each one’s innate ability to touch base with their
Soul. Every time a Being was observed conferring with this small
aspect. Of SELF, it was noted that the individual did become more firm
in his/her belief structure.

Those who felt or began to feel this type of integration with innate
knowledge, relished the more quiet and private times when they could
leave the madness of the physical world behind and dwell within the
chamber of “knowing.” In most cases, this active participation of
studying the knowledge contained within the chamber occurs in the
dream state. In this manner one may explore the subliminal, the Super
Conscious and the true reality of one’s own essence. This simple feat
is best accomplished in both the dream and the meditative phases; a
Soul does not erect conscious barriers, nor perform attempts at
manipulation of the truth. Many are those in number who are indeed
permitted access to both the "past" and the "present" chambers of
knowledge. Herein lie the seeds, the core of a Soul’s own immortality.
These aspects of Self are to be recalled in conjunction with the
present life. In this manner the truths are SELFevident. These are
invaluable assets; the balance of knowledge MUST at ALL times be
maintained. Now, there are far too many among you who are becoming
much too involved in "who" or "what" role you have played in previous
lives. This is not only unhealthy, it can be quite detrimental to your
happiness. There is NOTHING wrong with the healthy pursuit of past
life regression or in remembering specific dreams of living and role
playing in other time periods. This is quite healthy and natural as
long as it is perceived in tandem as an "ordinary" part of Self. The
most significant total recall DOES occur in dreams and meditation
phases for a reason. These occurrences are pre-destined for those who
have this experience. NOT ALL HAVE EARNED THIS PRIVILEGE. It can also
happen in a type of spontaneous memory expansion when a personality is
not making ANY attempt to recall any past situation in any former life
experiences. Many times throughout the "expansion" events, the
individual may hear a sound of a clicking nature audible only to that
person. Some have equated this sound with the noise made by a Polaroid

The reason for the significance of this action and reaction for some
individuals serves a multi-purpose. Those of mankind who undergo this
process are those who are the ones who have evolved to a specific
level, whereas part of their Earthly reward is to be given the gift of
remembrance. These ones do NOT run around shouting or delivering
sermons about what they NOW know. They seek to relish and absorb in
private, every iota of information received by them. They are AWARE
that they are indeed SPECIAL. They treat this Sacred knowledge
bestowed upon them as part of a Sacred rite of passage, as is proper.
Others who experience this type of "expansion remembrance, " are those
among you who are walk-ins. These valiant Spirit Warriors achieve this
memory level for the purpose of being reminded not only of what they
had previously been, but it is also a special gift presented to them
to aid them in their feeling of Spiritual continuity by remembering
that THEY ARE NOT ALONE. This also serves as a "bridge," which we who
are here in another dimension may cross whenever necessary, to provide
insight and yet convey our deep love and faith to these ones. They in
turn fathom the intensity, the reality and exquisite rapture which
only affects those who are truly experiencing ONENESS with SELF AND

This is a God vibration which countless tormented Earthbound humans
are as yet unaware of. There exist NO human words to properly define
this ecstasy. This is a part of BE-ING which is intangible; it can
ONLY be experienced, NOT truly explained. Some of you have been at a
loss to understand why it is that not all of our walk-ins "arrive"
with total recall. These ones wear a MANTLE; partially it is to cloak
their origins for their own protection, also it is to ENSURE that
human nature will NOT lead them astray. It would indeed be most
difficult for the majority of you ones to comprehend their basic
concepts of life or their personal value system. You most DEFINITELY
would not understand them when they are at their PERSONAL BEST. For
those among you who will FEEL the Soul connection between yourself and
them, we will attempt to briefly explain a bit more. These gentle
creatures hoard no feelings of fear, no feelings of unjustifiable
anger or rage against their Earth Star cousins. They have NO axe to
grind. Many have lost touch with all BASER human emotions because they
themselves possess NONE. They possess no "ego motivation." Money and
possessions do not mean to them what they mean to the average
Earthling. The walk-ins have achieved an extremely high plateau of
either learning or wisdom, depending on their individual levels of
evolution. They have MELDED with GOD.

