Your world has become a strange place over the past several months.
What is going on, you wonder? The dissolution of reality as you know it
— or rather, as you have been led to believe it was. The time of the
power play is coming to its long and drawn-out end, but not before world
affairs work the audience over a little bit more. There is a scuffle
happening onstage, behind the curtains, as the power players vie for the
sole microphone and control of the spotlight. Pay attention now, as we
stealthily climb from the seats and pull the curtains back, just a
little. What you hear might spoil the ending for the hard-core ticket
holders among you, so if you are one of them, you might want to cover
your ears. You know who you are.

For those of you who are still listening, we will fill you in on our
take of recent world-drama events as they pertain to this particular
stage. Not long ago, someone burst the bubble of the collective human
psyche with a deliberate drill-down into a very deep fear. Are you safe
in the hands of the ones entrusted with the continued integrity of the
planetary matrix, or have you been bamboozled by the charlatans posing
as responsible human guardians of the public safety? Are the turns of
events leading up to the current state of affairs — in which peace is
increasingly a victim of war and independent freedom is tossed
haphazardly under the grinding wheels of commerce — are these truly the
natural evolutionary artifacts of your highly civilized modern culture,
or might they rather be a symptom on a grand scale of an endemic
disorder of the system of the global human organism? These and other
diametrically opposed pairs of questions arise from the murky depths of a
world held captive in a net of worse coming to worst before your
trauma-weary eyes. The veil of untruth has been pierced, dear readers,
people of the audience. Through the hole in the wall, let those who can
hear give a listen. We carefully back up so you can see for yourselves
what is transpiring in the shadows of this momentous entre-acte.

Behind the curtain of illusion, deception, and lies, a potent force
is emptying its power in the internecine squabble of the key players.
The curtain drawn, their power loses coherence. They cannot see, from
where they are, the multitude of pairs of eyes watching their plot
unravel, their masks and makeup lose their effect, the script fall to
the floor unheeded and unsold. The argument at present centers on the
eventual need for some rather drastic action to be taken on behalf of
the show’s producers. Let’s listen to what they have to say, unscripted
and unplugged.

FIRST MAN: The plan is going to fall apart unless we put our foot
down and demand the Company start showing a profit, regardless of who

SCENE-STEALING STRATEGIST: It isn’t going to take much to take down
the whole theatre, but taking a little bit off the top won’t hurt
anyone… much.

WOMAN OF GREAT RENOWN: If I don’t get a bit of my own, believe me there will be hell to pay!

FINANCIER: Be quiet! Everything is going to be fine… I just need a minute to explain it all to you…

MINION OF THE OVERLORDS: Boy, is this going to get ugly. Good time to get lost…

… and above it all, THE PUPPETEER, getting tangled in his own strings: This… is… not… supposed… to happen… this way!

And with a crash, they all fall down. In stunned silence, you watch
their tangled bodies struggle beneath the weight of their own debris.
There is nothing more to see, from the looks of the bashed and mangled
set, the scattered masks and broken accoutrements of the play. The
spotlight turns away from the sad spectacle, past us, past the stage,
and falls upon you.

Dear reader, when illumination finds you, what will you do? In that
moment, when the silent expectation of the empty mind is poised for the
inspiration that follows your next breath, what will you say? You shape
vibration by your righteous thought moving from the core of who you
truly are into the dimensional array of reality. In this moment of
truth, where you stand bathed in light, that reality awaits the sound of
the next step you take.

Renegade Thoughts