Beloved ones, as each of you turn your beautiful face to Me,
feel yourself transparent… that the Spirit of Love of which you are made
may sing within your being and speak within your heart… that you might
feel the joy, the joy of God I Am as I touch and honor the truth of you.

of you is unique and beautiful. Each holds a strand of the weavings of
life. Each one of you holds the gift of the Spirit of God and makes of
it a new thing, a greater expression of life. Therefore, I ask you, each
of you, to deeply honor this eternal spark of life. Come to know your
center, that you might recognize what I see when I look at you, and you
might acknowledge deep in your being that we are inseparable.

I Am
that of which you are made and you are My Love expressed. Each moment
you are held and honored, sung to by all the Angels and acknowledged as
the center of My being, My heart, and the most magnificent expression of
My Love.

Therefore, dear ones, it is time for you to release the
dream of limitation. It is time for you to fly free, to rise above the
perceptions that you have held until now, and to recognize the glory
that you are as you are held and cherished always as the living heart of
Love. So many times I come to you to fill you with this Light, to wash
you in My Love for you, only to find you turned away from Me, gazing at
the dream of the world and measuring yourselves against it, against the
false illusive view of the ego and finding yourselves coming up short.

those moments when I cover you with My Love, I say to you with all the
vast power and splendor of the whole of Creation, "Stop. Turn. Open,
beloved ones, to Me, and see truly who you are that you might recognize
the glory of your being and stop measuring yourself by this dream that
cannot hold a candle to who you are, and can never give you freedom."

is time to open your hearts and to recognize your freedom. It is time
to leave behind all the images of the life of a human being. It is time
to remember, My beloved, each of you so precious to Me, that there is
nothing in Creation that is greater than you. Nothing with the power and
the presence of your Love.

So for you to believe that you must
live up to the standards of the ego’s world of duality is to believe the
deepest untruth in the universe. So many of you have become confused
between loving yourself as the ego wants you to, and becoming this open
and transparent heart that is ever being fed the food of God and
awakening each moment into the cosmos…the cosmos that holds you in the
highest honor and esteem and that sings to you these endless hymns of
Love, washing through your being with the truth of you.

moment you are fed this food of Love, but the only way you can recognize
who you are, beloved ones, is to open your true heart and to feel this
call of our unity, to feel yourself present to the whole of God… to find
rising in your being this greatest joy that sings to you the messages
of perfect Love that are the breath of life I breathe to you and the
nourishment of your spirit.

Not one moment can you be separate
from My Love and never are you less than the heart of God. So for you to
place your focus in the world and to live by the ego’s impossible
standards, to find yourselves "never enough" — for this is what the ego
is always up to — is the deepest rift in the whole of Love… that the
heart of God I Am, which is you, does not know itself.

I Am here
to awaken this heart of Love that lives in you and speaks your name in
truth and holds the resonance of your perfection in the center of your
being, that you might recognize yourself for what you are — each of you
a vision of splendor and each of you a heart of perfect Love. Each of
you is without limitation and every one of you is perfectly made in the
endless dance of exquisite Love in which the truth is ever shown before
you and lit like the central sun of all Creation. That truth is the
Light that is My eternal intention, that My heart which is you, beloved,
each precious cell fully conscious, will be that which nourishes All
That Is and knows itself eternally valued and endlessly and gloriously

Only your heart can truly show you who you are and your
heart will always show the truth of Love — that it is not possible for
you to be imperfect. How could the heart of All That Is be less than
beautiful. Every moment you are the spark of Creation accepting this
Love, giving itself to the whole of God and becoming ever more conscious
of its value and ever more alive to its beauty.

You are this
heart of Love, and it is already alive in the center of your being, ever
waiting for you to shift your focus… that you might become connected to
the universe that is itself coming forth brand new, singing hymns of
Love to the center of All. That center which is alive as you, living
endlessly in celebration of the perfection of Love I Am, is made
manifest in new ways through you.

The illusion of the physical, of
the body and the comparisons, endlessly, of the ego have served to keep
you facing away from Me, mesmerized by all that you are lacking. With
one turn, one shift, beloved ones, your heart will recognize that you
are endlessly receiving the gift of life and the mirror of your

As you allow My presence to speak your name, the name
that holds your truth, how can I ever tell you of your beauty? Or show
you the magnificence of your reach? Or bring to you this endless moment
of discovery as you bring Me to all life and make Me available?

can tell you that this can only live in your awakened heart, and the
truth of this harmony, this joy, this perfect expression of the Love of
God given forth as the heart of All ever beating…this is the truth of
who you are. Your open heart knows it every moment. It is only the
miasma of the little mind that can keep you from feeling your true

And yet, its hold on you, beloved, is so flimsy that one
choice, one turn and it is over, and all the eons of inadequacy fall
away as you awaken to your being, to the vast and endless truth of God
knowing itself in this moment as you. The moment that you turn and say
"Yes," you have primed the pump to the fountain of life and the waters
of truth pour into you to nourish every moment and to make of you the
extended heart of perfect Love, bringing this truth to all life, that
each life might feel My open heart, the heart of Love that is alive in

Therefore, do I call you to this choice, to make the choice
for the open heart. Turn, dear ones, precious hearts, and let the Love
you are inform your being. Let the truth of God pour throughout your
being and let the center of the spark of life light you, that you might
recognize that in you I Am made again in new ways that only Love can do.