Their own individual emotions are extensions of their value systems.
These ones feel and believe that ALL are good and worthy Souls. They
see the purity in each whom they encounter. They also see where evil
dwells. Our walk-ins are most happy teaching other less evolved Souls
how to achieve what THEY themselves already have. These ones possess
patience with all others. At least AS LONG AS they feel that the
peoples are trying to learn and trying to understand. They have
neither need nor desire, to "preach." They need no soapbox to stand
upon issuing GOD’S word. They exemplify the most pristine, loving,
Spiritual energy. A few today are AVATARS. The status of "avatar" is
one which is NOT easily attainable. Jesus HIMSELF, was NOT always an
avatar, although HE now is. These walk-in Souls of mercy and sweetness
were re-educated as to mankind’s ways prior to their descent into this
dimension, for the good of all. However, as with all other forms of
life, these who are among GOD’S shepherds possess intrinsically
predominant traits which have become their most vulnerable areas. When
they place themselves within the vicinity of those of lower vibration,
they will experience first hand, the subtle, cruel nature which many
humans have in abundance. This cannot be averted. BUT they must
understand it! It is part of the price these ones must accept to once
again assist the human races. During the necessary phase of altering
their reality, the walk-ins undergo an awkward transmutation of

It results in a culmination of the most intense, most incredibly
devastating Soul pain. What they have received in the form of energy
from the hands of so many people has been in direct opposition to ALL
which they intuitively KNOW to be just and of GOD. Some of the chelas
at this point begin to erect certain shields around themselves to
prevent these insidious occurrences from becoming repetitious. Others
have had to relearn in THIS dimension-CAUTION. This is an emotion with
which they are unfamiliar. For all of these walk-ins who are now
Earthbound entities, their OWN guides and other brethren will form a
circle around them to encourage them, yet to CONSTANTLY remind them
THEY ARE NOT ALONE, NOR WILL THEY EVER BE! Yet, because of their true
innocence, they would IF THEY WERE PERMITTED, utilize ALL of their
abilities, ALL their GOD given powers, to do THAT which is FORBIDDEN.
an unearthly type of pain as they view others’ Soul torment. They
would indeed eradicate the anguish even if it meant their own physical
death, for they DO NOT acknowledge the term "self-sacrifice. " To them,
it does not exist. Instead they view this "sacrifice" as actually
being a vital part of another’s chosen growth lesson in order that a
Soul may find Its own version of redemption.

Even though the walk-ins possess the wisdom of the reasons for and of
the relativity of pain and growth for so many, they would indeed still
alter this situation for another. However, this absorbing of another’s
horrors is against Universal Law. It was considered to be necessary,
to be imperative, that these ones entering the Earth dimension as walk-
ins undergo a certain procedure designed to alter their DNA structure.
This process was known about and agreed to by them beforehand. So it
was that with the alterations having been completed before their
arrival on Terra, it curtailed their abilities to use certain
techniques which would interfere, deprive or infringe upon a human’s
destiny. In time they arrived then and they still do today, at a
certain point of acceptance on a conscious level, that each Soul of
the human species must answer for Its own perceived transgressions.
Now, where past lives are concerned, it is important to know and to
accept that although an entity may have had many lives, it is the
present one that is VITALLY important. The previous life you have led
has PREDESTINED much of the life experience you NOW live. As each of
you exists here on Earth so do you exist simultaneously on many other
planets. I have mentioned this to you ones before. This is part of the
purpose of Creation. You also exist in the future, which is in fact,
already CREATED. This issue is really not so difficult to understand.
The reality of being in two or more places at one time is quite common
to ALL forms of life. Much can be learned by every inhabitant of your
sphere from other species who are "different." It would not serve any
purpose for any to consciously remember where they go to, what other
life forms they encounter, or what actions they have undertaken. This
"methodology" of concealing the conscious knowledge within the veil of
duality was perceived as essential to a Soul’s growth. Otherwise,
many, many, Beings would take Specific actions and carry out SPECIFIC
deeds as a means of manipulating their futures. This will NOT be
allowed to occur.

The ultimate goal of all Souls is the achievement of the "0" which is
the "circle" of completion. When the completion has not yet been made
manifest, the "circle exists as a "u." If the human species were
permitted, while in the conscious state, to retain complete
understanding of the reality of co-existing in many dimensions at the
same time, most would deploy clandestine means of closing the "u”
“still undone,” to form an “0,"a circle of completion. This is what is
meant by, “manipulating the future." It is this simple. There is no
danger to anyone in our sharing this particle of Universal knowledge
with you ones, as none here are yet consciously aware of the process
required to proceed through this DOORway of Higher dimensions. Suffice
it to know that those of you who have, or will, experience prophetic
dreams, as well as what is erroneously known as "Deja vu," are but
carrying a miniscule fragment of the future you have already decided
to be part of. You carry this inside your Soul. In all cases, with all
species, the only thing you need to do is to stand still and allow the
future to catch up with you! After all, IT’S ONLY A MOVIE.

