Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Humanity is in the midst of an unprecedented shift of energy,
vibration, and consciousness. Planetary and celestial events are causing
the frequency of vibration to be greatly accelerated within every
atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth.

This shift of vibration is tangibly affecting every man, woman, and
child at a cellular level. Even if people do not understand exactly what
happening to them, everyone seems to be aware that something very
unusual is taking place in their physical bodies, their emotions, and
their thinking processes.

People around the world are experiencing all kinds of unusual things
due to this accelerated vibration. Millions of people feel like they are
in a blender or riding an emotional roller coaster as they go about
their daily activities. People are having dramatic mood swings, which
are very out of character from their usual behavior patterns.

Other people are having abnormal bouts with fear, anxiety, stress,
and even panic attacks. I know there are a lot of stressful things
taking place in people’s lives due to the collapse of the economy, the
housing debacle, and the loss of jobs, etcetera, but at some level, this
phenomenon is happening to everyone regardless of whether or not they
are personally affected by outer-world circumstances.

People are experiencing all kinds of unusual physical symptoms, which
they have not suffered in the past. Many are having headaches for the
first time or painful back problems. Others may not be able to focus
their thoughts or their short-term memory may seem to be failing. People
are experiencing unexplained flu-like symptoms, allergies, excessive
fatigue, sleepiness or insomnia, joint and muscle pain, digestive
problems, dizziness or lightheadedness, and every other physical,
mental, and emotional malady under the Sun.

It is important for all of us to realize that the acceleration
process we are going through is a necessary part of the purging and
rebirth that needs to take place in order for us to physically manifest
the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. Fortunately, the Company
of Heaven has revealed important information and given us very powerful
tools that will assist us to complete this process quickly with fewer
painful symptoms.

There are a few very easy things we can do in addition to using the
tools and techniques that have been given to us by our Father-Mother God
and the Company of Heaven. We can raise our vibrations by eating more
organic raw fruits and vegetables and by drinking pure water. We can
also raise our vibrations by listening to uplifting music, thinking
positive thoughts, walking in nature, relaxing in water, reading
inspirational books, playing, loving, laughing, and anything else that
opens our hearts and fills us with joy.

As we move through this Ascension process, we must KNOW that it is
not the intent of our Father-Mother God for us to stay stuck in the pain
and suffering that is being pushed to the surface to be transmuted and
transformed into Light. Quite the contrary. It is their desire that we
utilize the precious tools and techniques that They have given to us, so
that we can Ascend quickly into the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of
harmony and balance. In the higher frequencies into which we are
Ascending, we will gratefully experience the vibrant health, eternal
youth, abundance, peace, love, and abounding joy that is awaiting each
of us.

In order for the monumental unfolding Divine Plan in August to be God
Victoriously accomplished, Humanity must be vibrating at the highest
frequency of Divine Light that we are capable of receiving. This is why
the Company of Heaven is asking that we redouble our efforts during the
next few months.

Between now and the global influx of Light that will take place in
August, there will be several opportunities for Humanity to join
together in global meditations to increase the Light we are adding to
the world. However, what you and I do on a DAILY basis by joining in
consciousness with Lightworkers around the world between now and that
Cosmic Moment will expand the Light on Earth exponentially.

Our unified efforts will raise the energy, vibration, and
consciousness of our Earthly Bodies into frequencies of Light beyond
anything we have ever experienced. This will catapult each of us toward
the vibrant health, eternal youth, and infinite perfection of our
physical, etheric, mental, and emotional Solar Light Bodies.

This, in turn, will greatly empower our ability to be effective
instruments of God during this unparalleled time of Earth’s Ascension
into the Light. We will infinitely expand our ability to be a Chalice of
Light through which the Light of God will flow to transform this planet
and all her Life into the patterns of perfection of the New Earth.

Patrcia Diane Cota-Robles