Creation in exultation comes forth now, your heart acknowledges you are
the conduit of Love, giving forth the life blood of All I Am and
knowing yourself as valued, honored, acknowledged and endlessly loved in
such perfect ways.

Thus is it time to leave behind the lies of
the ego mind and the consensual dream that forever try to tell you that
you are "not enough," whispering endlessly that I don’t love you,
painting for you scenarios of loss and whispering that I am responsible.
Every dream of imperfection is ever and always the creation of the
limited ego, attempting to make something of itself when it is only
mist, a dream of being less than the perfect Love that you truly are.

moment of bathing in this truth and you will never again be fooled into
believing that you are less than the perfect heart of God I Am,
endlessly charged, available and ecstatically giving forth this Love in
brand new and astounding ways. The giving then provides for you the
truth…brings you perfectly into the circle of life which feeds you the
message of who you are every time your heart is open and every moment
that you say "Yes" to the Love you are.

Oh, beloved ones, each of
you, please hear Me. If you can drop this game of imperfection in this
instant and allow your heart to truly open to Me until you know with all
your being that you are free…that you receive this heart perfectly and
all the power, all the grace, all the energy, All I Am is right here
knowing itself as you, astounded by the glory of the feeling that is so
different from the ego’s pictures to love yourself. Of course, in the
ego’s world this is not enough because the little mind will make sure
you don’t believe it… unless you fully make the turn, the shift to the
heart, and awaken to the communion of this Love.

Allow yourselves
to feel this inclusion. Allow your whole being to be honored that you
might know yourself as integral and valuable, necessary to the whole of
Love and you might know that I Am whole when you are free and accepting
your truth and your value as the irreplaceable open heart of God, the
conduit by which the whole of Love receives that which is given here and
now. The nourishment of eternal life can therefore find itself
acknowledged and expressed right here, right now, as you.

Once you
turn and look away from the ego’s world, your heart will blossom and
become transparent. Every moment you are drinking from the fountain of
life, accepting this elixir of eternity and drinking in My Message of
your beauty, acknowledging your ability to give and finding that you are
needed in a million ways to bring to birth Love’s perfection right
here, right now.

But the world that the ego mind has made will
never accept this beauty, will always be looking for something different
and turning away from the very source of life I Am, digging through the
debris of the illusion that you are separate from My Message of your
perfection, looking over the wasteland of the broken heart. With one
turn you recognize perfection, perfection that is alive here as you and
open to the symmetry of the cosmos as it acknowledges the heart of Love
and shows you perfectly who you are, who you are as the heart of All
That Is, responsive and giving.

Every moment you are giving forth
Love. You open to the beauty I Am showing you, open to the truth of who
you are, trusting your heart to guide you and trusting the great mandala
of life, the breathtaking beauty of Love’s expression in which every
part also holds the whole. There is no dream of separation.

that every moment you are free, and the vastness of your being cannot
be limited as you let yourself remember. Become free of the ego’s dream,
become this transparent heart through which Love knows itself and I
know all Creation as each aspect is held in Love, blessed and
acknowledged and filled with grace by you, My heart, awakened now. My
heart, perfectly informing the world that only the truth of Love will
return to each of you the recognition of your value. Only the truth of
Love will give to you Real joy in life and open you to the glory of
Creation as it is held perfectly in you — one heart beating its
perfection in an endless exchange of acknowledgement that the truth is
held in your being and you are the center of All That Is. You are
expressing Love, rejoicing in the universe and allowing this Message of
Love to reach you, to fill you and to awaken the freedom in which you
are meant to live right now.

Once you are alive to your truth,
then the world becomes Love expressed, for the heart feels the truth of
Love as unity and always sees each heart as more than… more than the
greatest Love, more than anything the mind can acknowledge, more than
the joy of giving forth blessings and purpose and energy, for you are
the center of the All. You are My heart and the moment you can feel
this, everything at last falls into place and you at last will recognize
that I Am the source of your identity and I Am ever showing you just
who you are and just how perfectly is this Love of which you are made.

shall the world of Love be born as the heart of God you are begins to
recognize that that which My heart loves is raised up, multiplied and
given consciousness with the expansion of the one truth that Love is
all. Love is the only answer. Love is that of which you are made. It is
your nourishment and the essence of your being. Every breath is an
acceptance of the gift of life. Each out-breath is the continuation of
this giving…the giving forth of the truth of Love that My heart might
see Creation perfectly, and so it does and ever will show you the world
that Love made.

I Am with you and I Am your heart. I Am the power
of your being. I Am your ecstasy. And I Am ever showing you who you are,
exquisitely perfect, endlessly powerful and totally free.