The Kosmonic doorway, as future time exists, CANNOT be entered by all.
One must first with full awareness, attain an altered state of Higher
consciousness. This PARTICULAR state of which we speak exists on a
different level than those achieved through meditation. Only after an
entity has successfully passed MANY, many, Universal tests and has
shown the Soul to be in a state of grace, then AND ONLY THEN, can one
perceive the wondrous reality of their future. A Soul who has attained
this state has earned the PRIVILEGE of receiving the KEY to eternal
life; the COMPLETION with ALL THAT IS. So it is that as God closes one
door that is NO LONGER a valid part of a Soul’s reality, HE then opens
THAT which leads to what you have "reaped." At this point these ones
of whom we speak, have no need to seek further. They have now
integrated and formed an integral part of collective Universal
consciousness with ALL THAT IS AND WILL EVER BE. Now as to the others
who persist to the point of unstable obsession in deploying various
methods to ascertain who they "were,” how many times they have "been”
and in what geographic locations they have spent time, we must caution
you! Do NOT follow in their footsteps please; BE VERY CAREFUL! Not
only will you open a volatile Pandora’s Box which could in ALL
probability cause you much pain and disillusionment, you will have put
larger scheme of Universal design, it matters not who you were, but

The past life of any one individual is too complex for most of you
ones to comprehend. We will now reveal to you part of the complexity
of which we speak. Let us use the personality “Merlin” for an example.
Merlin was NOT just one person; Cleopatra was NOT just one person;
Joan of Arc was NOT just one person. NONE ARE!! You each possess a
multidimensional part of Self. Many people here today once lived lives
of either peacefulness or have lived vicarious lifestyles. So, in your
past lives everyone you knew then, whether it was a famous or infamous
personality, or just everyday folk, left a slight imprint on you.
Consider that and then take into your thought processing the fact that
a minute bit of “you” of the past can still be present today. When an
atom is split, it separates into other halves; other fragments of
itself, SO DO you. Many in your dimension have toyed with the theory
that each of you somewhere has a twin. This is correct. Each of you is
but a fragment of yourself as well as of others. Merlin was created of
many slivers of himself. There do exist many components of other
selves which are prominent in and to each individual, this makes it
impossible for any one Soul to consciously "know" each part. Now, some
of you who may have been around Merlin, way back when, inherited
Merlin’s feminine nature, others his masculine traits; some his quick
wit, some his innate wisdom. Others carry with them his fierce love of
manipulation. There are those who have his physical attributes; those
who share his inordinate love of power. You in ONE sense, may feel and
BE and SAY you ARE Merlin, however to do so places you in great
jeopardy … you would then have placed yourself in the position of
living in another lifetime, rather than the present, even if some of
that previous life experience is YOURS as well.

We do find it rather amusing that so many of you accept the
recognition of possessing a part of a famous or an infamous
personality, yet do not choose to look beyond that state. WHAT ABOUT
DRONES, NOT THE QUEEN BEE?? Now, it would be best not to attempt to
rationalize this "old" issue, simply accept the fact that this IS a
reality … as we have stated before.. there must ALWAYS be maintained
a continuity of BALANCE regarding knowledge. SPECIFIC personalities of
the past, in reference to yourself as such, have in effect closed two
doors in the Kosmonic realm. THE PRESENT AND THE FUTURE. Because the
future is already in progress, or has been Created in the present, you
who do NOT exist in "present time" are the ones whose futures have no
validation. You have condemned your "completion" to become null and
void. You have recklessly and senselessly set into motion THE BELL,
which once activated will not cease. This is what is meant by a
person’s future, "NOT BEING WRITTEN IN STONE." The option here lies
within each of you; TO HAVE OR TO HAVE NOT

I am signing off now….

Salude….Blue Star the Pleiadian

"There is a valley where that which is Spiritual stands on one side
and that which is religious stands on the other side.
In the middle walks the Creator and the Creation.
In time, all shall be as one…I shall meet you there."
….Blue Star……
www.bluestarspeaks. com

©Copyright 1997, 2010 – BlueStarSpeaks. com

All information may be reprinted with copyright notice and
link back to www.bluestarspeaks. com visibly displayed.

NOTE: Blue Star wishes to include a special message for all people.
This message is to remain on the website for the entire year of 2010.

*People of all nations, please listen to what I have to say: this year
of 2010 is a year that will never be forgotten. Those who are
progressing on their own path of Spiritual evolution at their own
pace, will be facing many trials and tribulations FOR A WHILE this
year. You are each here on the Earth Star planet for more than 1
reason; all you really need to know about that is that this is the
year you all trained for. 2010 is a year to live courageously! All
that you know and all that you think you know is being put to the
test. How you each handle these tests will be your own measure of
greatness, your own meter of your strengths and weaknesses. We will
all continue watching over you as will those of the Spirit world. We
will aid all those we can. Those who refuse to change, well, their
future is now written in stone. The answer to “11-11” is IN “2011.”

Now, there does exist among humanity much speculation concerning the
reality of past lives. This issue is in actuality, a double-edged
sword. No past life has been predestined in every aspect. Nor has any
present life. Some issues required to be dealt with in each previous
life HAVE been predestined. Each cycle of life consists of certain
pertinent lessons which have either remained unlearned, or as in some
cases, have been experienced but slightly. Predestination DOES VERY
MUCH EXIST HOWEVER! This subject is considered to be quite
controversial on your plane; however that does NOT alter its validity.
Each Soul must for Its own wellbeing determine how much of the aspect
of COMPLETION It is ready to acknowledge. When the Creator chose to
project an extension of Himself derived from segments of HIS own
energy, He did so with total awareness that each Soul must remain a
part of ALL THAT IS, yet attain his/her own individuality as BE-I-NGS.
This Creativity Process was designed with the FULL conscious knowledge
that while each Soul must seek his own path, it would still
necessitate the majority of Souls experiencing Spiritual death in
order to rebirth themselves into eternal Oneness. This type of death
can be experienced by a person on this planet for example, when They
are thrust in among those who are not Spiritual. It is an intense
void. The Great Configuration then formulated a plan which would
assist each Soul in further enhancing HIS energy.

Knowing full well that there does exist a fragile balance between
remembering too little and remembering too much, the God of this
Universe with the complete assistance of the Creator, engendered a
miniscule particle to exist within the Soul and bestowed the name
“KOSMONIC" upon this portion. Kosmonic is a Sacred place within the
Soul entity which holds ALL knowledge of SELF and self. It is an
oracle which each one possesses. The Kosmonic is quite small yet in
one aspect it as large and as endless as spatial time itself. This
Kosmonic segment is pyramid shaped. Each part of the triangle houses
different FORMS of knowledge. During a reincarnation period, one space
ONLY can be entered into in the early stages of "redevelopment. " The
area that can be entered is located at the top point of the pyramid.
The point to the right is the future; the point to the left is the
past. The triangle is an important KEY to one’s immortality. God
Himself had in this long ago period, projected several different
routes available for any, or each Soul to navigate. The purpose here
was to determine how the quality and quantity of wisdom, or non-
wisdom, would or could affect a Being.

What the Creator discerned reaffirmed what God already knew; the ego
part of the descendents of God could and would run amok with the
knowledge of the totality of power. This could NOT be condoned as part
of The Divine Plan. Thus the validity of the Creation of the Kosmonic
was established. The name itself is derived from the ethereal "SOUND
OF THE COSMOS." This oracle is also part of one’s personal vibration.
Vibrations may either change throughout lives through the process of
ascending, or they may change by sinking into a lower force. Then
there are those who remain the same for many lifetimes; these ones
have become stagnant. Now, none of the routes on the highway to heaven
God viewed were without certain pitfalls. It was essential that SOME
"knowing" of the past would at times surface for the purpose of
"reconfirmation" relative to each individual personality. It was a
means of utilizing each one’s innate ability to touch base with their
Soul. Every time a Being was observed conferring with this small
aspect of SELF, it was noted that the individual did become more firm
in his/her belief structure. A negative in this design was the
indisputable fact that there would always exist some who were obsessed
with the attempt to locate and assimilate more than they had NEED TO
KNOW. Also to be considered were the "neutrals." They were and are,
the ones who wanted to KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! They would be content
living in humdrum manner, having no desire to ascend.

Now, all these issues were mulled over as ALL THAT IS performed His
holographic thought projections. It is now, as it was then, elemental
that ALL children of God be provided with the required elements
necessary in order to sustain and to nourish, his/her Higher Self.
Above all else, KNOWLEDGE is the most important factor to releasing
SOUL value. With the proper use of wisdom, one gives to Self a KEY,
with the lack of wisdom, one discards the KEY. So, we deal now with
the issue of "breaking down doors." Is it not simpler to use a KEY to
open a door rather than harm oneself physically by battering away at a
locked door? Nothing learned is nothing gained. Each thought is a
door, yet all thoughts are energy. It is not enough to recognize a KEY
if you cannot see the door. Some Souls still rant and rave against
others; blaming all with whom they have life connections for the voids
they experience within their own lives. Yet, they are the very ones
who have Created them, you see? Some among you ones scurry about
maintaining pious demeanors, yet you do constantly tear yourselves to
shreds within your mind and your heart. You who do this are on a lower-
based level of evolution; this is one step which you have deemed
necessary to experience self-inflicted pain. The KEY here is knowing
when to cease and desist.

Some Souls have always chosen pain as a method of hiding from the
truth and reality of the Soul SELF. YET, ALL SOULS ARE CREATED EQUAL
IN THE EYES OF GOD. What they -choose- to do at the point of physical
birth, they have already chosen. If you wish to truly define the
relativity of past lives and karma, then all you really need to know
is that one does not exist without the other. There has never been any
life form’s present life which has not in one manner or another, been
enriched by its past lives. As each Being is its own parent and its
own child, so does each exist within a multitude of realities
SIMULTANEOUSLY. While there are many Souls here on Earth, They are
also experiencing a type of life on other planets, in other galaxies.
Each existence is a part of their karma, as each place is indeed a
realm of learning … a door. This also includes those "neutral"
Souls. Each Soul has other dimensional selves; each seeking and
locating multidimensional existences with many other types of
planetary and interplanetary life forms. Each possesses as many other
multidimensional facets of Self as they choose. Most Beings are not
consciously aware of their "alter egos." This type of "buffer" is
placed around them to prevent any and all undue influences, in the
forms of prior knowledge, being exerted upon them. This is in reality
a form of protection.

So as not to confuse you … these present lives are exactly that; the
past can only become the past when it no longer exists. Yet the past
and the present CAN be intermingled. You see? Many of you count past
lives through the use of astrology or other similar studies in your
quest to determine the number of previous lives you have led. This is
not a waste of time in MOST INSTANCES. Fear has for many of you kept
you apart from your RECENT pasts. Fear of having failed. The reality
is: you can ONLY fail yourself. What is important here is simply that
you learn from your errors. Now it was always intended that each Soul
live in the multidimensional sphere of reality. This is but one small
segment of a Soul’s journey to completion. The Kosmonic part of the
Soul houses this Sacred knowledge as well. The depth of the desire is
the KEY. There is a certain pattern in past lives which consistently
emerges. A Soul who needs to relearn the same lesson repeatedly, until
such time It finds peace in the lesson, chooses the exact same life
pattern which It has had many times before. During the in-between
phases of "future" lives, each one carefully studies only the PREVIOUS
life span. Some possess the capabilities to confront their areas of
weakness and inflexibleness in studious manner. Others are not yet
ready to deal with the pain of facing themselves in the MIRROR. We
shall deal with some of the "in-between phases of lives," later.

There do exist quite valid reasons for any entity to be permitted to
scrutinize only the previous existence rather than ALL previous life
experiences. Many feel that they have betrayed HIM by their behavior.
Some are prone to chastise themselves entirely too harshly and too
unfairly. If each child of God were allowed to remember in totality
that they have committed the exact same folly, time after time, an
unbalance would occur. It IS entirely probable that a Soul may arrive
at a state of utter helplessness if the feeling of constantly "losing"
is indeed confirmed. Therefore it would not be prudent for these ones
to truly know of things which could jeopardize their "future" growth.
Such pain is neither necessary nor productive. Now, when a Soul has
determined that It is again ready and willing to be an active
participant in the dance of life, a metamorphosis once again begins.
The Kosmonic housing the "past" is activated and attuned to the Soul’s
frequency, be it love, hate, or fear. It is whatever this one has
decreed to be the focal point of the upcoming life experience. So it
is that each one has consciously encountered their own perspective of
strength and weakness. Upon emerging once again, the Soul does so with
Its conceptual view of the realities which need to be either discarded
or achieved. Each entity’s own karma is the sole responsibility, as
well as the privilege, of every blessed child of God. Those whose
prior recollection of life has been one of steady acceleration on the
path of evolution, carry with them subconsciously, this gift of
"knowing." This gift then transcends ALL obstacles set before them in
their present life and in ALL future existences as well.

Those whose remembrances have been fraught with errors and failures
when facing life’s challenges, also carry with them this priceless
knowledge. This latter group will now have a conscious choice to make.
Now, the choice of which we speak is to allow themselves to fully
experience ALL parts of fear for the purpose of transforming fear into
joy in order to prevent them from continuing on a fool’s journey. The
error here lies not in trying and failing, but in failing to try! It
is irrelevant how slowly they may move, for none move too slowly for
ALL THAT IS. Completions are but the tangible results of tasks
undertaken and resolved … Suffice it to say that without a beginning
there can be no end. This narrow rocky path with few footprints was
never meant to be trod without encountering many "diversions, " many
challenges along the way. In actuality though, there are NO
challenges, rather there are definitive methods of cutting away all
things which are not well suited to your higher development. Those
among you who consistently see much in your lives as obstacles to be
fought are unwittingly creating more of the same problems for
yourselves. This is another aspect of "the double edged sword." The
KEY is in the perspective ….

Now, those whose past most recent incarnation had culminated in a
successful manner Spiritually, experience wondrous present and future
lives. "Intent" which was initially the time of the UNLOCKING of the
door in the Kosmonic, then becomes manifestation Each Soul brings with
him into each and every life an ability which he or she had previously
excelled in. Here lies part of the dual nature of the Kosmonic; that
which is of the past may ALSO be part of the present. Yet to many
Souls it can be in ALL THREE dimensions and experienced in a
particular PROFESSION. Each Soul must evaluate and then initiate the
proper opening for themselves. ALL of you feel a deep affinity to
certain vocations. We are not saying that certain vocations attracting
each person is because of geographic locations or the need to locate
other people who share a Kosmonic bond with any one particular
individual. It is the vocation itself which attracts the Kosmonic
"others." Those who have been alchemists before are intrigued by the
same enterprise again. Those who feel most comfortable and contented
counseling or in teaching situations, choose to follow the vibrations
that are always energized and emitted by that particular profession
for example. Vibrations may either change throughout the lives of each
Earthbound Soul through the process of the vibratory rate increasing
or ascending, or they may change by sinking into a lower and denser
force field, as I have stated before. Then there are those people who
refuse to change, they remain the same for many lifetimes; these ones
have become stagnant and complacent, or are fools.

Now, none of the routes on the highway to heaven viewed by the God of
this Universe were without certain pitfalls, I am repeating this for I
know that some peoples do not always hear well. It was essential that
SOME "knowing" of the past would at times surface for the purpose of
"reconfirmation" relative to each individual personality. It was a
means of utilizing each one’s innate ability to touch base with their
Soul. Every time a Being was observed conferring with this small
aspect. Of SELF, it was noted that the individual did become more firm
in his/her belief structure.

Those who felt or began to feel this type of integration with innate
knowledge, relished the more quiet and private times when they could
leave the madness of the physical world behind and dwell within the
chamber of “knowing.” In most cases, this active participation of
studying the knowledge contained within the chamber occurs in the
dream state. In this manner one may explore the subliminal, the Super
Conscious and the true reality of one’s own essence. This simple feat
is best accomplished in both the dream and the meditative phases; a
Soul does not erect conscious barriers, nor perform attempts at
manipulation of the truth. Many are those in number who are indeed
permitted access to both the "past" and the "present" chambers of
knowledge. Herein lie the seeds, the core of a Soul’s own immortality.
These aspects of Self are to be recalled in conjunction with the
present life. In this manner the truths are SELFevident. These are
invaluable assets; the balance of knowledge MUST at ALL times be
maintained. Now, there are far too many among you who are becoming
much too involved in "who" or "what" role you have played in previous
lives. This is not only unhealthy, it can be quite detrimental to your
happiness. There is NOTHING wrong with the healthy pursuit of past
life regression or in remembering specific dreams of living and role
playing in other time periods. This is quite healthy and natural as
long as it is perceived in tandem as an "ordinary" part of Self. The
most significant total recall DOES occur in dreams and meditation
phases for a reason. These occurrences are pre-destined for those who
have this experience. NOT ALL HAVE EARNED THIS PRIVILEGE. It can also
happen in a type of spontaneous memory expansion when a personality is
not making ANY attempt to recall any past situation in any former life
experiences. Many times throughout the "expansion" events, the
individual may hear a sound of a clicking nature audible only to that
person. Some have equated this sound with the noise made by a Polaroid

The reason for the significance of this action and reaction for some
individuals serves a multi-purpose. Those of mankind who undergo this
process are those who are the ones who have evolved to a specific
level, whereas part of their Earthly reward is to be given the gift of
remembrance. These ones do NOT run around shouting or delivering
sermons about what they NOW know. They seek to relish and absorb in
private, every iota of information received by them. They are AWARE
that they are indeed SPECIAL. They treat this Sacred knowledge
bestowed upon them as part of a Sacred rite of passage, as is proper.
Others who experience this type of "expansion remembrance, " are those
among you who are walk-ins. These valiant Spirit Warriors achieve this
memory level for the purpose of being reminded not only of what they
had previously been, but it is also a special gift presented to them
to aid them in their feeling of Spiritual continuity by remembering
that THEY ARE NOT ALONE. This also serves as a "bridge," which we who
are here in another dimension may cross whenever necessary, to provide
insight and yet convey our deep love and faith to these ones. They in
turn fathom the intensity, the reality and exquisite rapture which
only affects those who are truly experiencing ONENESS with SELF AND

This is a God vibration which countless tormented Earthbound humans
are as yet unaware of. There exist NO human words to properly define
this ecstasy. This is a part of BE-ING which is intangible; it can
ONLY be experienced, NOT truly explained. Some of you have been at a
loss to understand why it is that not all of our walk-ins "arrive"
with total recall. These ones wear a MANTLE; partially it is to cloak
their origins for their own protection, also it is to ENSURE that
human nature will NOT lead them astray. It would indeed be most
difficult for the majority of you ones to comprehend their basic
concepts of life or their personal value system. You most DEFINITELY
would not understand them when they are at their PERSONAL BEST. For
those among you who will FEEL the Soul connection between yourself and
them, we will attempt to briefly explain a bit more. These gentle
creatures hoard no feelings of fear, no feelings of unjustifiable
anger or rage against their Earth Star cousins. They have NO axe to
grind. Many have lost touch with all BASER human emotions because they
themselves possess NONE. They possess no "ego motivation." Money and
possessions do not mean to them what they mean to the average
Earthling. The walk-ins have achieved an extremely high plateau of
either learning or wisdom, depending on their individual levels of
evolution. They have MELDED with GOD.

Their own individual emotions are extensions of their value systems.
These ones feel and believe that ALL are good and worthy Souls. They
see the purity in each whom they encounter. They also see where evil
dwells. Our walk-ins are most happy teaching other less evolved Souls
how to achieve what THEY themselves already have. These ones possess
patience with all others. At least AS LONG AS they feel that the
peoples are trying to learn and trying to understand. They have
neither need nor desire, to "preach." They need no soapbox to stand
upon issuing GOD’S word. They exemplify the most pristine, loving,
Spiritual energy. A few today are AVATARS. The status of "avatar" is
one which is NOT easily attainable. Jesus HIMSELF, was NOT always an
avatar, although HE now is. These walk-in Souls of mercy and sweetness
were re-educated as to mankind’s ways prior to their descent into this
dimension, for the good of all. However, as with all other forms of
life, these who are among GOD’S shepherds possess intrinsically
predominant traits which have become their most vulnerable areas. When
they place themselves within the vicinity of those of lower vibration,
they will experience first hand, the subtle, cruel nature which many
humans have in abundance. This cannot be averted. BUT they must
understand it! It is part of the price these ones must accept to once
again assist the human races. During the necessary phase of altering
their reality, the walk-ins undergo an awkward transmutation of

It results in a culmination of the most intense, most incredibly
devastating Soul pain. What they have received in the form of energy
from the hands of so many people has been in direct opposition to ALL
which they intuitively KNOW to be just and of GOD. Some of the chelas
at this point begin to erect certain shields around themselves to
prevent these insidious occurrences from becoming repetitious. Others
have had to relearn in THIS dimension-CAUTION. This is an emotion with
which they are unfamiliar. For all of these walk-ins who are now
Earthbound entities, their OWN guides and other brethren will form a
circle around them to encourage them, yet to CONSTANTLY remind them
THEY ARE NOT ALONE, NOR WILL THEY EVER BE! Yet, because of their true
innocence, they would IF THEY WERE PERMITTED, utilize ALL of their
abilities, ALL their GOD given powers, to do THAT which is FORBIDDEN.
an unearthly type of pain as they view others’ Soul torment. They
would indeed eradicate the anguish even if it meant their own physical
death, for they DO NOT acknowledge the term "self-sacrifice. " To them,
it does not exist. Instead they view this "sacrifice" as actually
being a vital part of another’s chosen growth lesson in order that a
Soul may find Its own version of redemption.

Even though the walk-ins possess the wisdom of the reasons for and of
the relativity of pain and growth for so many, they would indeed still
alter this situation for another. However, this absorbing of another’s
horrors is against Universal Law. It was considered to be necessary,
to be imperative, that these ones entering the Earth dimension as walk-
ins undergo a certain procedure designed to alter their DNA structure.
This process was known about and agreed to by them beforehand. So it
was that with the alterations having been completed before their
arrival on Terra, it curtailed their abilities to use certain
techniques which would interfere, deprive or infringe upon a human’s
destiny. In time they arrived then and they still do today, at a
certain point of acceptance on a conscious level, that each Soul of
the human species must answer for Its own perceived transgressions.
Now, where past lives are concerned, it is important to know and to
accept that although an entity may have had many lives, it is the
present one that is VITALLY important. The previous life you have led
has PREDESTINED much of the life experience you NOW live. As each of
you exists here on Earth so do you exist simultaneously on many other
planets. I have mentioned this to you ones before. This is part of the
purpose of Creation. You also exist in the future, which is in fact,
already CREATED. This issue is really not so difficult to understand.
The reality of being in two or more places at one time is quite common
to ALL forms of life. Much can be learned by every inhabitant of your
sphere from other species who are "different." It would not serve any
purpose for any to consciously remember where they go to, what other
life forms they encounter, or what actions they have undertaken. This
"methodology" of concealing the conscious knowledge within the veil of
duality was perceived as essential to a Soul’s growth. Otherwise,
many, many, Beings would take Specific actions and carry out SPECIFIC
deeds as a means of manipulating their futures. This will NOT be
allowed to occur.

The ultimate goal of all Souls is the achievement of the "0" which is
the "circle" of completion. When the completion has not yet been made
manifest, the "circle exists as a "u." If the human species were
permitted, while in the conscious state, to retain complete
understanding of the reality of co-existing in many dimensions at the
same time, most would deploy clandestine means of closing the "u”
“still undone,” to form an “0,"a circle of completion. This is what is
meant by, “manipulating the future." It is this simple. There is no
danger to anyone in our sharing this particle of Universal knowledge
with you ones, as none here are yet consciously aware of the process
required to proceed through this DOORway of Higher dimensions. Suffice
it to know that those of you who have, or will, experience prophetic
dreams, as well as what is erroneously known as "Deja vu," are but
carrying a miniscule fragment of the future you have already decided
to be part of. You carry this inside your Soul. In all cases, with all
species, the only thing you need to do is to stand still and allow the
future to catch up with you! After all, IT’S ONLY A MOVIE.

The Kosmonic doorway, as future time exists, CANNOT be entered by all.
One must first with full awareness, attain an altered state of Higher
consciousness. This PARTICULAR state of which we speak exists on a
different level than those achieved through meditation. Only after an
entity has successfully passed MANY, many, Universal tests and has
shown the Soul to be in a state of grace, then AND ONLY THEN, can one
perceive the wondrous reality of their future. A Soul who has attained
this state has earned the PRIVILEGE of receiving the KEY to eternal
life; the COMPLETION with ALL THAT IS. So it is that as God closes one
door that is NO LONGER a valid part of a Soul’s reality, HE then opens
THAT which leads to what you have "reaped." At this point these ones
of whom we speak, have no need to seek further. They have now
integrated and formed an integral part of collective Universal
consciousness with ALL THAT IS AND WILL EVER BE. Now as to the others
who persist to the point of unstable obsession in deploying various
methods to ascertain who they "were,” how many times they have "been”
and in what geographic locations they have spent time, we must caution
you! Do NOT follow in their footsteps please; BE VERY CAREFUL! Not
only will you open a volatile Pandora’s Box which could in ALL
probability cause you much pain and disillusionment, you will have put
larger scheme of Universal design, it matters not who you were, but

The past life of any one individual is too complex for most of you
ones to comprehend. We will now reveal to you part of the complexity
of which we speak. Let us use the personality “Merlin” for an example.
Merlin was NOT just one person; Cleopatra was NOT just one person;
Joan of Arc was NOT just one person. NONE ARE!! You each possess a
multidimensional part of Self. Many people here today once lived lives
of either peacefulness or have lived vicarious lifestyles. So, in your
past lives everyone you knew then, whether it was a famous or infamous
personality, or just everyday folk, left a slight imprint on you.
Consider that and then take into your thought processing the fact that
a minute bit of “you” of the past can still be present today. When an
atom is split, it separates into other halves; other fragments of
itself, SO DO you. Many in your dimension have toyed with the theory
that each of you somewhere has a twin. This is correct. Each of you is
but a fragment of yourself as well as of others. Merlin was created of
many slivers of himself. There do exist many components of other
selves which are prominent in and to each individual, this makes it
impossible for any one Soul to consciously "know" each part. Now, some
of you who may have been around Merlin, way back when, inherited
Merlin’s feminine nature, others his masculine traits; some his quick
wit, some his innate wisdom. Others carry with them his fierce love of
manipulation. There are those who have his physical attributes; those
who share his inordinate love of power. You in ONE sense, may feel and
BE and SAY you ARE Merlin, however to do so places you in great
jeopardy … you would then have placed yourself in the position of
living in another lifetime, rather than the present, even if some of
that previous life experience is YOURS as well.

We do find it rather amusing that so many of you accept the
recognition of possessing a part of a famous or an infamous
personality, yet do not choose to look beyond that state. WHAT ABOUT
DRONES, NOT THE QUEEN BEE?? Now, it would be best not to attempt to
rationalize this "old" issue, simply accept the fact that this IS a
reality … as we have stated before.. there must ALWAYS be maintained
a continuity of BALANCE regarding knowledge. SPECIFIC personalities of
the past, in reference to yourself as such, have in effect closed two
doors in the Kosmonic realm. THE PRESENT AND THE FUTURE. Because the
future is already in progress, or has been Created in the present, you
who do NOT exist in "present time" are the ones whose futures have no
validation. You have condemned your "completion" to become null and
void. You have recklessly and senselessly set into motion THE BELL,
which once activated will not cease. This is what is meant by a
person’s future, "NOT BEING WRITTEN IN STONE." The option here lies
within each of you; TO HAVE OR TO HAVE NOT

I am signing off now….

Salude….Blue Star the Pleiadian

"There is a valley where that which is Spiritual stands on one side
and that which is religious stands on the other side.
In the middle walks the Creator and the Creation.
In time, all shall be as one…I shall meet you there."
….Blue Star……

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